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See also [[Locked in a Freezer]], [[Instant Birth, Just Add Water]], and [[Screaming Birth]].
== [[Anime]] &and [[Manga]] ==
* In ''[[Vandread]]'', Kahlua a.k.a. Pyoro-2 was born in an elevator. [[The Hero|The male lead]] is initially tasked with handling the delivery, but he manages to hand it over to his love-interest fairly quickly. (This is interesting because she, theoretically, shouldn't be any more qualified for it than he is, and yet she handles it like a pro simply on account of being a woman.)
** Couldn't it be the fact that he grew up on a planet where pregnancy, live birth, etc., doesn't exist? (Thus making him even less qualified than any random earth male...)
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*** [[Squick|...and they're the most popular pairing among Japanese fans.]]
== [[Film]] ==
== Films -- Live-Action ==
* This happens in the movie ''Blankman''.
* Averted but referenced in ''[[Die Hard]]''. After Hans and his crew have taken the Nakatomi office workers hostage, Holly <s>McClane</s> Genaro tells him one of them is pregnant. Hans immediately rolls his eyes, expecting this to take place before Holly tells him she's not due for a couple of weeks, but that she need something more comfortable than the floor to sit at. [[Affably Evil|Hans agrees, and has his mooks move a couch from the lobby to the main hall.]]
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* ''[[Men in Black (film)|Men in Black]]'' has this with an alien giving birth to an octopus-shaped baby in a car, starring Agent Jay as [[Delivery Guy]].
== [[Live-Action TV]] ==
* Lucy and Kevin's daughter Savannah on ''[[7th Heaven]]''.
* Happened in ''[[Saved by the Bell]]'' of course, with Mr. Belding's wife.
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* Happens to [[ALF]] of all creatures during his [[Christmas Episode]], with [[Delivery Guy|him making the delivery]] and suggesting the name of a newly-deceased little girl he met earlier for the baby. Yes, even ALF gets a [[Crowning Moment of Heartwarming]] on Christmas, too.
== [[Video Games]] ==
== Video Games ==
* This trope is alluded to in [[Elite Beat Agents]] where a taxi driver is asked to take an expecting woman to the hospital. (However, regardless of whether he succeeds or not, she does not give birth in the taxi.)
== [[Western Animation]] ==
== Western Animation ==
* ''[[King of the Hill]]'': Bobby amuses himself by pressing the buttons for every floor inside an elevator, then gets bored and leaves. A few seconds later, a man and a doctor wheel a birthing woman into the elevator. The door closes. Ding... Ding... "WAAAH!"
== [[Real Life]] ==
* [[Truth in Television]]: Actor [[Jack Lemmon]] was born in an elevator.
== Real Life ==
* [[Truth in Television]]: Actor Jack Lemmon was born in an elevator.
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