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** The worst part of this is the reason she gives for finally telling the people who capture them what is going to happen: she realizes that she and Paris have violated the Prime Directive by virtue of simply being there in the first place, so there's no point in continuing the charade. Which is correct, but it took Janeway the better part of a day to realize what Paris and the rest of the audience knew immediately, time which might have been spent actually coming up with a solution.
* The infamous [[It Just Bugs Me|Physics-defying pickup truck]] from "The 37's". ''Voyager'' comes across a 1936 pickup truck just floating through outer space. They beam it aboard and discover that:
#*# There's still oil in the crankcase, water in the battery & radiator, and ''gas in the tank.''
#*# It starts right up as soon as someone turns the key in the ignition. There's still electricity in the battery. ''Sealed'' batteries don't last much longer than a few years if they go unused.
#*# The lousy AM radio picks up a distress signal through atmospheric interference that none of ''Voyager'''s sophisticated communication equipment can pierce.
#*# It starts right up, despite the fact that [[SF Debris|it's a Ford]].
#*# Torres can't identify cow manure even with a tricorder. Have cattle gone extinct in the Federation?
**#* If natural (non-replicator) meat was banned as cruelty to the cattle, cattle would go extinct very quickly.
**# As if that weren't bad enough, it turns out that the owner of this ''brand-spanking-new'' truck was a poor black sharecropper who (along with a bunch of other people) was abducted from Earth... in 1937. Think about it. That was an age when rural areas still used mules.
* In "Memorial", not only did Janeway not destroy a grossly unethical memorial that traumatized countless millions, but she also ordered that memorial ''repaired''. At least she put up a warning beacon.
** That's because it's a memorial to a Genocide. It's the only remains of the genocided culture, so destroying it would be destroying a priceless artifact. Nonetheless, what were the designers of that thing thinking?!
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