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== [[Live-Action TV]] ==
* Subverted in an episode of ''[[Rawhide]]'', where Rowdy Yates goes through a pane of glass and is ''seriously'' cut up by it.
* ''[[MythBusters]]'' (partially) covered this one.
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* Averted in [[Harper's Island]]. When Trish is trying to escape from {{spoiler|Wakefield}}, she looks as though she is about to punch a window, but then thinks twice and grabs a lamp and smashes it with very little effort. For anyone interested, {{spoiler|she does get away from Wakefield... only to be killed literally two minutes after this scene by the other killer.}}
* Averted in the ''[[Pushing Daisies]]'' episode "Pigeon": Bradan Caden is killed by glass shards upon crashing into a building.
* ''[[Scrubs]]'':
** Carla has to get into Turk's car and brings fellow nurse Laverne along with her. The car's locked, so Laverne shouts a battle cry ("[[Leeroy Jenkins|Lavern Robaaaaaarts!]]") and punches out the window with nary a scratch. Carla is taken aback and cries "Laverne! I have the keys!"
** Averted in another episode, where J.D. tries to break a car window with a heavy object to prove a point. It takes him several minutes of repeated bashing before the glass eventually breaks.
** Near the end of the third season, J.D. and Elliot get [[Will They or Won't They?|back together]], then JD tells her he doesn't love her at the reception dinner. She shoves him onto the table, where he crushes several wine glasses. No injury occurs.
* Subverted in an episode of the original (black and white) ''[[Superman]]'' TV series. The Man'o'Steel has just deflected an asteroid and is feeling a bit woozy. Jimmy Olsen is over and thinks Clark is sick and puts him in the shower. We hear the crash of breaking glass as Clark falls through the shower door. Jimmy later comments on how lucky Clark was as "there wasn't a scratch on him."
* ''[[Supernatural (TV series)|Supernatural]]'' in general seems to take great pains in making sure this trope doesn't occur, at least in major scenes. Eric Kripke has been known to say that it bugs him. Examples include:
The show in general seems to take great pains in making sure this trope doesn't occur, at least in major scenes. Eric Kripke has been known to say that it bugs him. Examples include:
** Averted when a woman is "attacked" by spiders in her shower... and in the flailing to get them off, puts her arm through the shower door and bleeds to death.
** Partly averted in another episode. Sam and Dean dive through the window of a church in order to flee from Alastair, and apparently manage to run away surprisingly quickly. However, a later scenes shows them taking care of their injuries; Sam [[Nausea Fuel|stitches up a pretty nasty cut on his arm]], while Dean sports a dislocated shoulder.
** Also averted when Castiel tries to "speak" to Dean in his angelic voice, shattering every window in the process. Dean tries to hide, but still can't avoid a few cuts. This was mirrored in Real Life. When the fake sugar glass being used didn't look visually stunning enough, real glass was used. [[Jensen Ackles]] received a cut as a result. In the same episode, Dean is shown to break into a deserted store, taking pains to wrap up his hand and sweep the frame to keep it from being turned into hamburger meat.
** In the episode where they end up in the dimension where ''Supernatural'' is a TV show, they break through stunt glass at the beginning when they are transported. It's [[Played for Laughs]] later on when the boys try to use a spell to return home, running at the glass window on the set.....and failing to crash through in spectacular fashion.
* Averted in ''[[True Blood]]''. Tara's mother hits her with an empty liquor bottle. It didn't break at all and in fact left a nasty wound on Tara's forehead.
* The [[The Daily Show|Stewart]]/[[The Colbert Report|Colbert]]/O'Brien [[Melee a Trois]] includes a scene where all three smash beer bottles over each other's heads—this is where the Stewart-Colbert alliance breaks up and it becomes a true [[Melee a Trois]], as Jon accidentally breaks a bottle over Stephen. The [[Hilarious Outtakes|blooper reel]] shows Conan going to hit Jon and hesitating at the last minute, disturbed by how real the sugar glass bottle looks, and the weight of it—sugar glass is usually much lighter than the real thing.
* ''[[The West Wing]]'':
** Averted in episode "Noel". Josh, {{spoiler|suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder after being shot, puts his hand through the window of his apartment}}; this results in a nasty cut that requires stitches. Doubly averted, as Josh tries to hide his injury as the result of accidentally putting a drinking glass down too hard on the table—and everyone knows that this isn't even vaguely plausible.
** Very much not averted when Will Bailey breaks the "glass" between his and Toby's office. The scene showcased the extent of his frustration, as Toby has never been able to break it with his rubber ball no matter how hard he threw it. Funny thing is, the ''thump'' of the ball against the window always sounded like plexiglass before this incident. Go figure.
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* There were several instances in ''[[Highlander the Series]]'' where Richie crashed through a glass window. Justified at least once in that in the scene, he hit the glass at full speed on his motorcycle (though it's a surprise he wasn't cut, unless the motorcycle gear was heavy enough to protect him.)
** In the pilot, he averts the trope, cutting Mac's antique shop window with a glass cutter.
* Averted (Subverted?){{verify}} in ''[[Tracker]]'', where Mel punches out a pain of glass with the "wrap your hand in fabric" method and still gets a nasty cut on her knuckles.
== Pro Wrestling ==
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