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** "Dragon" type Pokémon were supposedly strong against other Dragons, but the sole "Dragon" type move in the first generation inflicted fixed damage, ignoring elemental type bonuses and making it almost useless against the [[Final Boss|sole Dragon-themed trainer]] in the game.
* Infamously, the Anti-MUTE spell in the original ''[[Final Fantasy I|Final Fantasy]]'' is completely useless since there are no enemies in the game that can inflict MUTE status on your party.
** Moreover the original [[NES]] version suffered from numerous internal bugs that included rendering certain spells (LOCK and XFER, for example) absolutely useless, and ignoring attack bonuses for weapons that were intended to be elemental or monster-specific (Giant Sword vs. giants, Were Sword vs. werebeasts, etc.). The TMPR (Temper in later releases) and SABR (Saber) spells are ''supposed'' to increase your attack doesndon't actually work until post-MSX releases.
* ''[[Final Fantasy XIII]]'' is ''horrible'' for this. The game practically throws debuff protection at you, but the only debuff that shows up with any regularity is the near-harmless poison. That each accessory only guards against one debuff and starts<ref>all items can be upgraded</ref> with a 30% protection rate only makes it worse.
** Keeping your leader guarded against Death for the last part is the exception.
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** The feat Weapon Finesse (Melee Weapons) lets a character who acquires it use their dexterity instead of their strength to determine accuracy with melee weapons, including lightsabers. Right next to it in the menu is Weapon Finesse (Lightsabers), which costs the same resources to obtain and does the exact same thing but ''only'' for lightsabers. This is fixed in the fan-made but officially endorsed <ref>Both by the game's primary author, and the studio responsible for porting the game to Mac, Android and iPhone</ref> restored content patch, which grants Weapon Finesse (Lightsabers) for free as a reward for completing a restored training session side-quest.
* While nearly all prebuilt spells in ''[[The Elder Scrolls: Arena]]'' are inefficient compared to custom ones, it has several spell effects with no use at all. The include Cure Curse (there are no curses to cure), Transfer Spell Points (unless the player is of the Healer class, it always costs at least as many as you'd absorb and monsters don't actually have finite spell point totals to exhaust) and Earth Wall (Creates a wall that lasts till you leave the area, which is useless because the enemy AI can't follow the player if they get far away enough to use it anyways).
** ''[[The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind]]'' and ''[[The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion]]'' have a Cure Paralysis on self spells which would be handy ''if'' you could cast spells when Paralyzed (like you could in ''Arena'') or it doubled as protection from Paralysis for a duration (as it was in ''[[The Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfall|Daggerfall]]''). Cure Paralysis as an ''effect'' is useful for allies or on potions (which you can inexplicably drink when frozen in place), but spells of On Self variants are unusable.
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