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** One of the (Many) nicknames for [[Planescape]]'s Lady of Pain is "The fiend of blades", started by someone with the theory she is an ascended fiend. Given that he wasn't [[Deader Than Dead|flayed]] (like people who give... less than flattering nicknames) and lived long enough to die of natural causes, this indicates there isn't really an issue with the term.
*** In ''Pages of Pain'' she remembered being a daughter of {{spoiler|Akadi and Poseidon, and formerly Set's fiance}}. That is, Lady is a born Power, has the Pain sphere/domain, as a gift and would be a goddess if she didn't refuse to.
** There was a chant in ''Planes of Conflict'' about the agathinon Janarr and erinyes Nalura working in mortal disguise on the Prime. They [[Duel of Seduction|sort of]] just did their jobs—she tried to seduce him, he tried to turn her attitude up to [[The Power of Love|celestial standards]]. Before they knew whom exactly they faced, ''both'' succeeded. They [[Star-Crossed Lovers|had to hide from their respective bosses]] from that point on, though. Note that there is nothing in the story that outright claims Nalura is no longer Evil, it just seems this is a case where the concepts of Good and Evil are shown to be not as black and white as they usually are.
** In [http://www.candlekeep.com/compendium/index.htm The Candlekeep Compendium], there is a certain Erinyes {{spoiler|who is rescued by a gnome adventurer as a mission from a [[Chaotic Good]] deity.}}
** The Kalashtar from ''[[Eberron]]'' all have a soul-bond to an ascended [[Eldritch Abomination]], which works on the same general principle.
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