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You do '''In-Universe Marketing'''. You post "found" documents from within the universe. A [[Watchmen (film)|"NBS Nightly News" broadcast from 1972 in your world]]? Great. [[Idiocracy|Advertising a drink from your setting]]? Yup. [[Suzumiya Haruhi|Showing a half hour of dull security camera footage with maybe thirty seconds of profoundly disturbing stuff going on]]? Perfect. [[Twin Peaks|The diary of one of the characters, with pages torn out]]? [[Crunchtastic|Synergylicious!]]
Distinct from the [[Alternate Reality Game]] in that there is no 'game', per se. Rather, all there is is the document.
Websites that use '''In-Universe Marketing''' are usually [[Logging Onto the Fourth Wall]].
DistinctSupertrope from theto [[Alternate Reality Game]] (in that there is no 'game' in In-Universe Marketing, per se.; Ratherrather, all there is is the document).
Not all [[Viral Marketing]] qualifies as '''In-Universe Marketing'''; the product being advertised must be fictional, and the "found" document must be set in said universe.
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