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**The same thing goes for the knife that both Sunny and Omori carry. In Headspace, no one bats an eye that Omori has a knife and uses it in boss battles. Omori also can only leave the dream world by stabbing himself When Aubrey attacks Sunny and Kel in Faraway Town? You can choose to attack her in self-defense with the knife. This stops the fight, as Aubrey starts bleeding, and calls Sunny a maniac. While holding a bat with nails. Kel confiscates the knife from Sunny, telling him he shouldn't be carrying that around. He's right: {{spoiler|in some bad endings, if Sunny goes to bed with a steak knife, he ends up stabbing himself while dreaming, and bleeds out in bed}}.
**Omori and the others demonstrate [[Super Not-Drowning Skills]] when they get sucked into the hotel business in the Underwater Highway. Sunny attempts to rescue Basil from drowning in the local lake when Aubrey pushes Basil into the water. Only...he can't swim either. He nearly drowns, and Hero has to save them both.
*[[Sadistic Choice]]: This is ultimately the main difference between the Main Route and the Hikikomori Route: do you choose to save and mend the friendship group in the real world, or the one in Headspace? The Main Route emphasizes that {{spoiler|Headspace is comprised of outdated memories and sheer imagination on Sunny's part}}, and thus you do more good by actively trying to live in the real world, complete with the changes that have happened over four years. With that said, there is a sadness when {{spoiler|Sunny has to let go of Omori -- and Headspace's characters with it-- to forgive himself for Mari's death. You can see the dream friends heading to the hospital grouproof in the good ending, and Sunny cannot follow them}}.
* [[Schmuck Bait]]:
* [[Schmuck Bait]]: In the console update for the Hikikomori route, there is an extra section called a Boss Rush. You can complete it, having boss battles with holograms of your friends and even play against them. Mari then asks if she can face you in a boss battle, in hologram form. {{spoiler|If you agree, she spends the whole battle healing you and defusing your emotions. Keep attacking her, and she becomes Something in the wind. Omori becomes Sunny, as he and Basil's emotions revert to "AFRAID". A Hellmari jumpscare follows, before you end up back outside the Boss Rush room, and no one remembers what happened.}}
** After you first wake up as Sunny in the real world, someone knocks after you get Sunny a snack. It seems to be Mari, saying she forgot her keys. She asks if you will let her into the house. Do it, and whatever comes in is definitely not Mari, {{spoiler|in the living sense}}. Even worse is that logically, Sunny ought to have known that {{spoiler|Mari died four years ago, because he killed her by accident}}.
* [[Schmuck Bait]]:* In the console update for the Hikikomori route, there is an extra section called a Boss Rush. You can complete it, having boss battles with holograms of your friends and even play against them. Mari then asks if she can face you in a boss battle, in hologram form. {{spoiler|If you agree, she spends the whole battle healing you and defusing your emotions. Keep attacking her, and she becomes Something in the wind. Omori becomes Sunny, as he and Basil's emotions revert to "AFRAID". A Hellmari jumpscare follows, before you end up back outside the Boss Rush room, and no one remembers what happened.}}
*[[Snipe Hunt]]: Played For Drama with {{spoiler|the quest to save Basil in Headspace. Omori and the friendship group set off to find Basil, but they never get even close to a lead. Instead, various bosses and quests waylay them, and Jawsum outright kidnaps the friendship group. Turns out that Omori manufactured the whole quest for two purposes: so that Dream Basil doesn't reveal the truth of Mari's death to the friend group, and that Sunny can find reasons to live in his dreams}}.
*[[Sudden Downer Ending]]: There are ''four'' possible options for this on the Main Route after the friendship group reunites the final foray into the Dreamworld that reveals the Truth:
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**Another Blackspace room has {{spoiler|Basil collapse like watermelon chunks. If you are in a state of shock or have a sense of dark humor, you can walk over the pieces and hear a squishing sound repeatedly}}.
*[[Villain Has a Point]]: What's sad about the real villain in the story is that he is completely right during the final boss fight of the Main Route. {{spoiler|Sunny killed Mari, and though it was an accident, he and Baail lied about it for years. She loved him, and everyone loved Mari. The only way to get the happy ending is to acknowledge that Omori is right, but Sunny will persist regardless}}.
* [[Wham! Shot]]:
** One in-universe stops Dream Basil in his tracks when he looks at a photo after the friend group gathers at his house. It makes the game glitch back to Whitespace. {{spoiler|The photo is of a broken violin, though its significance doesn't register until much later}}.
** After you first wake as Sunny, you can get sick eating steak in the fridge. Then someone knocks at the door, claiming to be Mari. You can open it for her. There's this weird blue wraith that appears, which is not the Mari that we know.
** During the final nightmare sequence on the Main Route, Sunny collects photos for Dream Basil's album while walking through a distorted version of his house. They're out of order, but one indicates that things are wrong: {{spoiler|Mari's limp body at the bottom of the stairs}}. That doesn't make sense; didn't Mari {{spoiler|hang herself from a tree in the backyard?}} Another photo complete with a [[Scare Chord]] has the piece of the puzzle: {{spoiler|Sunny and Mari at the top of the stairs}}, followed by a photo of him {{spoiler|pushing her down in a fit of anger}}. The player can put together that {{spoiler|Sunny killed Mari by accident, tried to tuck her into bed to make her feel better, and Basil came up with the idea to string her body from a tree}}.
*[[Wimp Fight]]:
**Sunny is not as strong as Omori, and the game is quick to point that out. When you spend four years as a recluse, forgetting to eat, not exercising and spending most of your time sleeping, it's not going to do wonders for your physical health. As a result, when he participates in a fight, he can lose easily unless wielding a "borrowed" steak-knife or pepper spray.
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