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Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking/Playing With: Difference between revisions

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'''Basic Trope''': A list of 3 or more things ends on the weakest point.
* '''Straight''': Alice is listing off a number of reasons not to date Bob. It goes as follows: "He drinks a lot, he's a philanderer, and he leaves the toilet seat up."
* '''Exaggerated''': "He's killed every girlfriend he's had, he sells heroin to children, and his[[Take haircutThat|he makessold hisan earsNFT look bigonce.]]"
* '''Up To Eleven''': "He's sentenced to jail for life imprisonment because of mass murder, but he escaped, he's on the FBI top ten most wanted list, and he wears a silly hat."
* '''Downplayed''': "He [[What Do You Mean It's Not Heinous?|doesn't say 'please' or 'thank you', he snaps at people for every slight, and he only eats his pasta with marinara sauce]]."
* '''Justified''':
** [[Skewed Priorities|For some twisted reason]] like maybe her having a [[Blue and Orange Morality]], leaving the toilet seat up is really the worst crime in Alice's book.
** Alternative: Alice is listing the reasons by order of priority, and the next-to-last item is notably worse than the last.
** Alternative: [[It Makes Sense in Context|The toilet seat is secretly a device which activates a killer blades if it's been set up for too long which would kill any unsuspecting person going to the toilet]].
* '''Inverted''': See [[Bread, Eggs, Milk, Squick]]
* '''Subverted''': "He drinks a lot, he's a philanderer, and he leaves the toilet seat up...then he beat up his last girlfriend with said toilet seat."
* '''Double Subverted''': "...''And'' his haircut makes his ears look big!"
* '''Parodied''': Carol and Diane are listening as Alice lists off her reasons. They react with casual indifference as the allegations the he drinks a lot and cheats, but react with incredible shock when they find out he leaves the toilet seat up.
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** See also: [[Jaywalking Will Ruin Your Life]]
* '''Reconstructed''': ...but some people end up finding that charming and still befriend her.
* '''Zig Zagged''': "...and he beat his last girlfriend. ''And'' he has a silly haircut! ''And'' I think he does heroin! ''And'' he pours the milk before the cereal! ''And''..."
* '''Averted''': "He blows up a random car every week for fun, kidnaps people when he's bored and slings crack to teenagers ''[[For the Evulz|because he can]]''. [[Complete Monster|He has no redeeming values.]]"
* '''Enforced''':
** "Well, we're almost out of comedy gags...how about the standard 'long list' where the last item is weak?"
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