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** Also many/most/really any Troll tribe except the Darkspears (and Revantusk) practice cannibalism.
** One quest in Silverpine now sends you after bear meat, but due to [[Dying as Yourself]] we find out those bears were actually worgen druids.
** Worgen, being basically werewolves, don't seem to shy away from taking bites out of their opponents, sentient or not (This has no affect on gameplay, unlike forsaken, it's just the set up for some "I like my meat rare/bleeding" jokes several npcsNPCs, and the players, make).
** In Uldaman, [[Lost Vikings|three Dwarves]] are in a holdout position against the Troggs, an item that might appear at their camp is a cookbook suggesting they've been eating the Troggs they killed. Uldaman is a Titan installation, and an artifact there reveals that {{spoiler|Dwarves and Troggs are decendants of the Earthen.}}
** Jez Goodgrub in Winterspring warns you not to accidentally get too close to his cooking fire by mentioning a previous member of your race who fell in ... and was delicious.
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** And the Naga get some of their own medicine in Northrend, when they are attacked and almost wiped out by the Kvaldir; one Naga questgiver is completely unrepentant, but has no choice but to [[Enemy Mine|ask for help]] as the Kvaldir are about to awaken a [[Sealed Evil in a Can]].
* [[Mood Whiplash]]: Although it's constantly possible in an open-world game like this, it's especially noticeable in the standard Forsaken zone progression. Silverpines is a dramatic and dark war story in which the tragic plight that is the heart of the Forsaken's problems are explored... and then your character enters Hillsbrad Foothills, and things suddenly become a knockabout comedic parody.
** Within Hillsbrad's own quests, there's one notable instance of this. Meeting Orkus, he's proven himself an incompetant blowhard throughout the entire quest chain. Then while on Purgation Isle, he begins telling you things about his life, like how he met his frost wyrm mount, Horde politics, and at one point, says you're his first real friend. {{spoiler|Then he takes on three level ?? Alliance "players" and tells you to get on his mount and fly away, leaving him to fend for himself. You fly a short distance before the wyrm u-turns and picks him back up. Before reaching Tarren Mill, he asks you to take his mount somewhere cold to live before dying of his injuries. When you land, the NPC'sNPCs in Tarren Mill honor him as a fallen hero and his death is treated as genuinely sad.}}
*** Silverpine itself has one. As mentioned, the overall quest chain is quite dark. Then you get the quest to kill the worgen druids sneaking around pretending to be actual bears. The questgiver lamphades the absurdity of the situation.
** In Felwood, there's a heartwarming quest where you raise an Ancient from birth to maturity. When he freezes at the top of the hill you found him at, he tells you to come back years later to find him growing big and strong. If you're a Horde player, your next quest may be a goblin quest, where the girl in charge basically says "yeah, that stuff about you protecting the forest was cute, but now you have to help us cut the trees down. Tough shit."
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* [[Never Found the Body]]: {{spoiler|John J. Keeshan, who is thought to have performed a [[Heroic Sacrifice]] at the end of the Redridge Mountains storyline, but reappears in the Burning Steppes.}}
** Turalyon and Alleria, since the Second War.
** A lot of old world [[Non-Player Character|NPCs]] after the Cataclysm.
* [[Never Mess with Granny]]: {{spoiler|Grandma Wahl of Gilneas seems like a typical old lady, but don't mess with her kitty! Because she will transform into a worgen and [[Rule of Funny|beat you up with her rolling pin]]}}.
* [[New Game+]]: See [[Alt-Itis]], in [[World of Warcraft/Tropes A-H|A-H]]. The heirloom items available for purchase with endgame emblems are usable at any level and grow along with the character they're on at any given moment, along with generally having Superior-quality stats when your character doesn't even see useful Uncommons on a regular basis until level 20 and beyond.
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[[Category:Split Trope Lists]]
[[Category:Split Trope Lists]]
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