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Trials of Mana/Headscratchers: Difference between revisions

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* Why the beast solders (and the king) look more bestial than the average citizen in the beast kingdom? The average citizen in the beast kingdom look 100% human. and also Why are there no female beastmen?
** Are you talking about the people in the castle itself, or in the Moonlight City of Mintos? Because the people in Mintos ''are'' humans.
*** They're not. I'm not sure if this made it into the translation, but in the Japanese version there's an [[Non-Player Character|NPC]] specifically stating "We're all beastmen". That should also answer the question of where all the female beastmen are.
*** They are ''not'' humans, if you talk to everyone you get speeches like "Wow humans!?" and fully transformer beastmen (and the only single transformed female in half wolf form) who talk about the Altenans coming through. Also one of the [[NPCs]] mentions they enjoy the night because they can freely transform between human and wolf form at will.
* Why does the team hunt for Zable Fahr, again? Shade told them that the Stone of Darkness was missing (so why did they think it had been unleashed?), and that Zable Fahr had settled down after its rampage and vanished. Are the party just completionists? Also, how are you able to find the stone? didn't it break apart when Zable Fahr was released a long time ago? I understand it happening in the Jungle of Illusion, which is pretty timey-wimey, but the other two possible locations for it don't make sense to me.
** It's less that they hunt for him and more that they stumble upon him (them?) by accident; they all thought the Mana stone of Darkness was already destroyed (beucase Shade told them) and were just going to their respective Big Bad's hideouts (in the Jungle of Illusion, The Glass Desert and the Dark Castle), I don't remember very well but I think they DO express some surprise to finding the stone, and that's when it cracks. As to ''what'' he/she/it/they were actually ''doing'' there is another matter entirely (maybe it sensed the [[Big Bad]] using the power of Darkness or a high concentration of mana thanks to the sword or something).
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* How is it that there are three evil groups planning to destroy the world and none of them have crossed paths until the game?
** Well who's to say there weren't other factions of villains that got wiped out by each [[Big Bad]] before the game started? They'd be too busy to notice the remaining respective two.
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