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Eldritch Abomination/Literature: Difference between revisions

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(Final pass (for now))
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** ''The Great and Secret Show'' references a hidden world whose very proximity to ours causes [[Go Mad from the Revelation|millions of lovers to commit suicide]]. It is also a world of [[Alien Geometries|non-Euclidean physics]].
** Rawhead Rex is an abomination that personifies the male sex drive as a living and malicious organism.
** Worshipping and appeasing such a thing is the true purpose of {{spoiler|the degenerate, immortal cannibals}} in ''[[The Midnight Meat Train]]''}}.
* [[Nasuverse|Nasu Kinoko]]'s early work, ''[[Angel Notes|Notes]]'', has "The Ultimate Ones": aliens - well, {{spoiler|''representations of planets''}} - who come to destroy the future humanity and reclaim the planet after [[Gaia's Vengeance|Gaia dies]]. The [[Nasuverse]] itself is almost a [[Cosmic Horror Story]] if you delve into the [[Backstory]]: Gaia herself is extremely similar to The Ultimate Ones, with the main difference being that the reality she creates happens to be one where humans evolved and can survive in. She has also not yet created her Ultimate Being, Type Earth, and it is not clear that she can, especially considering that her Blue Marble is the only planet to bear life which tries to exerts its own reality against her own. (It would be interesting to see what Type Earth's reality would be like; probably similar to what Arcueid can do on Earth.)
** Also, ''Fate/Zero'' has a Caster hero who's basically a guy with the Necronomicon summoning different Eldritch Abominations.
** ORT, the Ultimate Being of planet Mercury, is mentioned in ''[[Tsukihime]]''. Its raw power is considered far greater than that of any [[Our Vampires Are Different|Dead Apostle]]. Infamous in the fandom for being the Strongest Being by [[Word of God]], ORT is only here because it responded to the dying message of Gaia ''before Gaia died'' and decided to wait it out here. ORT changes the laws of the universe around it, which isn't all that impressive on its own since mages can learn spells with the same effect - except when mages do it, the effect only lasts for a few seconds because reality fights back. In ORT's case, ''reality is losing.'' It also technically holds a position as a Dead Apostle vampire, but only because [[You Kill It, You Bought It|it instantly obliterated the previous holder]] who wanted to study it (and supposedly has "vampire-like qualities"). Yeah...that's probably a lifetime membership right there.
** ORT, the Ultimate Being of planet Mercury, is mentioned in ''[[Tsukihime]]''. Its raw power is considered far greater than that of any [[Our Vampires Are Different|Dead Apostle]].
** The father of all vampires, Type Moon Brunestud, is the same type of being as ORT and could similarly warp reality, but is also [[Humanoid Abomination|quite humanoid and pretty]]. Also, [[All the Myriad Ways|Zelretch]] [[Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?|killed him]], apparently by dropping him into a reality where his home (''the fucking Moon'') [[Colony Drop|fell on his head]]. Some of what he ''spawned'' are more overtly terrifying, though not all of them are vampires: One of them is a giant padlock; one of them is a kid with a whale, a jellyfish, a golem, and a mouse in place of normal limbs (that he usually disguises as such), one of them is [[Genius Loci|a forest]], and another is a living curse that looks like Count Dracula.
** ORT's a funny thing. Infamous in the fandom for being the Strongest Being by [[Word of God]], ORT is only here because it responded to the dying message of Gaia ''before Gaia died'' and decided to wait it out here. ORT changes the laws of the universe around it, which isn't all that impressive on its own since mages can learn spells with the same effect, except when mages do it, the effect only lasts for a few seconds because reality fights back. In ORT's case, ''reality is losing.'' It also technically holds a position as a Dead Apostle vampire, but only because [[You Kill It, You Bought It|it instantly obliterated the previous holder]] who wanted to study it (and supposedly has "vampire-like qualities"). Yeah...that's probably a lifetime membership right there.
** While Nrvnqsr (Nero) Chaos isn't quite there yet, becoming one is quite obviously his main goal.
*** The [[Nasuverse]] is almost a [[Cosmic Horror Story]] if you delve into the [[Backstory]]. Gaia herself is almost exactly the same type of being as ORT. The main difference is that the reality she creates happens to be one where humans evolved and can survive in. She has also not yet created her Ultimate Being, Type Earth, and it is not clear that she can, especially considering that her Blue Marble is the only planet to bear life which tries to exerts its own reality against her own. (It would be interesting to see what Type Earth's reality would be like; probably similar to what Arcueid can do on Earth.)
** The thing about the Types: even if you destroy their physical bodies, ''[[Fighting a Shadow|they still exist]]'', and they may be able to reform them. Part of the reason Type-Moon helped create the True Ancestors was because he could use them as new bodies if he was killed; he ''still'' [[Demonic Possession|possesses Arcueid on occasion]]. In ''Notes'', Type-Venus is killed by a gun that attacks with the ''concept of death itself'' and still manages to manifest itself in a new but [[Brought Down to Normal|powerless form]].
*** The father of all vampires, Type Moon Brunestud, ''was'' the same type of being as ORT and could reject reality and substitute his own like ORT, but doesn't exactly fit as an [[Eldritch Abomination]] since he was [[Humanoid Abomination|quite humanoid and pretty]]. Also, [[All the Myriad Ways|Zelretch]] [[Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?|killed him.]] Apparently by dropping him into a reality where his home (''the fucking Moon'') [[Colony Drop|fell on his head]].
**** Some of what he ''spawned'', though, are quite terrifying. Dead Apostle Ancestors don't have to be vampiric to be counted, though, like ORT. One of them is a giant padlock, one of them is a kid with a whale, a jellyfish, a golem, and a mouse instead of limbs (well, he usually keeps them looking like actual limbs, mind you), one of them is [[Genius Loci|a forest]], and another is a living curse that looks like Count Dracula. Not all of them are vampires, ''per se''.
**** While Nrvnqsr (Nero) Chaos isn't quite there yet, becoming one is quite obviously his main goal.
*** The thing about the Types: even if you destroy their physical bodies, ''[[Fighting a Shadow|they still exist]]'', and they may be able to reform them. Part of the reason Type-Moon helped create the True Ancestors was because he could use them as new bodies if he was killed; he ''still'' [[Demonic Possession|possesses Arcueid on occasion]]. In ''Notes'', Type-Venus is killed by a gun that attacks with the ''concept of death itself'' and still manages to manifest itself in a new but [[Brought Down to Normal|powerless form]].
** In ''[[Kara no Kyoukai:]]'', {{spoiler|Toko Aozaki's most powerful summon is a gibbering, amorphous mix between [[H.P. Lovecraft|a Shoggoth and a Colour out of Space]], which (in the movies, at least) ''eats [[The Dragon|Cornelius Alba]] alive''.}}
* Oddly enough, theThe "angels" from ''[[C.The S.Space Lewis|CS LewisTrilogy]]'' works of ''[[TheC. SpaceS. TrilogyLewis]]'' show some of these traits. They exist on a profoundly different level than us, have [[Alien Geometries|strange geometries]], and dealing with them can be terribly unsettling. One of the characters even notes that the fact that they're benevolent makes it worse; no matter how terrible the evil you're facing, there's always the hope that good will swoop in to save you... but what do you do when facing ''good'' turns your brain inside-out?
** The [[Genius Loci|Oyeresu]] themselves,are this on occasion. In explaining what they mean by "manifesting to humans", they use the analogy of the ways a stone can manifest in human perception. The glorious statue is one possible perception, but so is the sensation you have after it's fallen on your head. The Oyeresu are unambiguously good as well, but have to try a few times before they figure out acceptable, vaguely humanoid manifestations; their first try is a bad acid trip -- eyes, talons, hurtling shapes in a void full of vertigo. This is, presumably, near the hit-in-the-head end of the manifestation spectrum. If it's not, that's even scarier.
** The Un-man in ''[[The Space Trilogy|Perelandra]]'' is a zombie-like human whose evil is so pure and different from that of any other human that it made the protagonist [[Brown Note|pass out when he first saw the expression]] on its face. It is [[Demonic Possession|controlled by a being]] who is invisible to us and whose true form is literally indescribable to humans, not fitting into any of our mental categories. It is strong enough to destroy worlds, and yet subtle enough to pass through matter and manipulate human minds. The Un-Man also views intelligence as just another 'tool' and will alternate between an eloquent speaker and a childish being that enjoys killing small animals and annoying people by saying their name over and over.
** It's also worth notable that the Oyeresu, who are just as good as the Un-man is evil, have to try a few times before they figure out acceptable, vaguely humanoid manifestations; their first try is a bad acid trip -- eyes, talons, hurtling shapes in a void full of vertigo. This is, presumably, near the hit-in-the-head end of the manifestation spectrum. If it's not, that's even scarier.
* Another C. S. Lewis series of works, ''[[The Chronicles of Narnia]]'' has the chief Calormene god Tash. He's the only [[Satan]]ic figure in the series without a given origin or at least hints of what he is. Plants die in his presence, and [[Brown Note|just looking at him]] can [[Go Mad from the Revelation|turn talking, intelligent animals into normal, mindless ones]].
** The Un-man in ''[[The Space Trilogy|Perelandra]]'' is a zombie-like human whose evil is so pure and different from that of any other human that it made the protagonist [[Brown Note|pass out when he first saw the expression]] on its face. It is [[Demonic Possession|controlled by a being]] who is invisible to us and whose true form is literally indescribable to humans, not fitting into any of our mental categories. It is strong enough to destroy worlds and yet subtle enough to pass through matter and manipulate human minds.
* In [[Terry Pratchett]]'s ''[[Discworld]]'' novels (especially the early ones), a constant danger of the use of magic is that of accidentally opening a rift into the "Dungeon Dimensions", regions with "very little reality", inhabited by nightmarish Lovecraftian monstrosities that crave the reality that those in more solid universes take for granted. They lack a physical form and try to invade the Discworld in the vain hope of obtaining one - that they look like an incomprehensible mass of tentacled horrors is ''because'' of this, and the narration describes this phenomenon as having "the same effect as the ocean trying to warm itself around a candle". The old dark god Bel-Shamharoth is sometimes presumed to be one of the very few aforementioned creatures that found a way to survive in the Discworld.
*** The Un-Man also views intelligence as just another 'tool' and will alternate between an eloquent speaker, to a childish being that enjoys killing small animals and annoying people by saying their name over and over.
** It should also be added that, [[Running Gag|for some reason]], on Discworld, eldritch has the additional meaning of "oblong". Pratchett also won't let us forget that "eldritch" and "[[Humanoid Abomination|elven]]" have the same linguistic root.
** The weird angels actually make sense; see the religion/mythology entry.
** While Ponder is revising for an exam on them at the start of ''Pyramids'', he mentions various old, dark gods, such as Yob Sodoth and Tshup Aklathep, Infernal Star Toad with A Million Young. ''[[Discworld Noir]]'' introduced Nylonathotep and makes reference to other dark gods, including Drunken Cthubopalulu.
* Speaking of [[C. S. Lewis|CS Lewis]], ''[[The Chronicles of Narnia]]'' has Tash, the chief Calormene god. He's the only [[Satan]] figure in the series without origin or at least hints of what he is. Plants die in his presence, and [[Brown Note|just looking at him]] can [[Go Mad from the Revelation|turn talking, intelligent animals into normal, mindless ones]].
** In ''[[Discworld/Jingo|Jingo]]'' Leshp is described as a city which sank, and rose, and sank, each time settled by different people. It also has a lot of pictures of squid, there are slithering sounds, and the earliest buildings look like people tried to make sense of geometry they did not fully understand.
* In [[Terry Pratchett]]'s ''[[Discworld]]'' novels (especially the early ones), a constant danger of the use of magic is that of accidentally opening a rift into the "Dungeon Dimensions", regions with "very little reality", inhabited by nightmarish Lovecraftian monstrosities that crave the reality that those in more solid universes take for granted. They tend to try to invade the [[Discworld]]'s universe in the vain hope of becoming more real themselves, "with the same effect as the ocean trying to warm itself around a candle."
** There's also Dagon (cf. the Cthulhu Mythos) in ''[[Discworld/Moving Pictures|Moving Pictures]]''. Dagon used to be worshipped in the city that was there before Ankh-Morpork, which covered all the way from present day Ankh-Morpork to Holy Wood; the city is now gone, and this is speculated to be related to the Things awakening. It's also mentioned in an anecdote within ''The Folklore of Discord'' describing someone trying to set up a sushi bar on the site of an old temple on Dagon Street during the solstice. ([[Noodle Incident|This did not end well.]]) ''Folklore'' also mentions that the Things may have been some manner of dark gods before they were exiled from existence.
** It should be added that the creatures from the Dungeon Dimensions don't actually have form; the reason that they look like an incomprehensible mass of tentacled horrors is because when they ''do'' acquire some substance by coming close to the real world, they're terrible at it. This does not make them any less terrifying.
** While the Things have not appeared for a long time due to the themes of the Series shifting, in ''[[Discworld/Thief of Time|Thief of Time]]'' we see statues of them in the History Monks' gardens. The Auditors of Reality are said to be the deadliest of all, indicating that despite their unassuming appearance, they are of a similar nature to the Things but ''worse''. Where the Things are mindless and have no feeling about humanity, and thus see no meaning in our death, the Auditors [[Omnicidal Maniac|actively despise, loathe, and want the nonexistence of every member of the simplest creature eking out a life in the bottom of the deepest trench of the ocean just for living!]]
** It should also be added that, [[Running Gag|for some reason]], on Discworld, eldritch has the additional meaning of "oblong".
** The Eldritch Abomination in ''Reaper Man'' is a result of the Auditors canning the too-amiable Death. They start off as objects that people would collect and forget about, specifically snowglobes; these snowglobes would "hatch" into useful, traveling objects (shopping carts) that then collect people into the enormous monster-queen-THING that turns out to be a SHOPPING MALL. It's funny, yeah, but also ''terrifying''. Just think of all the shopping malls you've ever been in where you could be anywhere in the world for all the difference it makes, absorbing your time without you realizing it, being herded about like cows. Brr.
** The old dark god Bel-Shamharoth is sometimes presumed to be one of the very few aforementioned creatures that found a way to survive, sort-of, in the real world.
** Pterry's newer novels have offered more esoteric variants of this trope: the Hiver and the Summoning Dark seem more like sentient ''ideas'' than tentacled mishmashes. Still freakin' weird and disturbing, yet more insidious than the above examples, and more frightening in their own way--[[V for Vendetta|ideas are, after all, indestructible]].
** There are other "old dark gods" of the Discworld, too. Ponder is revising for an exam on them at the start of ''Pyramids'': he mentions Yob Sodoth and Tshup Aklathep, Infernal Star Toad with A Million Young. ''[[Discworld Noir]]'' introduced Nylonathotep and makes reference to other dark gods, including Drunken Cthubopalulu.
** There's also Dagon (cf. the [[Cthulhu Mythos]]), according to ''The Folklore of Discworld'', although it's otherwise only mentioned in the anecdote about someone trying to set up a sushi bar on the site of an old temple on Dagon Street during the solstice. ([[Noodle Incident|This did not end well.]]) ''Folklore'' also mentions that the Things may have been some manner of dark gods before they were exiled from existence.
** In [[Discworld/Moving Pictures|Moving Pictures]], it is mentioned that Dagon used to be worshipped in the city that was there before Ankh-Morpork, which covered all the way from present day Ankh-Morpork to Holy Wood; the city is gone, something to do with the Things awakening.
** It also had something to do with [[Discworld/Jingo|Leshp]] which sank, and rose, and sank, each time settled by different people. Though there are a lot of pictures of squid and there are slithering sounds and the earliest buildings look like people tried to make sense of geometry they did not fully understand.
** The Things have not appeared for a long time due to the themes of the Series moving on. However, in ''[[Discworld/Thief of Time|Thief of Time]]'', we see statues of them in the History Monks' gardens -- and the Auditors of Reality are said to be the deadliest of all, indicating that despite their unassuming appearance, they are of a similar nature to the Things.
*** They're worse. The Things are mindless and have no feeling about humanity; our death would mean to them the death of a single organism of the simplest creature eking out a life in the bottom of the deepest trench of the ocean. The Auditors despise, loathe, and want the nonexistence of every member of the simplest creature eking out a life in the bottom of the deepest trench of the ocean just for living. Now think about how much they must hate humanity!
** The [[Eldritch Abomination]] in ''Reaper Man'' is ''not'' from the Dungeon Dimensions for once, but a result from the Auditors canning the too-amiable Death. They start off as objects that people would collect and forget about, specifically as snowglobes. These snowglobes would "hatch" into useful, traveling objects (shopping carts), that then collect people into the enormous monster-queen-THING that turns out to be a SHOPPING MALL. It's funny, yeah, but also ''terrifying''. Just think of all the shopping malls you've ever been in where you could be anywhere in the world for all the difference it makes, absorbing your time without you realizing it, being herded about like cows. Brr.
** Pratchett also won't let us forget that "eldritch" and "[[Humanoid Abomination|elven]]" have the same linguistic root.
** Pterry's newer novels have offered more esoteric variants of this trope, the Hiver and the Summoning Dark, which seem more like sentient ''ideas'' than tentacled mishmashes. Still freakin' weird and disturbing, yet more insidious than the above examples, and more frightening in their own way--[[V for Vendetta|ideas are, after all, indestructible]].
** One could even include Great A'Tuin is the Giant Star Turtle (the colossal turtle who carries four slightly-less-colossal elephants on its back who, in turn, carry the world on theirs) as a more benevolent version of this Trope.
* ''[[The Laundry Series|The Atrocity Archives]]'' by [[Charles Stross]] and its sequels take place in a world where divisions that MI6 and the CIA don't even know they have battle Eldritch Abominations (and their own bureaucracy) - said abominations were attracted to reality after Alan Turing discovered a theory that allowed the user to warp reality with computers, and the [[Ghostapo|Nazis attempted to summon the Great Old Ones using the souls of those slaughtered in the Holocaust]] to win [[World War II]].
* [[J. R. R. Tolkien|JRR Tolkien]] also took a few stabs at this.
** ''[[The Lord of the Rings]]'' has this quote from Gandalf:
{{quote|'''Gandalf:''' Far, far below the deepest delving of the Dwarves, ''the world is gnawed by nameless things''. Even Sauron knows them not. They are older than he. Now I have walked there, but I will [[Take Our Word for It|bring no report]] to darken the light of day.}}
**:* The Watcher at the gates of Moria may be one of those things that managed to crawl its way up to the surface, or it may be one of Morgoth's creations, but either way, it is a borderline abomination.
:* Ungoliant from ''The Silmarillion'' is descibed as one, as is her daughter Shelob. Ungoliant is said to have <small>"descended from the Outer Darkness, maybe, that lies in Ea beyond the walls of the World"</small><ref> Outer space, for those of the scientific nature.</ref>" after breeding with other... things... <ref>Giant Insects? Maia? Monsters created by Morgoth?</ref> in a valley somewhere before she just... wandered off. <small>"Some have said that she ended long ago, when in her uttermost famine she devoured herself at last."</small> But they [[Never Found the Body]]. Said valley is so [[Eldritch Location|corrupted by her presence]] that 400 years later, Beren is the only mortal to have passed through it and survived.
** Ungoliant from ''The Silmarillion''.
{{quote|Then the [[Brown Note|Unlight of Ungoliant]] rose up even to the roots of the Trees, and Melkor sprang upon the mound... and their sap poured forth as it were their blood, and was spilled upon the ground. But Ungoliant sucked it up, and going then from Tree to Tree she set her black beak to their wounds, till they were drained; and the poison of Death that was in her went into their tissues and withered them, root, branch, and leaf; and they died. And still she thirsted, and going to the Wells of Varda she drank them dry; but Ungoliant belched forth black vapours as she drank, and swelled to a shape so vast and hideous that Melkor was afraid.}}
:* Ungoliant once attempted to eat [[Physical God|Melkor]], and she would have succeeded if [[Even Evil Has Standards|the ''Balrogs'']] - servants of ''[[Satan|Melkor]]'', the strongest of the Valar (powers of the world/god-like beings/Angels), superior of Sauron and a being only subservient to creator and supreme God Eru himself - hadn't pulled a [[Big Damn Heroes]].
*** Ungoliant's daughter, Shelob, as well.
:* It's sort of implied that any fallen Ainu will take on eldritch characteristics also associated with more "garden variety" devils: Morgoth did, and Sauron has a fair few - becoming a 'shapeless, dormant evil' after the destruction of his body, causing a 'shadow of fear' to fall by beginning to manifest himself again, and his spirit towering over Mordor like a black cloud after his final downfall. Even after Sauron's downfall, he becomes a 'spirit of malice that gnaws itself in the shadows', as Gandalf puts it. Even Saruman may have gone this way given enough time, as there is a recurring theme of him being a kind of lesser Sauron, much like Sauron is a lesser Morgoth.
** Ungoliant later attempts to eat [[Physical God|Melkor]]. She would have succeeded, too, if the ''Balrogs'' hadn't pulled a [[Big Damn Heroes]]...Yes, really. Please note, we are talking about ''[[Satan|Melkor]]'', Boss of Sauron, Strongest of the Valar (powers of the world/god-like beings/Angels), and only subservient to Eru (the creator/Super-God/The God) himself. Ungoliant was one big bad mama.
*** She is said to have <small>"descended from the Outer Darkness, maybe, that lies in Ea beyond the walls of the World.<ref> Outer space, for those of the scientific nature.</ref>"</small> After breeding with other...things... <ref> Giant Insects? Maia? Monsters created by Morgoth?</ref> in a valley so [[Eldritch Location|corrupted by her presence]] that, 400 years later, Beren is the only mortal to have passed through it and survived, she just...wandered off. <small>"Some have said that she ended long ago, when in her uttermost famine she devoured herself at last."</small> But they [[Never Found the Body]].
** Hell, Morgoth HIMSELF gets this:
{{quote|...greater than a mountain with its head above the clouds, crowned with smoke and fire, and the light of his eyes drove the lesser Ainur to madness.}}
* Dan Abnett's ''Eisenhorn'' series of ''[[Warhammer 40,000]]'' works contained a short story in which the inquisitor leads a mission into [[Alien Geometries|an alien-infested space that has been perverted to the point of there being more than 360 degrees in a circle. It disorients the humans and makes the inquisitor all the more anxious to kill the Alien.
*** It's sort of implied that any fallen Ainu will take on eldritch characteristics. Morgoth did, as seen above, and Sauron has a fair few (such as becoming a 'shapeless, dormant evil' after the destruction of his body, causing a 'shadow of fear' to fall by beginning to manifest himself again, and his spirit towering over Mordor like a black cloud after his final downfall. Even after his downfall, he becomes, as Gandalf puts it, a 'spirit of malice that gnaws itself in the shadows'). Even Saruman may have gone this way given enough time, as there is a recurring theme of him being a kind of lesser Sauron as Sauron is a lesser Morgoth.
* The {{color|red|Minotaur}} in ''{{color|blue|House}} [[House of Leaves|of Leaves]]'', [[Ultimate Evil|maybe]]. There's also the {{color|blue|House}} itself. While looking at it isn't immediately maddening, all attempts to understand it or classify it fail, and it moves, reshapes, and exists in manners that should not be possible. It is possible that The {{color|blue|House}} actively attempts to avoid comprehension by humans and, by doing so, drives everyone vaguely related to it ''insane.''
**** But these guys are more like your garden variety devils than true Eldritch Abominations.
** Alternately, if we take [[Gainax Ending|the poem that ends the book]] into account, yet ''another'' explanation emerges: The {{color|blue|House}} is {{spoiler|the interior of [[Norse Mythology|Yggdrasil]], the [[World Tree|"tree"]] that holds the universe,}} and the {{color|red|Minotaur}} is, naturally, {{spoiler|the demon-serpent Nidhoggr, gnawing at its roots}}. All things considered, this may not be much better.
* Dan Abnett's [[Warhammer 40,000|Eisenhorn]] series contained a short story in which the inquisitor leads a mission into an alien-infested space that has been perverted. Like, literally, space has been perverted. It is described as being so that there are more than 360 degrees in a circle. It disorients the humans and makes the inquisitor all the more anxious to kill the Alien.
* The Blight from [[Vernor Vinge]]'s ''[[Zones of Thought|A Fire Upon the Deep]]'' is a post-[[Singularity]] version. It's a five ''billion'' years-old [[The Virus|god-virus]], with no apparent goals except endless expansion. The effect of any form of contact with the Blight proper is nowhere near as merciful as simply driving you mad. Instead, you are instantly turned into the Blight's fleshy terminal, and ''then'' are eventually driven mad by becoming a [[Fate Worse Than Death|helpless prisoner in your own mind]]. And it can propagate through computer networks, including interstellar ones. And it can kill the local equivalents of [[Physical God]]s, to whom it appears hideously disgusting even before revealing its true nature; mere mortal minds cannot even comprehend the true nature and complexity of the Blight, of course.
* The {{color|red|Minotaur}} in ''{{color|blue|House}} [[House of Leaves|of Leaves]]'', [[Ultimate Evil|maybe]].
* The Ancient Enemy from [[Dean Koontz]]'s ''[[Phantoms]]'' is a massive, lake-sized mass of black sludge older than the dinosaurs; it consumes other life forms as sustenance, and is able to perfectly mimic any creature it consumes. It can create small "probes" or "phantoms", imitating consumed life forms, to go forth and hunt more prey, obeying the orders of its "hive mind". In addition, the creature absorbs the mental capacity and memories of those it consumes, so its mind grows more powerful, intelligent, and self-aware over time. Besides being able to mimic real animals and people, the creature can also form phantoms based on mental images from its victims; it takes sadistic delight in creating phantoms in the shape of religious demons and monsters to terrorize its victims before killing them. The creature also apparently likes to think of itself as [[The Devil]], and even has human cultists.
** The {{color|blue|House}} itself. While looking at it isn't immediately maddening, all attempts to understand it or classify it fail, and it moves, reshapes, and exists in manners that should not be possible.
* Another Koontz example is the extraterrestrial known as "the Giver" in ''[[Winter Moon]]''. Its method of interstellar travel is completely incomprehensible (it seems to have torn a hole in reality), [[You Cannot Grasp the True Form]], and it literally [[Blue and Orange Morality|does not understand the existence of death]].
*** It is possible that The {{color|blue|House}} actively attempts to avoid comprehension by humans and, by doing so, drives everyone vaguely related to it ''insane.''
* Inverted in the [[wikipedia:Blade of Tyshalle#The Blind God|Blind God]] of ''[[The Acts of Caine]]''. It is as impersonal, awful, powerful, and horrifying as anything from the [[H.P. Lovecraft|Lovecraft mythos]]. The inversion is that it's not really alien. Played straight with the Outer Powers worshipped by the Black Knives in ''Caine Black Knife''.<!--I'm not sure that's how an inversion works here...-->
*** Alternately, if we take [[Gainax Ending|the poem that ends the book]] into account, yet ''another'' explanation emerges: The {{color|blue|House}} is {{spoiler|the interior of [[Norse Mythology|Yggdrasil]], the [[World Tree|"tree"]] that holds the universe,}} and the {{color|red|Minotaur}} is, naturally, {{spoiler|the demon-serpent Nidhoggr, gnawing at its roots}}. All things considered, this may not be much better.
* ''[[Skulduggery Pleasant]]'' has the Faceless Ones, so named because they cannot be looked upon in their true forms without driving the observer mad, and can only manifest by [[Demonic Possession|possessing humans]] and [[Body Horror|melting all features from their faces in the process]]. They are the former rulers of this reality before the Ancients, their slaves and the first mages, managed to find a weapon capable of driving them into another reality. They are described as being so evil and sadistic that even their own shadows were afraid of them. A creature cobbled together from several monster parts that included the torso of a Faceless One's host took a small army of mages to kill. When the Faceless Ones themselves finally appear, Valkyrie gets only a passing glance at one and is temporarily driven into a catatonic state by its impossible geometry and biology. Skulduggery explains that if they successfully return, they will wipe out half of humanity and then work the other half to death, before destroying the Earth.
* The Blight, from [[Vernor Vinge]]'s ''[[Zones of Thought|A Fire Upon the Deep]]'', is a post-[[Singularity]] version. It's a five ''billion'' years-old [[The Virus|god-virus]], with no apparent goals except endless expansion. The effect of any form of contact with the Blight proper is nowhere near as merciful as simply driving you mad. Instead, you are instantly turned into the Blight's fleshy terminal, and ''then'' are eventually driven mad by becoming a [[Fate Worse Than Death|helpless prisoner in your own mind]]. And it can propagate through computer networks, including interstellar ones. And it can kill the local equivalents of [[Physical God|Physical Gods]] - to which it appears hideously disgusting even before revealing its true nature (mere mortal minds cannot even comprehend the true nature and complexity of the Blight, of course).
* The Ancient Enemy from [[Dean Koontz]]'s ''[[Phantoms]]'' is a massive, lake-size mass of black sludge, older than the dinosaurs, and consumes other life forms as sustenance, and is able to perfectly mimic any creature it consumes. It can create small "probes" or "phantoms", imitating consumed life forms, to go forth and hunt more prey, obeying the orders of its "hive mind". In addition, the creature absorbs the mental capacity and memories of those it consumes, so its mind grows more powerful, intelligent, and self-aware over time. Besides being able to mimic real animals and people, the creature can also form phantoms based on mental images from its victims; it takes sadistic delight in creating phantoms in the shape of religious demons and monsters to terrorize its victims before killing them. The creature also apparently likes to think of itself as [[The Devil]]. It even has human cultists.
** Another Koontz example is the extraterrestrial known as "the Giver" in ''Winter Moon''. Its method of interstellar travel is completely incomprehensible (it seems to have torn a hole in reality), [[You Cannot Grasp the True Form]], and it literally [[Blue and Orange Morality|does not understand the existence of death]].
* Inverted in the [[wikipedia:Blade of Tyshalle#The Blind God|Blind God]] of ''[[The Acts of Caine]]''. It is as impersonal, awful, powerful, and horrifying as anything from the [[H.P. Lovecraft|Lovecraft mythos]]. The inversion is that it's not really alien. Played straight with the Outer Powers worshipped by the Black Knives in ''Caine Black Knife''.
* ''[[Skulduggery Pleasant]]'' has the Faceless Ones, so named because they cannot be looked upon in their true forms without driving the observer mad and can only manifest by possessing humans, [[Body Horror|melting all features from their faces in the process]]. They are the former rulers of this reality, before their slaves, the Ancients (the first mages), managed to find a weapon capable of driving them into another reality. They are described as being so evil and sadistic that even their own shadows were afraid of them. A creature cobbled together from several monster parts including the torso of a Faceless One's host took a small army of mages to kill. When they finally appear, Valkyrie gets only a passing glance at one and is temporarily driven into a catatonic state by its impossible geometry and biology. Skulduggery explains that if they successfully return, they will wipe out half of humanity and then work the other half to death, before destroying the Earth.
* In ''[[The Power of Five]]'', the main antagonists are the Old Ones, godlike creatures clearly inspired by Lovecraft that used to rule Earth before the humans defeated them ten thousand years ago and sealed them in another universe. {{spoiler|The Nazca Lines were created as the seal, and the animal shapes drawn into the Earth were actually representative of each of the Old Ones, the familiar animals being the closest approximation the human mind could come to the Old Ones' horrifying appearance.}}
* Part of the [[Doctor Who Expanded Universe]] declared [[H.P. Lovecraft]]'s creatures canonical and had their names originally bestowed by Rassilon. As if Cthulhu, Hastur (aka Fenric, apparently), and the Fendahl weren't enough, a number of characters (most notably the creators of the Land of Fiction and Compassion, an EU companion who became a TARDIS) have been upgraded to this kind of thing.
** The [[Faction Paradox]] spin-off expanded on the Yssgaroth, things from another version of history accidentally accessed when the [[Time Lord|Great Houses]] set up their version. Totally inimical to the existing universe, no one's sure if they were multiple creatures or just different aspects of one entity, or even if they were alive at all and not just "symptoms of a timeline that had already started ripping chunks out of its own flesh", and if they took people into their own universe...well, they've been known to string a victim's nervous system out over an entire planet [[Fate Worse Than Death|while keeping it alive and able to sense pain.]] And it's implied that the Great Houses are secretly studying a way into their universe for military purposes. Just for additional horror, they're connected with the Great Vampires from Doctor Who, which came out of nowhere and swarmed all over the universe, each one capable of sucking a planet dry.
** Continuing on [[Faction Paradox]], we have the extradimensional realm known as [[Eldritch Location|the Eleven-Day Empire]] (created by mutilating Earth's history and erasing eleven days that never existed). Moments after its creation, the Faction went there to set up shop. [[Oh Crap|They found the place was already occupied]]. [[It Got Worse|Which didn't stop them from making a deal with the Very Nice Gentlemen and settling down like they liked]]. And, of course, they even got several of their new friends (implied to be the living embodiments of multiversal laws) to defend their new home.
** The novel ''Sky Pirates[[Excited Episode Title|Sky Pirates!]]'' stated the early Time Wars were against creatures so utterly different that they were considered to be Eldritch Abominations. It also heavily implies that the Timelords (and especially the Doctor) are just Eldritch Abominations that have figured out the trick of [[A Form You Are Comfortable With|not instantly destroying the psyches of lesser creatures as soon as they are seen]]. Their TARDISes are examples, too: At one point, the disguise that prevents human companions from wanting to pull their eyes out collapses, and we're told one of the controls tries to ''bite'' him.
* [[Star Wars Expanded Universe]]:
*** As are their TARDISes. At one point, the disguise that prevents human companions from wanting to pull their eyes out collapses, and we're told one of the controls tries to ''bite'' him.
** There's an arguable case in the [[Star Wars Expanded Universe]] novel ''[[The Crystal Star]]'', with [http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Waru Waru]. "Hethrir's scientists breached the walls between dimensions and brought into existence a massive slab of meat covered with shining golden scales. Though this entity, Waru, lacked discernible sensory organs, it was highly intelligent and could communicate in a deep resonating voice." The scales were variable in size and a syrupy ichor oozed from between them. The ichor could be breathed by humans, and it was [[Bigger on the Inside]]. It was promised a way home by the man who summoned it, and it worked with him and healed the sick, was worshipped, and ate people to replenish its healing energy. It was always lonely and ended up [[Evil Is Not a Toy|eating the guy who summoned it]] before collapsing in on itself.
** {{spoiler|Abeloth}} from the ''[[Fate of the Jedi]]'' series most definitely qualifies. The mention of [[Combat Tentacles|tentacles]] and the associated imagery does ''not'' help... Her home planet: a place in the Maw where plants eat animals which also happens to be the location of Force purgatory. Useful for something that sustains itself by ''eating force-sensitive souls''. The name, incidentally, is a [[Shout-Out]] to {{spoiler|the aboleths}} from [[Dungeons & Dragons]], which are ''also'' examples of this trope.
** While in the ''Star Wars'' EU, the newly-introduced {{spoiler|Abeloth}} from the ''[[Fate of the Jedi]]'' series most definitely qualifies.
** The 2010 Unknown Regions RPG supplement also added the [http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Mnggal-Mnggal Mnggal-Mnggal]. It's a formless black goo that takes over a host and devours them. It wants to consume all worlds in existence, which would be bad enough... but it delights in tormenting sentient beings even more than it does taking them over. Doesn't sound too bad by the standards of alien horrors in Star Wars... until you learn that the reason the Unknown Regions have been cut off from the rest of the galaxy since time immemorial is that the [[Precursors|Celestials]] thought that the Mnggal-Mnggal was too much for ''them'' to deal with!
*** The mention of [[Combat Tentacles|tentacles]] and the associated imagery does ''not'' help...
* In [[Barbara Hambly]]'s ''[[Sun Wolf And Starhawk]]'' novel ''The Ladies of Mandrigyn'', we have {{spoiler|Altiokis's power source. [[Karmic Death|It gets him in the end]]}}.
*** Her home planet: a place in the Maw where plants eat animals which also happens to be the location of Force purgatory. Useful for something that sustains itself by ''eating force-sensitive souls''.
* The passageway between the worlds in ''[[Coraline (novel)|Coraline]]''. At first seeming to be a relatively normal, if strangely unsettling hallway, by the end it's a wet, furry... '''''thing''''' that's very much alive and incomprehensibly vast and ancient. It makes The Other Mother look trivial, and she's a particularly nasty [[The Fair Folk|fairy]]. It's also implied that it's far older and more powerful than her and that, even though she found it and temporarily used it, ''she has no goddamn idea what it is or how it works''.
*** The name, incidentally, is a [[Shout-Out]] to the aboleths from [[Dungeons & Dragons]], which are ''also'' examples of this trope.
** The 2010 Unknown Regions RPG supplement also added the [http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Mnggal-Mnggal Mnggal-Mnggal] into Star Wars' growing list of EAs. It's a formless black goo that takes over a host and devours them. It wants to consume all worlds in existence, which would be bad enough...but it delights in tormenting sentient beings even more than it does taking them over. Doesn't sound too bad by the standards of alien horrors in Star Wars...until you learn that the reason the Unknown Regions have been cut off from the rest of the galaxy since time immemorial is that the [[Precursors|Celestials]] thought that the Mnggal-Mnggal was too much for ''them'' to deal with!
* In [[Barbara Hambly]]'s [[Literature/Sun Wolf And Starhawk|Sun Wolf And Starhawk]] novel ''The Ladies of Mandrigyn''... {{spoiler|Altiokis's power source. [[Karmic Death|It gets him in the end]].}}
* The passageway between the worlds in ''[[Coraline (novel)|Coraline]]''. At first seeming to be a relatively normal, if strangely unsettling hallway, by the end, it's a wet, furry...'''''thing''''' that's very much alive and incomprehensibly vast and ancient. It makes The Other Mother look trivial, and she's a particularly nasty [[The Fair Folk|fairy]].
** It's also implied that it's far older and more powerful than her, and that, even though she found it and temporarily used it, ''she has no goddamn idea what it is or how it works''.
* The never-seen-and only [[Take Our Word for It|very obliquely described]]-Todal in [[James Thurber]]'s ''[[The 13 Clocks]]''.
* ''[[Perdido Street Station]]'' by [[China Mieville]]:
* [[China Mieville]]'s ''[[Perdido Street Station]]'' has the slake-moths - monstrous, insectoid creatures that devour minds. Not literally, what the creatures feed on is the very sentience of their prey itself, leaving their victims utterly mindless shells. How terrible are these abominations? At one point, the government of New Crobuzon attempts to strike a deal with Hell to get them to intervene and stop the threat, and ''[[Food Chain of Evil|the demons are too frightened to get involved.]]''
** The slake-moths - monstrous, insectoid creatures that feed on the very sentience of their prey, leaving their victims utterly mindless shells. How terrible are these abominations? At one point, the government of New Crobuzon attempts to strike a deal with Hell to get them to intervene and stop the threat, and ''[[Food Chain of Evil|the demons are too frightened to get involved]]''.
** And then you have the Weaver, who the New Crobuzon government turns to when the demons turn them down. It's a gigantic spider that exists ''between'' dimensions and is capable of traversing them as easily as we would walk down the street. It is also ''batshit crazy'', speaking in the "flight of ideas" style most often seen in unmedicated schizophrenics and capable of doing anything to anyone, friend or foe, merely because it seems "fitting". During the brief time that the heroes are in its presence, the Weaver cuts off the ears of everyone in the room for reasons known only to itself. It also repaired the ears of some of the people, again for reasons unknown. The Weaver encountered in the book has an obsession with scissors and happily accepts them as gifts, if the term 'happy' can be applied to it. Apparently, it enjoys collecting things in general, as it is mentioned that before its obsession with scissors, it collected chess sets.
** And then you have the Weaver, who the New Crobuzon government turns to when the demons turn them down. It's a gigantic spider that exists ''between'' dimensions and is capable of traversing them as easily as we would walk down the street. It is also ''batshit crazy'', speaking in the "flight of ideas" style most often seen in unmedicated schizophrenics and capable of doing anything to anyone, friend or foe, merely because it seems "fitting". During the brief time that the heroes are in its presence, the Weaver cuts off the ears of everyone in the room for reasons known only to itself. It also repaired the ears of some of the people, again for reasons unknown. It also has an obsession with scissors and happily accepts them as gifts, if the term 'happy' can be applied to it; apparently it enjoys collecting things in general, as it is mentioned that before its obsession with scissors, it collected chess sets.
** [[Iron Council|And then]] there is the ''Torque'', described by one character as a tumour that aborted itself from the womb that produced the forces of Birth and Death. Whilst not evil per-se, it is a natural force that is almost totally uncontrollable which warps and mutates matter and biology into horrifying things. Merely trying to research it can turn you into an Eldritch Abomination. It was once used as a weapon; the results of the Torque Bomb were so awful that even after a generous application of [[Magitek]] versions of nuclear weapons, there's a country-sized region of the world which isn't going to be inhabitable by anything but abominations ever again.
*** To[[Iron elaborateCouncil|And onthen]] there is the 'horrendous mutations' partTorque'', atdescribed by one point,character as a tumour which aborted itself from the womb that produced the forces of Birth and Death. Whilst not evil per-se, it is a natural force that is almost totally uncontrollable which warps and mutates matter and biology into unrecognizably horrifying things, including anyone simply trying to research it. When it was used as a weapon, the results of the "Torque Bomb" were so awful that even after a generous application of [[Magitek]] versions of nuclear weapons, there's a country-sized region of the world which isn't going to be inhabitable by anything but abominations ever again. The protagonist pulls out a book of photos taken at ground zero of the inhabitants (though it may have been implied that therethey could be survivors) to show to a client. "That? We think it used to be a goat. Or a train."
** Oh, and inIn the middle of a city,city there are The Ribs, the partially -exposed skeleton of some enormous creature that has been dead for a very, very long time. Attempts to build over it resulted in seemingly structurally sound houses that just fell apart and tools that break long before they should, and attempts to excavate the whole skeleton tended to result in the workers suffering horrifying nightmares or disappearing suspiciously. It was decided that whatever it is iswas best left buried and uninvestigated.
** Then,Then in ''[[The Scar]]'', the second book in the series, there's the [[Giant Swimmer|avanc]],: something from another universe that is big enough to pull an entire floating city,... and all that anyone knows about it is that it swims and has at least one thing that could be described as a limb.
** The creature from the short story ''Details'' is this in spades. It lives in all detailed surfaces,surfaces, and if you look deeply enough into them, you can see it. The problem is that once it notices you, it will try to get you through all detailed objects, {{spoiler|including those in your memories}}. The only 100% sucessful ways of keeping it away from you are [[Eye Scream|cutting your eyes out]] or [[Driven to Suicide|killing yourself]], which may be [[Fate Worse Than Death|better than]] [[And I Must Scream|what this thing willit'll do to you]] once it gets you.
* [[Simon R. Green]]'s ''Forest Kingdom'' books contain several types of Eldritch Abominations in addition to the regular [[Our Demons Are Different|evil demons]]. In ''[[Blue Moon Rising]]'', there is a giant worm thing that devoured an entire mining town; in ''Down Among The Dead Men'', the [[Big Bad]] is explicitly named as an evil from beyond the dawn of time; ''Blood and Honour'' has an entire castle slowly turning into one (an entire room digests its occupants at one stage, and [[Body Horror|a person is turned into a living doorway]] to a dimension full of eldritch abominations). Amongst several others.
** InSimon theR. Green's ''[[Deathstalker]]'' series by the same author, therealso arehas multiple occurrences of such abominations.
*** The massive AI planet Shub exists in more dimensions than humans can perceive, and is extremely unnerving for them to look at and capable of causing insanity in some.
*** The Recreated are entities formed from the disembodied spirits of billions of sentient beings who died when the [[Person of Mass Destruction|Darkvoid Device]] destroyed their planets. Driven insane, they merged with the subconscious mind of the Darkvoid Device and used its power to manifest as civilization-destroying abominations.
*** The Terror is an entity capable of not just destroying planets, but it actually [[Planet Eater|eats suns]] to refuel itself; its mere presence is enough to drive entire planets into insanity.
*** One human esper was so [[Complete Monster|vile and twisted]] that when she was broken into four individual beings, the Uber-Espers, each manifested as an eldritch abomination.
** TheseExamples thingsof these also turn up in hisSimon R. Green's ''[[Nightside]]'' series, although that's got more of a comedy flavor, so its hero usually winds up either [[Did You Just Have Tea With Cthulhu|having tea with them]] or [[Did You Just Flip Off Cthulhu?|flipping them off]]. Or both: it's that kind of series.
* In [[Ursula K. Le Guin]]'s ''[[Earthsea]]'' series, the "Nameless" are entities that the wizards refer to as the dark powers of the Earth, which are the focus of the oldest religion of the Kargad lands in ''The Tombs of Atuan''. And in a later book, the main antagonist turns out to be some crazy wizard who tried to achieve immortality -- by creating a hole which nearly sucked the entire world inside it.
* The ''[[Final Destination]]'' franchise spin-off book ''Dead Reckoning'' has the main character Jess enter what appears to be Death's realm in a dream. There she encounters what is presumably Death's true form - the vaguely humanoid Death is gigantic, composed of constantly shifting, crumbling, and regenerating bones from seemingly "every creature that ever lived", and is covered in what could be loosely described as robes made from what appears to be still living flesh that twitches and squirms. From afar, it just looks like a dark mass, and it's constantly emitting a noise that sounds like static and "thousands of birds all taking flight at the same time", while its eyes are completely blank, dark voids. Also, anything in proximity of it ages rapidly.
* Arguably, the "rough beast" from [[William Butler Yeats]]' [http://www.potw.org/archive/potw351.html "The Second Coming,"] althoughcounts, it'sby hardvirtue toof saythe forChristian sure.apocalypse Theimagery visionused theto narratordescribe relatesit. doesn'tThe soundpoem thatis badabout comparedthe to someaftermath of theWorld otherWar things described on this pageOne, butanticipating the effectsfurther horrors of its comingthe suggestTwentieth otherwiseCentury.
* In the ''[[Bionicle]]'' novels by Greg Farshtey, there is a character called Tren Krom, a crimson blob with hooked tentacles. It was reputed to be so horrifying it would literally drive you insane to look at it.
** The poem is about the aftermath of World War One, anticipating the further horrors of the Twentieth Century. It certainly does use Eldritch Abomination (by way of Christian apocalypse) imagery in its central metaphor, though.
* [[Blindsight]] by [[Peter Watts]] has Rorschach: an intelligent, city-sized, incredibly scary ''vessel''. Its "inhabitants", the scramblers, are one of the best examples of [[Starfish Alien]]s in fiction.
* In the ''[[Bionicle]]'' series by Greg Farshtey, there is a character called Tren Krom who was so horrifying it would literally drive you insane to look at it. It is a crimson blob with hooked tentacles.
* The Bugs from Phillip Palmer's ''Debatable Space''. Their name isn't very evocative of what they are, but immediately after discovering them, humanity sacrificed millions of people to put up thousands of indestructible, uncrossable walls between the Bugs and the rest of the universe. Despite this, the leaders of the government live in unending, justified and mortal fear of them. The {{spoiler|Fire Beasts}} are also implied to be remarkably friendly, apathetic versions of this.
* [[Blindsight|Rorschach]] from [[Peter Watts]]' book ''[[wikipedia:Blindsight (science fiction novel)|Blindsight]]'' is an intelligent, city-sized, incredibly scary ''vessel''. Its "inhabitants", the scramblers, are one of the best examples of [[Starfish Alien|Starfish Aliens]] in fiction.
* The Bugs from Phillip Palmer's ''Debatable Space''. Their name isn't very evocative of what they are, but immediately after discovering them, humanity sacrificed millions of people to put up thousands of indestructible, uncrossable walls between the Bugs and the rest of the universe. Despite this, the leaders of the government live in unending, mortal fear of them. This is all entirely justified. The {{spoiler|Fire Beasts}} are also implied to be remarkably friendly, apathetic versions of this.
* The ''[[Repairman Jack]]'' novels of F. Paul Wilson had the Ally and the Otherness (who see the world as a poker chip) and The Lady (who seems to be the personification of Earth's life).
* The Vord Queen from the ''[[Codex Alera]]'' is an example of a [[Humanoid Abomination]], but as far as the characters are concerned, she's the full trope, being immensely powerful, completely alien and amoral, and a threat to all else that lives in the world. Then she gets it into her head that she wants to be human - and that just makes her [[Uncanny Valley|even creepier]].
* Ruin from ''[[Mistborn]]''. mayWhile counthe -does while actuallytake a naturalhuman partform a couple of thetimes worldto talk to characters, it's made plain that this is just a mask - he exists on a level far beyond mortal comprehension and seeks to destroy the world not out of malice, but because destroying worlds is just ''what he does''. He{{spoiler|Ruin doesis takein reality a humancosmic formforce controlled by a couplehuman ofintelligence, timeslike toall talkthe toother [[Anthropomorphic charactersPersonification|Shards of Adonalsium]]. However, butthe it'sShards madewarp plainthe thatpersonalities thisof istheir justholders based on their Intent. Ati, the man who held Ruin, was originally a maskkind, decent person, but becoming Ruin transformed him into an [[Omnicidal Maniac]].}}
* Tais Teng's ''Glass Spears'' anthology features Nesquaam, the Elemental Darkness. He is literally that - pure darkness and absolute cold, but sentient and hateful. His presence will break any mind that is exposed to him long enough.
** {{spoiler|Actually, while Ruin is a cosmic force, it is controlled by a human intelligence, like all the other [[Anthropomorphic Personification|Shards of Adonalsium]]. However, the Shards warp the personalities of their holders based on their Intent. Ati, the man who held Ruin, was originally a kind, decent person, but becoming Ruin transformed him into an [[Omnicidal Maniac]].}}
* In ''[[The Neverending Story (novel)|The Neverending Story]]'', we have the Nothing. Born from distortions in Fantastica caused by [[Fisher King|The Childlike Empress's]] sickness, it's not exactly a creature, but is as eldritch as anything else. There are quite literally no adequate words to describe it. In chapter one, a messenger tries to explain what happened to a lake that was consumed by the Nothing. It's not that the lake was drained, or that it dried out, because then, there'd be a hole or a dry lakebed there, wouldn't there? It's just...''nothing''. Later on, Atreyu runs into some wood trolls that came into contact with it. One lost his lower body, one lost the ''left'' half of his body, and one had a giant hole eaten away. Only... they're still alive. They just can't... ''feel'' anything that was removed. When Atreyu tries to take a look at it from afar, he can't even glance at it straight on, and it pains him to see it even from the side, because his brain simply cannot comprehend the sight of nothing. It is quite simply something that should not ''exist'', and that's because it ''doesn't''.
* Tais Teng's ''Glass Spears'' anthology features Nesquaam, the Elemental Darkness. He is literally that - pure darkness and absolute cold, but sentient and hateful. His presence will break any mind as long as it is exposed to him long enough.
* In ''[[The Neverending Story (novel)|The Neverending Story]]'', we have the Nothing. Born from distortions in Fantastica caused by [[Fisher King|The Childlike Empress']] sickness, it's not exactly a creature, but it is as eldritch as anything else. There are quite literally no adequate words to describe it. In chapter one, a messenger tries to explain what happened to a lake that was consumed by the Nothing. It's not that the lake was drained, or that it dried out, because then, there'd be a hole or a dry lakebed there, wouldn't there? It's just...''nothing''. Later on, Atreyu runs into some wood trolls that came into contact with it. One lost his lower body, one lost the ''left'' half of his body, and one had a giant hole eaten away. Only...they're still alive. They just can't...''feel'' anything that was removed. When Atreyu tries to take a look at it from afar, he can't even glance at it straight on, and it pains him to see it even from the side, because his brain simply cannot comprehend the sight of nothing. It is quite simply something that should not ''exist'', and that's because it ''doesn't''.
* A. Lee Martinez's ''Too Many Curses'' gleefully wallows in this trope, giving us The Thing Which Devours, The Beast Which Annoys, The Black Plook, The Monster That Should Not Be, The Hideous Impaler, and The Door At The End Of The Hall.
* The Ro from the ''[[Species Imperative]]'' trilogy: beings that exist outside of normal space and whose very speech makes one feel as though they are being ripped apart.
* The Spectres of ''[[His Dark Materials]]'' are semi-corporeal creatures which devour the consciousness or soul of adults (they are invisible to children and have no interest in them). They not only come from the Abyss, but they are ''a section of it'', effectively manifestations of emptiness itself. SoArguably, the angels are also eldritch basicallythemselves, their real forms resembling architecture more than living things, but [[A Form You Are Comfortable With|they areassume manifestationsa ofhumanoid emptinessform itselffor our runningconvenience]] aroundanyway.
* [[Robert E. Howard]]'s [[Conan the Barbarian]] ran into some - of course, Howard ''was'' a friend and correspondent of Lovecraft.
** Arguably, the angels are also eldritch themselves, their real forms resembling architecture more than living things, but [[A Form You Are Comfortable With|they assume a humanoid form for our convenience]] anyway.
* [[Robert E. Howard]]'s [[Conan the Barbarian]] ran into some (of course, Howard ''was'' a friend and correspondent of Lovecraft...). As in* "[[The Pool of the Black One]]" pits him against one, where he prudently made the right choice in [[Run or Die]].
** "[[The Tower of the Elephant]]", another Conan story, gives us Yag-kosha and manages the impressive feat of turning one of these into ''[[The Woobie]]'', with [[Tortured Abomination|the utter hell that this creature was put through for centuries]] at the hands of a particularly sadistic [[Evil Sorcerer]],. who heConan calls the sorceror a "[[Complete Monster|devil in human form]]" withfor ''very'' good reason.
** In ''[[Black Colossus]]'', itone has a truly horrific crush on the princess.
* [[Thomas Ligotti]] has created a truly prodigious number of these, most fairly unconventional in presentation and overall manifestation. Perhaps the strangest is the entity central to "Ten Steps to Thin Mountain". {{spoiler|Think about the implications of the ''House of Leaves'' entry above. Apply this to a meme. Or a stray thought. ''This is what Thin Mountain is.''}}
* The Gaiaphage/Darkness in ''[[Gone (novel)]]''.
* The various works of [[Terry Brooks]]' various works are full of them, thus;:
** The Mist Wraith, a swamp-dwelling tentacle monster.
** The creature encountered in the Wolfsktaag in ''[[The Sword of Shannara]]'', which was a composite of machine and monster flesh. It is likely that this is the prototype for the Creeper that appeared in later books.
Line 168 ⟶ 145:
* The [[Big Bad|Storm King]] from ''[[Memory, Sorrow, and Thorn]]''; though ostensibly one of [[The Undead]], his apocalyptic dark power and [[One-Winged Angel|terrible physical manifestation]] put him quite in line with the trope.
* The Eidolons from ''[[Bitter Seeds]]'' are essentially sentient (and malevolent) chunks of the universal substrate.
* Mother from ''[[Argo]]'' is essentially a robotic version of this.
* The [[Names to Run Away From Really Fast|"Cold Thing"]] from ''[[10 A BOOT STOMPING 20 A HUMAN FACE 30 GOTO 10]]''. Whatever it is is so alien that even part of it begins warping physics locally, and its presence terrifies even {{spoiler|[[Trickster Archetype|Jim]] [[Physical God|freaking]] [[The Doors|Morrison]]}}. To further the creep factor, it only communicates with {{spoiler|[[Creepy Child|some autistic kids]]}}, and on its last encounter with Earth millennia ago, it left {{spoiler|an egg,}} {{spoiler|[[Oh Crap|which the villain plans to smash to get its attention.]]}}
* Klæl in ''[[The Tamuli]]''.:
{{quote|** ''"We do not speak of 'it', nor do we speak of 'him'. We speak of Klæl."''{{context}}
** Notably, there's also Azash, a minion of the [[Big Bad]], Azash, from ''[[The Elenium]]''. An utterly alien creature that comes from someplace else, it's a creature so bizarre and alien that even theits [[Big Bad]]boss, an elder god (meaningand a god that existed before humans existed, making him an eldritchEldritch abominationAbomination in his own right), can only control it in its larval form. In its larval form, it's a man -sized humanoid... thing with an utterly alien face that mortals can be hypnotized by just by looking at the glow radiating from it, and has powerful magical abilities. Once matured into adulthood, it is utterly uncontrollable, invulnerable to any force, whether man, god, or demon, and it is stated that if ever a male and female were brought into the world at the same time and given the chance to mature, there would be no way to stop them, and they would ultimately turn the entire world into a nest. Thankfully, once matured, their first and foremost desire is to find a mate to the exclusion of all else, and it will search until it literally starves to death if one is unavailable.
* While the titular children in ''[[Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children]]'' possess startling unnatural abilities themselves, they pale next to the hollowgasts,: former peculiars that, through some horrifying means, have made themselves immune to the passage of time, feed on the souls of peculiars (though they will eat normals and animals if pressed), and are only visible to a few peculiars as horrible masses of eyes and tentacles. If they eat enough souls, they become wights, which can pass for humans but are only slightly less horrifying.
* The Funhouse inhabitants from ''[[The Pilo Family Circus]]''.
* Chaos and Old Night from ''[[Paradise Lost]]'' by [[John Milton]]. Lucifer passes through their domain on his way to Earth, and as they obviously bear a grudge against [[God]], they allow him safe passage. The weird thing is, we never find out exactly who or what they are,: they just ''are''. And, from the look of things, clearly have a history with God!
* ''[[An Elegy for the Still-living]]'': The dragon.
{{quote|Wind raced as breath or darkness formed a figure. Something large and unfathomable. As deep as the ocean and more vast. A drum as slow as time and as fast as now. Steady, like a pulse, but greater than any pulse or all. Two wings rose and fell. They rose, he saw the past. They fell, he saw his future. And he saw that the shape before him was endless and that its wings made a great circle in heaven. He saw his own death in those wings, and knew that it had already happened, and that it was still to come.}}
* The SkasloiSkaslois in Greg Keyes' ''[[Kingdoms of Thorn and Bone]]''.
* [[Big Bad|Orannis]] [[Omnicidal Maniac|Orannis the]] [[Sealed Evil in a Can|Destroyer]] in the ''[[Old Kingdom]]'' series. He is [[Sealed Evil in a Can]] alternately described as a sphere of light and a column of fire, and is totally immortal. His [[Sealed Evil in a Can|can]] is his own frozen body, [[Half the Man He Used To Be|split in half,]] and buried under a hill, and encased by a seal of seven different materials, including bone. He destroyed the world several times before [[Our Gods Are Greater|the Seven]] finally imprisoned him. Yes, that's correct: it took seven GODS'''gods''' to to hold this thing. And his only real restriction is his power and movement; - he can still communicate with and manipulate those around him. This is the most terrifying, [[Mind Screw|unnatural]] thing to come from the [[Eldritch Location|terrifying, unnatural Kingdom.]].
* [[H.P. Lovecraft|Yog-Sothoth]] pullsmakes a brief appearance in the ''[[Illuminatus]]! Trilogy'', as well as [[Cthulhu Mythos|the Lloigors, Tsathoggua, and the Shoggoths from the [[Cthulhu Mythos]];. Towards the end there is also, towards the end the Leviathan,: a ridiculously immense, vaguely pyramid-shaped, single-celled, pre-Cambrian monstrosity with a single eye towards the top of each of its four sides, as well as far too many tentacles. Of course, this being the ''Illuminatus! Trilogy'', that's ''not'' the weirdest thing in the novels...
* ''[[Final Days]]'' has the growths. Massive metal flowers that grow out of the seabed and spreads across Earth, bringing earthquakes, violent storms, and strange lights with them. Nobody knows what they are or what their purpose is, or even if they are sentient or not. The only thing that is known is that they will destroy Earth. {{spoiler|Though Stone claims they are actually benevolent.}}
* John Hodgman's ''[[That Is All]]'' features a whole host of Ancient And Unspeakable Ones (AAOUs for short) that awaken from their slumber in 2012 to usher in the [[Apocalypse How|Global Superpocalypse]].
* [[Kim Newman]]'s ''[[Dark Future (novel)|Dark Future]]'' novels feature appearances by Azathoth, Nyarlathotep, and some unpleasant beings from beyond human reality like the Jibbenainosay;, a dark spirit which usually manifests as a sort of giant, evil jellyfish.
* The Eddorians of the ''[[Lensman]]'' series. They came from another universe (bringing their planet along with them), they have third-stage minds and so can lethally [[Mind Rape]] any lesser mind, and the concept of their very existence was so disturbing that it had to be kept secret from both [[The Federation|Civilization]] and Boskone, even though the Eddorians were the founders and ultimate rulers of Boskone.
* The Old Ones in the Monster Hunter series by Larry Correia (Monster Hunter International, Monster Hunter Vendetta) are classic Eldritch Abominations.
* ''[[A Certain Magical Index]]'':
** The Cthulhu Mythos is a system of magic in the setting. One side story has the main villains being magicians who use this magic. Cthulhu himself (technically, a lesser copy) is summoned at one point.
** Sample Shoggoth is a strange amorphous parasite found in Antarctica. It enters a human's body, consumes their body fat and replaces it. Since it takes over the normal functions of fat, it can't be removed without killing the host., Itand it also has a powerful [[Healing Factor]], capable of regenerating from having portions of its body erased from existence. {{spoiler|It turns out to have been created by humans, however.}}
** The "Invisible Thing" is a mysterious and extremely powerful entity. It has appeared as either a white dragon or a transparent mass (though these could be separate entities), the latter being the source of its nickname. It is capable of frightening a person who had temporarily become more powerful than God. {{spoiler|It's also sealed inside the main character Touma, seemingly by his [[Anti-Magic|power]].}}
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