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*** Autochthon, a living non-Yozi Primordial, is a giant hollow machine-deity approximately the size of a planet, mostly made of steampunk (and he's a good guy. Sort of.)
*** The three kinds of Primordial Exalted -- Alchemicals, Infernals and Abyssals -- are gradually evolving into something closer to their patrons. Alchemicals gradually turn into cities, but the others have only existed about three years and as such have had nowhere near enough time to turn into... whatever it is they end up becoming.
*** ''Return of the Scarlet Empress'' revealed Yozi charms which define the ability of Primordials to exist in their [[Genius Loci|worldform jouten]].<ref>Technically, ''all'' of a Primordial's jouten are defined by charms (as are all of their capabilities and personality aspects). The most accurate way to describe a Primordial is as a sentient collection of charms built around a central theme.</ref>. Which a Green Sun Prince can learn. Which means that ''[[Transhuman Aliens|every Green Sun Prince is actually an infant Primordial]]''.
*** To up the fun, PDF supplement ''The Broken-Winged Crane'' gives the Green Sun Princes another path to transcendence, the Heresy charms. Instead of turning yourself into a world, you gain the ability to create worlds within yourself.
*** Did we also mention that once the Exaltation shard becomes redundant, it is released to be implanted in another Infernal...?
* The Greater Titans of ''[[Scion]]'' are beyond mortal ken. They're beyond ''divine'' ken. They are so divorced from reality [[Logic Bomb|(despite being incarnations of its primal concepts)]] that they had to divide their power among Avatars just to have a clue what they were doing, and each one is its own internal world. The worst of the lot is Hundun, the Titan of Chaos. It alone of the Titans couldn't be bound, for doing so requires definition - and Hundun ''cannot be defined''. An easy way to enter Hundan is to have a God become the Void, the living embodiment of all things chaotic... and then jump in.
* In the [[Tabletop Game]] ''[[Monsters and Other Childish Things]]'', one of the types of monsters used in its dark and twisted take on [[Mons]] are Eldritch Abominations. The non-statted sample monster Dewdrop is an Eldritch Abomination take on a unicorn, while one of the statted sample monsters is a Lovecraftian monstrosity merged with a teddy bear named [[Shout-Out|Yog-So`'Soft]]. Both these and the more "normal" monsters tend to cause bouts of panic and madness in people who see them as well, further adding to it. There are also a few non-[[Mon]] antagonists that are also abominations.
* In ''[[The Whispering Vault]]'', the player characters are all minor Eldritch Abominations who act as a "police force" that apprehends and retrieves other abominations who have illicitly made their way to Earth. {{spoiler|Reality is also literally [[All Just a Dream]] cooked up by those abominations who haven't gone rogue.}}
* ''[[Warhammer 40,000]]'' has the Chaos Gods and [[The Legions of Hell|their Daemons]], who reside in [[Hyperspace Is a Scary Place|The Warp]].
** The Enslavers, who at first take on almost comprehensible forms of cyclopean octopi and swim in the warp currents. Seem kind of cute until you realize that even the hiveminded Tyranids and other creatures of the warp like Daemons have trouble with them.
** While the Tyranids may seem more like a [[Horde of Alien Locusts]], the utterly alien nature of said [[Hive Mind]] and the metaphysical effects of a Hive Fleet's presence (the Shadow in the Warp, which screws with communication, sensors and navigation and causes insanity in psychically sensitive beings) is rather telling. And at one point it was hinted that they were running from [[Always a Bigger Fish|something even worse]].
** The original ''[[Warhammer Fantasy Battle]]'' has the Gods of Law, which are arguably more inhuman and, should the unlikely case of their victory occur, will turn the world into a stillborn reality where no change of any sort occurs. This is particularly more true to [[Light Is Not Good|Alluminas]], whose requirements for his worship are extremely bizarre, and who can cast a light that makes anything it touches unmoving and unchanging.
* ''[[Magic: The Gathering]]'':
** The "Horror" and "Nightmare" creature types. Not all of them fall under this trope, but a fair number do. For example, the [http://www.wizards.com/mtg/images/tcg/products/alarareborn/oz5ev5t1ru_EN.jpg Nemesis of Reason]. As well, there's [http://www.wizards.com/magic/images/mtgcom/arcana1000/1119_maritlagetoken.jpg Marit Lage], an ancient, betentacled [[Sealed Evil in a Can]]. The card [http://ww2.wizards.com/gatherer/CardDetails.aspx?&id=121155 Dark Depths] allows you to ''unseal'' her.
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* The Lords of Cthul from ''[[Monsterpocalypse]]'' are the Cthulhu-esque, Godzilla-sized avatars of powerful extradimensional monsters... who get [[Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?|bodyslammed]] regularly.
* The Unspeakable One from the Freedom City ''[[Mutants and Masterminds]]'' setting. (It also provides Golden Age stats for an eldritch entity, although that barely qualifies - it may ''look'' like Cthulhu, but it doesn't drive you mad simply from looking at it.)
* ''[[GURPS]]: Fantasy'' treats Tiamut as this, giving stats for a minor avatar of hers that whileisn't not particularly odd looking (it's an enormous dragon with four eyes) but can still cause terror from just looking at it. Said avatar automatically regenerates every year, making the effort of trying to kill it futile. To get rid of it permanently you'd have to track down and kill the real Tiamut... who is half the size of the universe (about 2.24* 10^18 [[Hit Points]]) so good luck with that. There's even a Lovecraft quote after the stat block.
** ''GURPS'' has a few more from diffetent settings and splatbooks: ''GURPS: Cabal'', with its cosmology based on the qabbalah's Sephirot has the creatures of Qlipoth and its Ur-Lords, ''Creatures of the Night'' has the godlike Betweeners, the force called "[[Dark Is Evil|the darksome]]" which is responsible for the creation of the literal organ-farmer [[Split Personality|Darklings]], and many of the non-undead creatures described, a few licenced settings (like ''Cthulhupunk'' and ''[[War Against the Chtorr]]'') have their own native abominations, and ''Infinite Worlds'', the meta-setting that ties [[The Multiverse]] together, not only makes ''all'' the previous settings inter-accessible, but also has at least one world (Taft-7) where humanity never evolved in the first place because of Great Old One (or similar) influence 50 million years back- and although they're long gone, they left enough "Fun Stuff" behind (and the risk of attracting their attention is great enough) for the agencies overseeing interdimensional travel to quarantine the world from any travel there whatever the reason.
* Spoofed in ''[[Pokethulhu]]''. Yes, there are hideous, evil non-Euclidean critters. But you can tame them and use them as [[Mons]] (and they still drive you to insanity).
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** It also throws ''[[Guyver]]'' into the mix, with [[Cosmic Horror]] [[Expy|Expys]] of Guyvers and Zoanoids (you can actually play the former).
* ''Dragon Warriors'' brings us Balor, the god of darkness. Balor is a humanoid being of such immense size and power that he can rampage across the world unstoppably. It's a good thing that he's [[Sealed Evil in a Can|entombed in magical ice]]. His cultists, [[Elemental Powers|the Darkness Elementalists]], are granted some of the best elemental spells.
* The ''Blood Sword'' campaign and series, set in the same universe as ''Dragon Warriors'', reveals that there are others, such as a trio of truly hideous demon-things that were worshipped in the [[Fantasy Counterpart Culture|Middle-East equivalent]] before the spread of their [[Crystal Dragon Jesus|Crystal Dragon Islam]], and [[Evil Sorcerer|the Archmagi of Krarth]], whose return from the void between the stars to their ruined fortress of Spyte heralds [[The End of the World as We Know It]]; the battle againtagainst just ''''one''''' Archmagus is [[Climax Boss|the hardest fight in the series]].
* ''[[Yu-Gi-Oh! (Tabletop Game)|Yu-Gi-Oh!]]'' [[Trading Card Game]]:
** The [https://yugipedia.com/wiki/Alien Alien] archetype has a handful of examples: [http://yugipedia.com/wiki/Cosmic_Horror_Gangi%27el "Cosmic Horror Gangi'el"], [http://yugipedia.com/wiki/Cosmic_Fortress_Gol%27gar "Cosmic Fortress Gol'gar"] and [https://yugipedia.com/wiki/Cosmic_Slicer_Zer%27oll "Cosmic Slicer Zer'oll"]. "Aliens" themselves mostly avert this - though [[Reptiles Are Abhorrent|classed as Reptile-type]], the ones that aren't reptilian in appearance tend to be more along the lines of [[The Greys]], and neither type tends to reach "eldritch" levels of abominable.
** The [https://yugipedia.com/wiki/Worm "Worm"] archetype of [[Light is Not Good|LIGHT attribute]] Reptile-type monster qualifies far more easily. According to [[Yu-Gi-Oh! (Tabletop Game)/Metaplot/Duel Terminal|Duel Terminal material]] and [[All There in the Manual|Master Guide 3]], they came from [https://yugipedia.com/wiki/W_Nebula_Meteorite organic matter clinging to meteorites], and [[Starfish Aliens|mutate to evolve and fit their environment]]; they are actively invasive, and [[Horde of Alien Locusts|consume as much as they can on the planets they come across]]. The Duel Terminal "Worms" are each named for a single letter of the alphabet, and feature appropriately bizarre and grotesque designs, particularly the massive [https://yugipedia.com/wiki/Worm_Zero "Worm Zero"]. In Duel Terminal storylines, their invasion interrupts a long-standing war between various factions, who are [[Enemy Mine|forced into a truce and alliance]] to take on the otherworldly threat - the [https://yugipedia.com/wiki/Ally_of_Justice "Ally of Justice"] is the name of an organization formed from the four most powerful tribes, and is also the name given to the [[Dark Is Not Evil|DARK attribute]] [[Mechanical Lifeforms|Machine-type]] monsters that were developed specifically to counteract them.
*** In Duel Terminal storylines, their invasion interrupts a long-standing war between various factions, who are [[Enemy Mine|forced into a truce and alliance]] to take on the otherworldly threat - the [https://yugipedia.com/wiki/Ally_of_Justice "Ally of Justice"] is the name of an organization formed from the four most powerful tribes, and is also the name given to the [[Dark Is Not Evil|DARK attribute]] [[Mechanical Lifeforms|Machine-type]] monsters that were developed specifically to counteract them.
** One of Pegasus' signature monsters, [http://yugipedia.com/wiki/Relinquished "Relinquished"], definitely qualifies - it also has Fusion forms in [https://yugipedia.com/wiki/Thousand-Eyes_Restrict "Thousand-Eyes Restrict"] and [https://yugipedia.com/wiki/Millennium-Eyes_Restrict "Millennium-Eyes Restrict"], and a later Link Monster retrain, [https://yugipedia.com/wiki/Relinquished_Anima "Relinquished Anima"]. Its Japanese name is literally "sacrifice", and it and related monsters share the appearance of a... ''thing'' with two arms extending from a ''very vaguely'' humanoid body that has a mask-like "face" and [[Cyclopean Creature|a single eye on a protruding stalk]]. Their main gimmick involves assimilating an enemy monster into its body, taking on its stats, and (minus "Anima") using it as a meatshield - defeating "Relinquished" or "Restrict" in battle simply destroys the equipped monster instead, and in the former case [[Liquid Assets|deals damage to the attacking player as well as the defender]].
** [http://yugipedia.com/wiki/Fusion_Devourer "Fusion Devourer"] is a beast with several face-tipped tentacles extending from its head; the faces themselves are contorted in anguish and despair.
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* In Glorantha (as seen in [[RuneQuest]] and other sources), Chaos is like this. One major empire has an enslaved Chaos god/demon/thingy called the Crimson Bat. It's huge, it flies, it is covered with eyes, it glows with unholy energy, and it will eat your soul. It ''is'' crimson, and I suppose it's at least as much like a bat as it's like anything else... which isn't much.
* ''[[Nobilis]]'' has three main types. First, the True Gods- some of the earliest gods to come into being, to be found below the world in an enormous mass of tentacles and weirdness, [[Interplay of Sex and Violence|simultaneously fighting and mating with each other]]. Next, the Excrucians, beings of not-being from outside reality who aim to destroy the universe, and finally the Actuals, the precursors to the True Gods- the movement like life, before it learned to live. The Actuals are vital to the existence of reality- but if one is summoned into the world, it will consume ''everything'' in a futile attempt to attain self-awareness if it isn't stopped. The True Gods, on the other hand, could quite possibly be the guys who empower the PCs.
* The ''Gumshoe System'' has openly embraced the concept for its first settings - there is of course ''[[Trail Of Cthulhu]]'', their own take on the [[Cthulhu Mythos|Mythos]], but there is also the basic campaign world for ''Esoterrorists'' and ''Fear Itself'', which they have given the [[Sarcasm Mode|cutesy moniker]] of '''[[Names to Run Away From Really Fast|World of Unremitting Horror]]'''. The monsters, most of them described in the supplement ''The Book of Unremitting Horror'', are for the most part ghastly [[Humanoid Abomination|humanoid abominations]] that seem straight out of one of [[Clive Barker]]'s more horrifying stories, many also blurring the line with other monster types such as [[Our Demons Are Different|demons]], [[The Undead|undead]] and [[The Fair Folk|fairies]], the worst being [[Reality Warper|Reality Warpers]]s from "The Outer Black"; many others [[The Heartless|feed on and/or are created by the worst aspects of human nature]] (for example [[Snuff Film|the Snuff Golem]]). The entries, which include numerous fiction pieces and detailed descriptions of how to identify the things' depredations through forensic sciences all add up to some seriously [[Nightmare Fuel]].
* The ''[[Star Wars]]'' RPG has the DarkStryder, a self-aware supercomputer created by a [[Precursor]]-type race that has created several species of its own and looks like [http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20080922130707/starwars/images/6/6b/DarkStryder.jpg THIS], and the Mnggal-Mnggal, a sentient fluid adept at [[Grand Theft Me|possessing bodies]] so horrible that even the Celestials (a [[Precursor]] race even more mysterious than the DarkStryder's creators, and believed to be nearly omnipotent) didn't want anything to do with it and sealed it away. [[Word of God]] from the creator of the latter abomination says it's supposed to be the same type of being as fellow ''[[Star Wars]]'' abomination [[The Crystal Star|Waru]].
* Well, though the RPG ofThe ''[[Mortasheen]]'' isn'tRPG out yet,{{when}} there arehas threeseveral creatures in the setting that are so powerful, they might as well be some of these. Called [[Names to Run Away From Really Fast|The Destroyers]], these unfathomably powerful weapons are as follows.:
** There is [http://www.bogleech.com/mortasheen/hestermoan.htm Hestermoan], a horrible Nuckleavee-esque monstrosity created "as an instrument of genocide against an entire civilization, and so effective that their very name remains unrecoverable". It is basically every variant of [[Plaguemaster]] rolled into one horrible monstrosity, including a [[Hate Plague]] to boot.
** Then there is the [http://www.bogleech.com/mortasheen/tormanshee.htm Tormanshee], a creature that creates that can be best described as a neural network of [[Mind Rape]]. [[Oh Crap|And every mind it adds to the the network increases its horrible mind rape radius]]. Oddly enough, it is also a [[Non-Malicious Monster]], which just serves to make it even more disturbing.
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