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A Rare Sentence: Difference between revisions

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{{quote|'''[[Ineffectual Sympathetic Villain|Doofenshmirtz]]:''' Oh, Vanessa, thank goodness you're here! A platypus has tied me up in my own pants!
'''[[Mad Scientist's Beautiful Daughter|Vanessa]]:''' How did my life get to a point where that is not a strange sentence to me? }}
*:* In fact, the [[Clip Show]] "Phineas' Birthday Clip-O-Rama!" has an entire montage devoted to odd sentences that have showed up at some point:
{{quote|"Nothing says mother's love like a gigantic robotic platypus butt."
"Why am I wearing a turtle on my head?"
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{{quote|'''Candace:''' How many times have I told you to keep Perry out of my way while I'm balancing eggs on a spoon?
'''Phineas:''' Um... never? }}
*:* Definitely played with in "One Good Scare Ought to Do it", even though it doesn't follow the mold:
{{quote|'''Candace:''' That's it you little psycho, I'm calling mom! And I am ''not'' using the banana this time!
'''Phineas:''' ''([[Beat]])'' You guys heard that, right? It ''wasn't'' just me? }}
*:* They aren't lampshaded, but a fair few song titles count, including: "[[Squirrels in My Pants|S.I.M.P. (Squirrels in My Pants)]]", "There's a Platypus Controlling Me", "[[It Makes Sense in Context|Couldn't Kick My Way Right Into Her Heart]]", "Funky Rhythms in the Bathroom", "Shot in the Butt with a Dart" and "[[Non Sequitur Scene|There is No Candy in Me]]". There are probably more.
*:* How about this one, from "The Temple of Juatchadoon"?
{{quote|'''Phineas''': We've got to lead that corn colossus away from those back up singers!
'''Isabella''': OMG, coolest sentence ever! Somebody write that down. }}
* In the ''[[American Dad]]'' episode "Haylias", Hayley's [[Trigger Phrase]] is explicitly mentioned as being a combination of words that no-one in the world would ever say -- "I'm getting fed up with this orgasm!"
** ''[[Family Guy]]'' used a similar gag in "Spies Reminiscent of Us", with the phrase "[[Acceptable Targets|Boy, that Italian family at the next table sure is quiet.]]"
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