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→‎Mortal Kombat: adding examples
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** Darrius, Dairou, Kira and Kobra as well. The former two for not really fitting in with the MK storyline in general (and being a stereotypical black guy in Darrius' case), Kira for ripping off Sonya ''and'' Kano, and Kobra for being a poor man's [[Street Fighter II|Ken Masters]]. In fact, most of the Deception characters qualify for this, except maybe Havik.
* In ''[[Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe]]'', DC fans seemed to view Baraka as this. Ironic since you'd think they'd enjoy the opportunity to see Batman and Superman attack a [[Wolverine|violent mutant with]] [[Blade Below the Shoulder]].
* ''[[Mortal Kombat 9]]'''s story has gotten Sindel a lot of hatred, to the point many are labeling her as this. She kills many well liked characters in rapid succession, some with just a simple punch or kick, even though the fight with her in that chapter clearly indicates she is not that powerful. ''[[Mortal Kombat 11]]''
** The''[[Mortal gameKombat 11]]'' does little to improve {{Spoiler|Sindel's reputation, bringing her into [[Hate Sink]] territory for most players, where her tragic backstory is [[Ret Conned]] into a lie, robbing her of any redeemable traits and making her an unrepentant monster.}}
** Shao Kahn also gets a lot of hate, albiet, for [[SNK Boss|very different reasons]]. In the end, {{spoiler|when both he and Sindel are double-crossed and killed by [[The Starscream| Shang Tsung]] in the ''Aftermath'' DLC, most fans considered it a fate well-deserved.}}
** Ironically, this game was also the one that redeemed Stryker, who was, until then, the [[Creator's Pet]] of the series.
* Kronika, the [[Big Bad]] and [[Final Boss]] of ''11'' is possibly the most disliked boss in Mortal Kombat for a variety of reasons, which is a shame, being the first female boss in the franchise. First of all, storywise, she makes no sense if you know the history of the game. As a Titan, she is supposedly above the Elder Gods and the One Being, but according to the established story of Creation, the One Being and Elder Gods were the only beings who existed before Time as a concept came into being, and the creation of the universe via the Big Bang occurred after the One Being was defeated and sealed away, meaning all of existence is, in fact, the sundered One Being. Kronika and her kin just don’t fit. Also, for all her hubris, Kronika does not seem to have any godlike power of her own, she needs the Hourglass and Crown to do, well, anything. Then there’s her motive. She claims she has reset the timeline over a 100,000 times over the course of millions years. This sounds dramatic, making her sound intimidating and omnipotent - until [[Fridge Logic]] makes you wonder, ''why has it taken this all-powerful entity that long?'' Doesn’t say much for divine competence, it means she's either two dumb to accomplish her goal or it's impossible and she doesn't realize it, [[Stupid Evil|making her an idiot either way.]] Even, gameplay wise, she’s not a good boss, and a rare case where being an [[SNK Boss]] is not a benefit. First, she cannot be juggled or knocked down, so combos don’t work against her, meaning the fight doesn’t seem like Mortal Kombat at all. And while the unique style (less reliant on brute force and more on confusing, random attacks (she summons [[Everything's Better with Dinosaurs|a freakin’ dinosaur]] for crying out loud) but once you start to understand the pattern, it’s easy to defeat her with a stun lock or cheese the fight with projectiles. Unlike Shao Kahn (who players claim to have gotten PDSD trying to defeat when ''[[Mortal Kombat 2]]'' came out) Kronika is an easy boss, the only truly difficult part (especially on high levels) being when she leaves the arena and sends another Kombatant to fight you.
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