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== Played for Comedy ==
* These tend to show up in=== ''[[Discworld]]'' books.===
** Sam Vimes is familiar with giving and receiving, for one. Also from the Watch books, Carrot Ironfoundersson received a [[Balls of Steel|codpiece]] as a going-away gift from a friend of his (adopted) father, though he was initially naive enough to think no one would dare strike someone else there.
** One of these inspires a villain in ''[[Monstrous Regiment]]'' after he tries to put the moves on Polly "Oliver" Perks when she's [[Recursive Crossdressing|dressed up as a boy dressed up as a girl.]] Yes, that makes sense. The same book also has a scene where the protagonist is bitten by a horse to the place where her family jewels would be, were she actually male (she keeps a bundle of socks there, instead). The sole male witness quickly faints, and after he comes to Polly hastily explains that her trousers were baggy enough the horse didn't do any damage.
** One dwarven saying is, "When their hands are above your head, your teeth are level with their crotch." The implications water the eyes.
** To Cohen the Barbarian and his Silver Horde, psychological warfare consists of spending the night before a big battle intimidating the enemy with chants of: "We're going to ''cut'' your ''[[Unusual Euphemism|tonkers]]'' off". Performing this operation on your worst enemy and then offering it as a present is likewise their idea of how to impress a woman.
** In ''[[Guards! Guards!]]'', [[Butt Monkey|Corporal Nobbs]] kicks Detritus the Troll in the stones, and nearly breaks his foot.
{{quote|"Have trolls got stones?"
"Stands to reason." }}
** Also from ''[[Guards! Guards!]]'': Sergent Colon to Nobby Nobbs. "You know all about 'voonerables', Nobby. I've watched you fight."
** Mort gets one from {{spoiler|Death himself}}.
** In order to properly shoe unruly stallions, Jason Ogg threatens to do this to them. With a ''smithing hammer''. Likewise, You Bastard the camel recognizes a similar implied threat in ''[[Pyramids]]'', in the form of two bricks. This references an old joke about a bet between two French Foreign Legionaires, one of whom claimed he could make a camel jump straight up in the air...
** In ''[[Carpe Jugulum]]'', after blocking two [[Armor-Piercing Slap|Armor Piercing Slaps]] from Perdita, Vlad the vampyre discovers that he's got no hands left and Perdita has a knee in reserve.
** Arnold Sideways of the Canting Crew, a band of near-legendary Ankh-Morpork beggars, is considered a useful asset in a fight despite having no legs because "a man with good teeth at groin height has things his own way". He also has a boot on the end of a stick, meaning that many thieves desperate enough to attack the beggars would find themselves kicked in the head by a man four feet high.
** Granny Weatherwax gives an Elf a double handed punch in the area in ''[[Lords and Ladies]]''.
** In ''[[Going Postal (Discworld)|Going Postal]]'' and ''[[Making Money]]'', Adora Belle Dearheart gives, threatens, and attempts a few of these. And in ''[[Making Money]]'' Moist von Lipwig gets one from Owlswick Jenkins.
** In Ankh-Morpork, this is generally preceded by the phrase "Kick him 'inna fork!"
** "''This'' is how you win a dogfight!" -- Gaspode the Wonder Dog's [[Crowning Moment of Awesome]].
** In ''[[Small Gods]]'' Om does this to an eagle near the end of the book, as the Annotated Prachett notes, eagles don't actually have that particular piece of anatomy [[Rule of Funny|but no reason to let that get in the way of a good joke.]]
=== ''[[Red Dwarf]]'' ===
* In the ''[[Red Dwarf]]'' novel "Last Human", a character incapacitates a horrific rampaging leopard monster with a combination of 1. A serum that radically increases a person's luck and 2. A rubber band.
** In an earlier novel, "Infinity Welcomes Careful Drivers," a hologram attempts to thump a desk in frustration, only for his hand to pass clean through it and slam painfully into his groin.
** In "Backwards" Lister earns a shard of glass through his crotch during a Virtual Reality gaming session.
** Also in "Backwards" Peterson ends up in jail for stapling a shore patrolman's penis to his thigh. Upon being released, Peterson is warned that the patrolman is looking to return the favour with red-hot rivets.
** When Kryten becomes a human being in "Last Human," one of his attempts to help the crew end with him tumbling down a flight of stairs, getting hit in the chest by an oxygen tank, and catching his groin on the tank's nozzle.
** In the climax of "Last Human," Lister's [[Evil Twin]] shoots him in the groin with a rad-pistol, permanently sterilizing him. {{spoiler|Or at least it would have been permanent if they didn't have the [[Luck Virus]].}}
** Lister's opening stint as a Hopper taxi-driver in Mimas begins with him accidentally biting a lit cigarette in half; naturally it lands in his crotch. After a few seconds of smoldering hair, Lister grabs a thermos and pours it over the flames, only to discover that it contained hot coffee; now in serious pain, his final resort is to grab another container for help. It contains upholstery cleaner. ''Ouch.''
== Other works ==
* [[Jim Butcher]]'s ''Proven Guilty'', in ''[[The Dresden Files]]'', uses this near the end of the book, when Harry and the others are escaping from the bad guys, but are about to get overrun by trolls. Harry stops, turns, and uses his sword to stab the lead troll in the jimmies. This is accompanied by the line, "If you've got danglies and can lose them, that's the kind of sight that makes you reconsider the genitalia-related ramifications of your actions real damned quick."
** In the short story ''Heorot'', Harry is up against a grendelkin, who's immune to Harry's magic. When the monster corners him, Harry gets some breathing room by winding up with his staff and getting him in [[Unusual Euphemism|the fire]]-[[Gag Penis|extinguisher]].
* In the ''[[Red Dwarf]]'' novel "Last Human", a character incapacitates a horrific rampaging leopard monster with a combination of 1. A serum that radically increases a person's luck and 2. A rubber band.
** In an earlier novel, "Infinity Welcomes Careful Drivers," a hologram attempts to thump a desk in frustration, only for his hand to pass clean through it and slam painfully into his groin.
** In "Backwards" Lister earns a shard of glass through his crotch during a Virtual Reality gaming session.
** Also in "Backwards" Peterson ends up in jail for stapling a shore patrolman's penis to his thigh. Upon being released, Peterson is warned that the patrolman is looking to return the favour with red-hot rivets.
** When Kryten becomes a human being in "Last Human," one of his attempts to help the crew end with him tumbling down a flight of stairs, getting hit in the chest by an oxygen tank, and catching his groin on the tank's nozzle.
** In the climax of "Last Human," Lister's [[Evil Twin]] shoots him in the groin with a rad-pistol, permanently sterilizing him. {{spoiler|Or at least it would have been permanent if they didn't have the [[Luck Virus]].}}
** Lister's opening stint as a Hopper taxi-driver in Mimas begins with him accidentally biting a lit cigarette in half; naturally it lands in his crotch. After a few seconds of smoldering hair, Lister grabs a thermos and pours it over the flames, only to discover that it contained hot coffee; now in serious pain, his final resort is to grab another container for help. It contains upholstery cleaner. ''Ouch.''
* [[Colt Regan|Colt's]] shot hit there purely by accident but that probably isn't much comfort to {{spoiler|Johnny Nobody}}
* This is one of Richard Sharpe's favorite attacks in his adventures, but isn't limited to him alone - a Portuguese soldier bayonets a French soldier in the groin in one of the books.
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