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Can't Have Sex Ever: Difference between revisions

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{{noreallife|this is All The Tropes, not Tropes After Dark.}}
== [[Anime]] and [[Manga]] ==
* ''[[Chobits]]'' uses this as a source of drama: penetrative intercourse with Chii will activate her reset mechanism and erase all her memories, destroying her feelings of love in the process.
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== Literature ==
* Partial trope in [http://www.amazon.com/One-Who-Waited-Erika-Griffin/dp/1411627164 [The One Who Waited]], Alice and the Boogeyman can technically never have sex, except {{spoiler|at the very end, when the act of doing so kills Alice}}
** Debatable: Either the {{spoiler|the house fire, or the sex kills her.}} It is left to the interpretation of the reader.
* In [[Piers Anthony]]'s ''[[Apprentice Adept]]'' series. Stile's wife has been [[Prophecies Are Always Right|prophesied]] to have one child by her second husband. So as long as they don't consummate their marriage, Stile remains safe from death.
* [[Cal Leandros]] is so afraid of impregnating the human he loves (he doesn't trust birth control at all) with his half-evil-[[The Fair Folk|fairy]] sperm that he will only boink other species that he's biologically incompatible with.
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* Edward and Bella can't have sex in ''[[Twilight (novel)|Twilight]]'' because he would crush her and/or suck her blood ({{spoiler|this is true for the first 3 books anyway}}).
** To be more exact, Edward refuses to have sex with Bella before marriage due to his old fashioned values.
* Subverted in Spider Robinson's ''[[Callahan's Crosstime Saloon|Callahans Crosstime Saloon]]'' series. Michael Finn, a humanoid alien cyborg, believes he can never have sex because (like Superman in the above example) his superhuman abilities would cause him to accidentally injure or kill whoever he has sex with. One of the other characters points out that he can still administer oral sex, and be given hand jobs.
* ''[[Discworld]]'' wizards can't have sex because there is a risk that the resulting child could be a sourceror, a magician powerful enough to destroy the world by accident. They don't seem to have heard of non-procreative sex.
** Judging by ''[[Discworld/Moving Pictures|Moving Pictures]]'', at least, the idea seems to be to never ever tell them anything about sex so that they have no idea how it works. If they don't know ''how'' to have sex, they won't, and no sourcerors will show up!
*** Good luck hiding that from the wizards raised in rural environments, especially Archchancellor Ridcully.
** It's actually worse than not having discovered non-procreative sex; a sorcerer will only be born if they're the eighth son of an eight son. So in theory, there's lots of sex that can be had before they have to stop, and some wizard could never have a problem. This is mentioned in some of the early books, so there's a good chance it's the kind of canon that can be safely ignored.
** Mostly, though, wizards don't have sex because they usually [[Chaste Hero|find magic]] [[Asexuality|more interesting]]. They're [[nerd]]s, after all...
** This is then possibly averted in ''[[Discworld/Making Money|Making Money]]'', where it's revealed several necromancy students only want to be necromancers because they get the official skull ring which they claim is a 'babe magnet'. Technically it's only ''marriage'' that's forbidden. There's presumably only a problem if all eight children are with the same woman.
*** Ah, '[[Insistent Terminology|Postmortem Communications]]'.
** In ''[[Unseen Academicals]]'' it is mentioned that Professor Macarona, at Unseen University on exchange, has apparently left a trail of angry husbands and at least one angry wife in other cities he's visited. [[Bi the Way|Not]] ''[[Bi the Way|his]]'' [[Bi the Way|wife]], [[Even the Guys Want Him|you understand]].
** In [[The Colour of Magic|the first book]], Rincewind is describes as looking like an "apprentice enchanter who had run away from his master out of defiance, boredom, fear and a lingering taste for heterosexuality." Make of that what you will.
** In ''[[The Light Fantastic]]'' Rincewind knows what orgasms are - he's had a few. Sometimes in company. His first use of real magic is compared to a good orgasm, and most wizards can use magic when they ''want''.
* Played on a villain in ''Exiles at the Well of Souls'', when the sexually-perverse and licentious [[Big Bad|Antor Trelig]] is transformed into a Makiem, a frog-like alien race. Makiem don't copulate at all, they just release gametes into the water once a year without any physical contact. Karma's a bitch, eh?
* In [[Isaac Asimov]]'s novel ''The Gods Themselves'', it is emphasized a few times that Earthborn and Moonborn people suffer from a ''slight sexual incompatibility'' due to Earth people's tendency to subconsciously move as in normal Earth-gravity during moments of abandon—an Earthman would be very likely to injure his partner in the lower gravity of the Moon. {{spoiler|In the end, it's implied that the protagonists can work something out.}}
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** Turians have a similar issue—being dextro-amino-based lifeforms, any sort of fluid-exchange could (in a worst case scenario) cause a deadly allergic reaction in either party, and Mordin's repeated warnings of chafing. {{spoiler|Once again, you ''can'' still go with it if you're romancing Garrus, but it takes quite a bit of planning beforehand. Mordin suggests that you try not to ingest.}}
** Some asari are Ardat-Yakshi: they suffer from a condition that fatally burns out the nervous system of anyone with whom they mate. To make matters worse, this also gives the Ardat-Yakshi a boost to their own natural biotic ability, [[With Great Power Comes Great Insanity|which proves addictive]].
== Western Animation ==
* In ''[[Futurama]]'', after members of Zoidberg's species mate, they die. Averted because this doesn't stop them.
** [[Truth in Television]], as a lot of species die after they mate. Some species of arthropods even [[wikipedia:Sexual cannibalism|eat their mate during or after sex.]]
** Also, giant amazons that give you death by SNU-SNU!
* Brock Samson (of ''[[The Venture Brothers]]'' fame) can never go past second base with Molotov Cocktease (the only woman he ever loved) because of her chastity belt.
== Web Original ==
* Artemis, Athena, and Hestia of ''[[O-Cast]]''. The first two are more than happy with the arrangement, although Hestia does not seem quite as pleased. In her words: [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RTDmfcPVFFQ "Forever's a long time to be a virgin."]
== Web Comics ==
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* In ''[[The Inexplicable Adventures of Bob]],'' it's never been spelled out, but it's been heavily implied that, however effective Voluptua's shapeshifter unit that lets her appear human may be, she and Bob would not be ''able'' to do much of anything physical, even if they were so inclined.
* Deepblooded (drastically mutated) [[Hell Hound|crater hounds]] in ''[[Wurr (Webcomic)|Wurr]]'' are not permitted to mate, as stillbirths or [[Death by Childbirth]] would likely result.
== Web Original ==
* Artemis, Athena, and Hestia of ''[[O-Cast]]''. The first two are more than happy with the arrangement, although Hestia does not seem quite as pleased. In her words: [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RTDmfcPVFFQ "Forever's a long time to be a virgin."]
== Western Animation ==
* In ''[[Futurama]]'', after members of Zoidberg's species mate, they die. Averted because this doesn't stop them.
** [[Truth in Television]], as a lot of species die after they mate. Some species of arthropods even [[wikipedia:Sexual cannibalism|eat their mate during or after sex.]]
** Also, giant amazons that give you death by SNU-SNU!
* Brock Samson (of ''[[The Venture Brothers]]'' fame) can never go past second base with Molotov Cocktease (the only woman he ever loved) because of her chastity belt.
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