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Examples of [[{{TOPLEVELPAGE}}]] in [[{{SUBPAGENAME}}]] include:
== ''[[Bleach]]'' ==
* There are a lot of examples but many of them can be much more complicated or even the reverse of what they might appear to be. Kubo loves playing with this trope.
* Played straight with Ichigo (Red) and Ishida (Blue), Ichigo (Red) and Byakuya (Blue), Renji (Red) and Byakuya (Blue), Renji (Red) and Ishida (Blue), Kenpachi (Red) and Byakuya (Blue), Ginjou (Red) and Tsukishima (Blue), Hitsugaya (Red) and Gin (Blue).
* Played with in the case of Orihime and Rukia where [[Cloudcuckoolander]], orange-haired Orihime should be the red and [[Ice Person]] Rukia should be the blue. However, the wild, passionate, forceful character is Rukia and the quiet, introverted character who would rather fade into the background is Orihime. This is especially highlighted when Urahara pulls Orihime off the frontlines. Orihime accepts the situation sadly but without protest while Rukia goes on the warpath to get Orihime back to the frontlines...even if she has to drag Orihime there herself to do it.
* Played with in the case of Aizen and Ichigo. Aizen is the blue to Ichigo's red until their Deicide battle when Ichigo becomes the blue to Aizen's red.
* Subverted with Tsukishima versus Byakuya. Being two characters who traditionally take the Blue role, this trope shouldn't have come into play at all. Except it did. With ''Byakuya'' as the red oni. [[Lampshade Hanging|Discussed]] by the pair during the fight.
* Subverted with Aizen and Gin. Throughout the manga, it looks like Aizen's the red oni to Gin's blue. It turns out to be the reverse.
== ''[[Code Geass]]'' ==
* ''[[Code Geass]]'' has scenes where Lelouch and Suzaku are shaded in red and blue respectively, though it counts as a subversion: Lelouch is the cold, tactical one and Suzaku is brash and reckless...but in the end, both can be hotblooded and irrational under pressure.
* Lelouch's first [[Evil Counterpart]] (and [[Worthy Opponent]]) Mao is also a red Oni to Lelouch's blue in a way: Mao is emotional, impulsive, completely concerned with <s>the people around him</s> C.C., and has no concern for the political climate or anything bigger. Lelouch is ([[Melodrama|relatively speaking]]) cool, intellectual, sophisticated, and has lofty political ideals. It makes for an ironic form of [[Color Coded for Your Convenience]] in that Lelouch wears a ''reddish''-brown jacket and Mao wears a ''blue''-and-white [[Badass Longcoat|great coat]].
* And Lelouch and C.C. are red and blue Oni respectively as well, perhaps even better. Lelouch is, after all, very passionate and C.C. is a detached, sarcastic [[The Stoic|Stoic]].
* In maps, Brittania is blue and the UFN is red.
* In the final arcs of the series, Lelouch is red and Schneizel is blue, even though they are both ruthless and calculating [[Magnificent Bastard]]s.
* The final opening theme parodies this color-coding, having Schneizel and Charles under Red/Blue light, meaning they have a cold and an impulsive side…then Lelouch appears, and his light is a full rainbow. Don't try to color-code Lelouch, folk: he's more complicated than that.
== ''[[Digimon]]'' ==
* ''[[Digimon Adventure 02]]'' season 2 has the high-energy, somewhat brash gogglehead Daisuke paired with introverted intellectual villain Ken, who pulls a [[Heel Face Turn]] halfway through the series. While enemies, they repeatedly face off; while allies, they find out that their digimon can combine into a much stronger digimon, linking their characters even more than before. Furthermore, Daisuke felt a kinship with Ken before they learned that he ''was'' a villain and, of all the other heroes, was the most sympathetic toward Ken during the time between repentance and alliance. Oh, and on the Blue Oni quality of "pride and aloofness": after his repentance, Ken spent a long time apart from the hero group, trying to "clean up his mess" in his own way, and worried that even if he tried to join up, they wouldn't accept him.
* In the first half of the season, T.K. was the Blue Oni—smarter, more level-headed and rational than Davis. With Ken's arrival, T.K. sort of became the third banana, though.
* Just 02? Let's see, in the first ''[[Digimon Adventure|Adventure]]'', we have the main character, Taichi, who Daisuke is an [[Expy]] for, and so they share a lot of personality traits (albeit Taichi's are toned down a little), and [[Aloof Big Brother]] [[The Lancer|Lancer]] Yamato, who spends most of his time [[Big Brother Instinct|trying to figure out what will keep his younger brother safest]]. While Taichi is unrestrained emotionally, Yamato is more prideful and tends to get embarrassed quickly at activities that lower him down to Taichi's level. Taichi is associated with the color orange (at least it's close to red) and Yamato with the color blue.
* Just ''[[Digimon Adventure]]''? Masaru and Touma in ''[[Digimon Savers]]''. There are specific episodes built around their might vs. mind clashes, and Touma seems particularly afraid of losing his coolness and intelligence in the face of Masaru's determination and charisma. Nanami taunts him with the fact that he didn't defeat with his prided logic and calculations; he beat her by charging at her head on, Masaru-style, and this seems to disturb him. Their DATS uniforms (red bodysuit with blue jacket for Masaru, blue bodysuit with blue jacket for Touma) reinforce this...heck, there's an absolutely hilarious [[Image Song]] dedicated to them (and Agumon and Gaomon) explaining why their personalities and methods clash, but they're still the greatest team...right?
* Takuya and Kouji from ''[[Digimon Frontier]]'' also have something of this dynamic, as do Ruki and Takato/Jenrya from ''[[Digimon Tamers]]''.
* In short, all seasons of ''[[Digimon]]'' invoke this trope.
** Interestingly, in all of the seasons of ''[[Digimon]]'' save ''[[Digimon Tamers]]'', the Blue Oni/Onis have "[[Blue Eyes]]" while the Red Oni has brown. In ' '[[Digimon Tamers]]' ', this is reversed (at least, if you count Ruki's indigo eyes as blue).
== ''[[Dragon Ball]] Z'' ==
* Goku and Vegeta exemplify this trope to a point where it could be named for them (And for a while, ''[[Vegeta and Son Goku|it was]]'').
** [[Characterization Marches On|Although it's hard to remember now]], but when Vegeta was first introduced, he seemed like a cold-blooded and heartless killer, one who seldom emoted more than wearing a [[Psychotic Smirk]] when killing someone. It wasn't until Goku proved himself an equal, if not superior in fighting ability (something that goes directly against Vegeta's pride, the Saiyan traditions, and culture he prizes so, etc), that Vegeta starts going off the deep end. Even then, it's worth noting that, in the description, it does say that (especially for villains) the calm, unemotional face of a Blue can just be a facade and conceal a lot of intensity and even craziness right below it. (Oh, and Piccolo is definitely a Blue type as well.)
*** When introduced, Vegeta played the Blue Oni to [[Blood Knight]] Nappa's Red.
** Literal truth right down to their clothes - Goku always wears Orange Red and Vegeta always wears blue.
* Another example from ''[[Dragon Ball]] Z'': Goku encounters a literal red and blue oni in the first season. It's inverted, as [[The Big Guy]] bruiser is a blue oni (who gets beaten quickly in a contest of strength), while the faster and more clever red oni challenges Goku to catch him and spends half the episode dodging the hero.
* This can be traced to the very first episodes of the series with strong but dumb Goku and sly and crafty Bulma.
* Androids 17 and 18.{{context|reason=Which is which?}}
* Goku's children fits this too, with Gohan being the blue and Goten being the red.
== ''[[Naruto]]'' ==
* Naruto and Sasuke (complete with the colors of their clothing and demon forms). In the third opening of ''[[Oddly-Named Sequel 2: Electric Boogaloo|Naruto Shippuden]]'', "Blue Bird", the pair are shown [http://images4.fanpop.com/image/polls/757000/757286_1309075440026_full.jpg against a red-and-blue background]. Unusually, Naruto has wind-based powers, while Sasuke's are fire-based.
* ''Naruto'' [[Geodesic Cast|loves this trope]]. Pretty much every team has the two guys as this with the girl making it a [[Power Trio]]. Other Red Oni/Blue Oni pairs include Lee and Neji, [[Generation Xerox|Jiraiya and Orochimaru]], Guy and Kakashi (and, before that, Obito and Kakashi), Kiba and Shino, Choji and Shikamaru, and arguably even Kankuro and Gaara (at least after his [[Heel Face Turn]]). With Choji and Shikamaru, Choji is easily set off and uses close attacks while Shikamaru is known to think things through thoroughly and always be ten steps ahead, and he also uses his shadows to attack from a distance. Shikamaru is not exactly blue but he does have a cool-color based theme while Choji has his bright red symbol, and in Shippuden, his outfit is nearly all red.
** To a lesser extent, [[Generation Xerox|their dads]] qualify. Shikaku is a fiercely intelligent, rational [[The Strategist|strategist]] and Jounin Commander of Konoha. Choza is calmer than his son, but is still the fieriest of the Ino-Shika-Cho trio, and he has red hair.
* Karui and Samui of Kumogakure are a female [[Red Oni, Blue Oni]] pair. Karui is a hot-tempered [[Dark-Skinned Redhead]], while pale blonde Samui is level-headed and calm - hell, her [[Meaningful Name|name even means 'cool']].
* The color scene is inverted with Akatsuki partners Itachi and Kisame, the former being a cold, calculating [[Aloof Big Brother]] with [[Red Eyes, Take Warning|red eyes]] and several fire jutsus, the latter being a [[Blood Knight]] that specialises in Water Jutsus and has the blue skin of a shark.
** See also Juugo and Suigetsu. Juugo has red hair, but is a [[Gentle Giant]] when he's not flipping out and is the calmest out of Taka. Suigetsu, meanwhile, is a [[White-Haired Pretty Boy|white-haired]] [[Blood Knight]] from the same village as Kisame.
** Now that this troper thinks about it, a few of the Akatsuki pairings invert this. Between Sasori and Deidara, Sasori has the orange eyes and Deidara has blue. Meanwhile, Konan and Pein have their hair colors mismatching the trope. Maybe the author is hinting at something....?
* Lately, Sasuke has been showing a few Red Oni traits, while Naruto has been showing some Blue Oni traits. But I wouldn't switch the names quite yet.
** Then there's [[Laughably Evil|Hidan]] and [[The Stoic|Kakuzu]]. No colour association, but jeez, the contrast couldn't get much stronger.
== ''[[Pokémon (anime)|Pokémon]]'' ==
* Ash, the [[Idiot Hero]], as the perfect example of the Red Oni, while Gary, [[The Rival]], definitely qualifies as the Blue Oni. Paul, Ash's new [[The Rival|rival]], seems to have taken over the Blue Oni role, mixed with [[Jerkass]]. To a lesser degree, Zoey and Nando also qualify.
* From the first movie: the cute and cheerful Mew as the Red Oni to the [[Badass]] and angsty Mewtwo as the Blue Oni.
* ''[[Pokémon Special]]'' features the heroic trainer Red and his rival, Oak's nephew, Blue. In the Japanese original, ''[[Pokémon Special]]'', however, this was not the case, as Red's rival was Green, while Blue was the female trainer that the English-language version called Green.
** [[Hot-Blooded|Gold]] and [[Anti-Hero|Silver]] fit the trope better, although they don't get the colors.
** No mention of {{color|blue|R}} and {{color|red|S}}?
* The anime tends to use [[Red Oni, Blue Oni]] in DPP.
** Dawn and Zoey would count technically, but Zoey comes off as being the calmer one, so the colors are mixed up.
* The ''[[Pokémon (manga)|Pokémon]]'' manga love this trope. [[Pokémon Diamond and Pearl Adventure|Hareta and Mitsumi]], [[Pokémon Golden Boys|Gold and Black]], [[Manga/Phantom Thief Pokemon Seven|Hiori and Lily]]...
== Other works ==
* Athena and her assistant Nike in ''[[Appleseed]]'' are complete opposites but work extremely efficiently together running the city of Olympus, with Athena keeping the public and the politicians in check mostly by sheer force of will and Nike serving as her [[Noble Top Enforcer]] behind the scenes. In the anime, Athena has red hair and dresses in red and brown, while Nike is pale blond and dresses in white and blue.
* Jin and Mugen from ''[[Samurai Champloo]]''. They are not only dressed in the respective colors and are [[foil]]s, they represent every trait possible of the trope. Water and fire ([[Animal Motifs|fish and rooster]] in the OP), past and future, tradition and innovation ([[Technician Versus Performer]]), orthodox and unorthodox, predictable and unpredictable, economy and extravagance, controlled purpose and chaotic energy, [[Order Versus Chaos|order and chaos]], [[Emotions vs. Stoicism|stoicism and emotion]], etc. Jin is practically unable to feel passionate about anything or form attachments to anyone, while Mugen is recklessly passionate without direction or purpose (or the brain power to put it to use). Fortunately, [[Character Development|they get better]] throughout all the whirls of yin and yang.
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** Aizawa also gets the same lighting treatment in the last few episodes, but his color is apparently green.
** Mikami, on the other hand, is purple.
* Goku and Vegeta of ''[[Dragon Ball]] Z'' exemplify this trope to a point where it could be named for them (And for a while, it ''[[Vegeta and Son Goku|was]]'').
** [[Characterization Marches On|Although it's hard to remember now]], but when Vegeta was first introduced, he seemed like a cold-blooded and heartless killer, one who seldom emoted more than wearing a [[Psychotic Smirk]] when killing someone. It wasn't until Goku proved himself an equal, if not superior in fighting ability (something that goes directly against Vegeta's pride, the Saiyan traditions, and culture he prizes so, etc), that Vegeta starts going off the deep end. Even then, it's worth noting that, in the description, it does say that (especially for villains) the calm, unemotional face of a Blue can just be a facade and conceal a lot of intensity and even craziness right below it. (Oh, and Piccolo is definitely a Blue type as well.)
*** When introduced, Vegeta played the Blue Oni to [[Blood Knight]] Nappa's Red.
** Literal truth right down to their clothes - Goku always wears Orange Red and Vegeta always wears blue.
** Another example from ''[[Dragon Ball]] Z'': Goku encounters a literal red and blue oni in the first season. It's inverted, as [[The Big Guy]] bruiser is a blue oni (who gets beaten quickly in a contest of strength), while the faster and more clever red oni challenges Goku to catch him and spends half the episode dodging the hero.
** This can be traced to the very first episodes of the series with strong but dumb Goku and sly and crafty Bulma.
** Androids 17 and 18.
** Goku's children fits this too, with Gohan being the blue and Goten being the red.
* On the same side, but Ryoma and Hayato from ''[[Getter Robo]]'' definitely fit. Ryoma's a heroic burning-sense-of-justice type ([[Ax Crazy|well,]] [[Sociopathic Hero|most]] [[Berserk Mode|of the time...]]), while Hayato is a cold-blooded loner. This is taken into extremes in ''Getter Robo G'', where Ryoma's Getter Dragon is red and Hayato's Getter Liger is blue!
* Naruto and Sasuke of ''[[Naruto]]'' (complete with the colors of their clothing and demon forms). In the third opening of ''[[Oddly-Named Sequel 2: Electric Boogaloo|Naruto Shippuden]]'', "Blue Bird", the pair are shown [http://images4.fanpop.com/image/polls/757000/757286_1309075440026_full.jpg against a red-and-blue background]. Unusually, Naruto has wind-based powers, while Sasuke's are fire-based.
** ''Naruto'' [[Geodesic Cast|loves this trope]]. Pretty much every team has the two guys as this with the girl making it a [[Power Trio]]. Other Red Oni/Blue Oni pairs include Lee and Neji, [[Generation Xerox|Jiraiya and Orochimaru]], Guy and Kakashi (and, before that, Obito and Kakashi), Kiba and Shino, Choji and Shikamaru, and arguably even Kankuro and Gaara (at least after his [[Heel Face Turn]]). With Choji and Shikamaru, Choji is easily set off and uses close attacks while Shikamaru is known to think things through thoroughly and always be ten steps ahead, and he also uses his shadows to attack from a distance. Shikamaru is not exactly blue but he does have a cool-color based theme while Choji has his bright red symbol, and in Shippuden, his outfit is nearly all red.
*** To a lesser extent, [[Generation Xerox|their dads]] qualify. Shikaku is a fiercely intelligent, rational [[The Strategist|strategist]] and Jounin Commander of Konoha. Choza is calmer than his son, but is still the fieriest of the Ino-Shika-Cho trio, and he has red hair.
** Karui and Samui of Kumogakure are a female [[Red Oni, Blue Oni]] pair. Karui is a hot-tempered [[Dark-Skinned Redhead]], while pale blonde Samui is level-headed and calm - hell, her [[Meaningful Name|name even means 'cool']].
** The color scene is inverted with Akatsuki partners Itachi and Kisame, the former being a cold, calculating [[Aloof Big Brother]] with [[Red Eyes, Take Warning|red eyes]] and several fire jutsus, the latter being a [[Blood Knight]] that specialises in Water Jutsus and has the blue skin of a shark.
*** See also Juugo and Suigetsu. Juugo has red hair, but is a [[Gentle Giant]] when he's not flipping out and is the calmest out of Taka. Suigetsu, meanwhile, is a [[White-Haired Pretty Boy|white-haired]] [[Blood Knight]] from the same village as Kisame.
*** Now that this troper thinks about it, a few of the Akatsuki pairings invert this. Between Sasori and Deidara, Sasori has the orange eyes and Deidara has blue. Meanwhile, Konan and Pein have their hair colors mismatching the trope. Maybe the author is hinting at something....?
** Lately, Sasuke has been showing a few Red Oni traits, while Naruto has been showing some Blue Oni traits. But I wouldn't switch the names quite yet.
*** Then there's [[Laughably Evil|Hidan]] and [[The Stoic|Kakuzu]]. No colour association, but jeez, the contrast couldn't get much stronger.
* ''[[Bleach]]'': There are a lot of examples but many of them can be much more complicated or even the reverse of what they might appear to be. Kubo loves playing with this trope.
** Played straight with Ichigo (Red) and Ishida (Blue), Ichigo (Red) and Byakuya (Blue), Renji (Red) and Byakuya (Blue), Renji (Red) and Ishida (Blue), Kenpachi (Red) and Byakuya (Blue), Ginjou (Red) and Tsukishima (Blue), Hitsugaya (Red) and Gin (Blue).
** Played with in the case of Orihime and Rukia where [[Cloudcuckoolander]], orange-haired Orihime should be the red and [[Ice Person]] Rukia should be the blue. However, the wild, passionate, forceful character is Rukia and the quiet, introverted character who would rather fade into the background is Orihime. This is especially highlighted when Urahara pulls Orihime off the frontlines. Orihime accepts the situation sadly but without protest while Rukia goes on the warpath to get Orihime back to the frontlines...even if she has to drag Orihime there herself to do it.
** Played with in the case of Aizen and Ichigo. Aizen is the blue to Ichigo's red until their Deicide battle when Ichigo becomes the blue to Aizen's red.
** Subverted with Tsukishima versus Byakuya. Being two characters who traditionally take the Blue role, this trope shouldn't have come into play at all. Except it did. With ''Byakuya'' as the red oni. [[Lampshade Hanging|Discussed]] by the pair during the fight.
** Subverted with Aizen and Gin. Throughout the manga, it looks like Aizen's the red oni to Gin's blue. It turns out to be the reverse.
* ''[[Rurouni Kenshin]]'' has Sanosuke and Kenshin, who are even cast in their respective colored lights during their first battle. After losing, Sano becomes [[The Lancer]].
** A lot of the time, Kenshin becomes the Red Oni, especially compared to stoic antagonists such as Saito and Aoshi
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* ''[[Kazemakase Tsukikage Ran]]'' has Ran as the blue oni and Meow as the red oni.
* ''[[Yu Yu Hakusho]]'' has ''literal'' blue and red oni—the blue oni are the bureaucrats in the Spirit World, while the red oni are security. With the protagonists, Yusuke and Kuwabara are both brash and eager, ready to throw themselves at a challenge, while demonic protagonists Hiei and Kurama are far more calculating and keep much cooler heads about them.
* Every season of ''[[Digimon]]'' has at least one hero and teammate that make up this duo.
** ''[[Digimon Adventure 02]]'' season 2 has the high-energy, somewhat brash gogglehead Daisuke paired with introverted intellectual villain Ken, who pulls a [[Heel Face Turn]] halfway through the series. While enemies, they repeatedly face off; while allies, they find out that their digimon can combine into a much stronger digimon, linking their characters even more than before. Furthermore, Daisuke felt a kinship with Ken before they learned that he ''was'' a villain and, of all the other heroes, was the most sympathetic toward Ken during the time between repentance and alliance. Oh, and on the Blue Oni quality of "pride and aloofness": after his repentance, Ken spent a long time apart from the hero group, trying to "clean up his mess" in his own way, and worried that even if he tried to join up, they wouldn't accept him.
** In the first half of the season, T.K. was the Blue Oni—smarter, more level-headed and rational than Davis. With Ken's arrival, T.K. sort of became the third banana, though.
** Just 02? Let's see, in the first ''[[Digimon Adventure|Adventure]]'', we have the main character, Taichi, who Daisuke is an [[Expy]] for, and so they share a lot of personality traits (albeit Taichi's are toned down a little), and [[Aloof Big Brother]] [[The Lancer|Lancer]] Yamato, who spends most of his time [[Big Brother Instinct|trying to figure out what will keep his younger brother safest]]. While Taichi is unrestrained emotionally, Yamato is more prideful and tends to get embarrassed quickly at activities that lower him down to Taichi's level. Taichi is associated with the color orange (at least it's close to red) and Yamato with the color blue.
** Just ''[[Digimon Adventure]]''? Masaru and Touma in ''[[Digimon Savers]]''. There are specific episodes built around their might vs. mind clashes, and Touma seems particularly afraid of losing his coolness and intelligence in the face of Masaru's determination and charisma. Nanami taunts him with the fact that he didn't defeat with his prided logic and calculations; he beat her by charging at her head on, Masaru-style, and this seems to disturb him. Their DATS uniforms (red bodysuit with blue jacket for Masaru, blue bodysuit with blue jacket for Touma) reinforce this...heck, there's an absolutely hilarious [[Image Song]] dedicated to them (and Agumon and Gaomon) explaining why their personalities and methods clash, but they're still the greatest team...right?
** Takuya and Kouji from ''[[Digimon Frontier]]'' also have something of this dynamic, as do Ruki and Takato/Jenrya from ''[[Digimon Tamers]]''.
** In short, all seasons of ''[[Digimon]]'' invoke this trope.
*** Interestingly, in all of the seasons of ''[[Digimon]]'' save ''[[Digimon Tamers]]'', the Blue Oni/Onis have "[[Blue Eyes]]" while the Red Oni has brown. In ' '[[Digimon Tamers]]' ', this is reversed (at least, if you count Ruki's indigo eyes as blue).
* Duck (or Ahiru in the Japanese version) and Fakir from ''[[Princess Tutu]]'' follow this trope very well. Duck has orangy-pink hair and is a loud, determined, dizty klutz who cares deeply about people and wants to be everyone's friend. Fakir is a green-haired boy who is cold, seemingly prideful, and anti-social. They start off as bitter rivals but later {{spoiler|discover they have the same goal -- to help and protect Mytho -- and end up becoming awkward partners. In the second season, Fakir develops a crush on Duck and the two become even more closely associated.}}
* Keroberos and Yue of ''[[Cardcaptor Sakura]]'' fame also qualify; [[The Stoic|Blue Oni]] Yue is often cold, introspective, and seemingly totally dispassionate, while [[The Idiot From Osaka|Red Oni]] Kero-chan is hot-headed and emotional.
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* Guts and Griffith from ''[[Berserk]]'', with Guts being the violent, determined, and impulsive Red Oni to Griffith's cool, calculating, and exceedingly ruthless Blue Oni, the ruthlessness even more pronounced when Griffith {{spoiler|[[Face Heel Turn|goes bad]]}}. And Guts, in keeping with the Red Oni, {{spoiler|swears unholy vengeance upon Griffith after the horrible betrayal that wiped out the rest of his [[True Companions]] and ended the anime}}.
** Lampshaded in ''[[Berserk Abridged]]'', with Zodd comparing the two with Naruto and Sasuke, though Griffith notes that Guts is way more [[Emo]] than he is. And as noted, {{spoiler|Griffith does indeed turn into a "winged lipstick monster" by the name of Femto upon his [[Face Heel Turn]]}}.
* ''[[Pokémon (anime)|Pokémon]]'': Ash, the [[Idiot Hero]], as the perfect example of the Red Oni, while Gary, [[The Rival]], definitely qualifies as the Blue Oni. Paul, Ash's new [[The Rival|rival]], seems to have taken over the Blue Oni role, mixed with [[Jerkass]]. To a lesser degree, Zoey and Nando also qualify.
** From the first movie: the cute and cheerful Mew as the Red Oni to the [[Badass]] and angsty Mewtwo as the Blue Oni.
** ''[[Pokémon Special]]'' features the heroic trainer Red and his rival, Oak's nephew, Blue. In the Japanese original, ''[[Pokémon Special]]'', however, this was not the case, as Red's rival was Green, while Blue was the female trainer that the English-language version called Green.
*** [[Hot-Blooded|Gold]] and [[Anti-Hero|Silver]] fit the trope better, although they don't get the colors.
*** No mention of {{color|blue|R}} and {{color|red|S}}?
** The anime tends to use [[Red Oni, Blue Oni]] in DPP.
*** Dawn and Zoey would count technically, but Zoey comes off as being the calmer one, so the colors are mixed up.
** The ''[[Pokémon (manga)|Pokémon]]'' manga love this trope. [[Pokémon Diamond and Pearl Adventure|Hareta and Mitsumi]], [[Pokémon Golden Boys|Gold and Black]], [[Manga/Phantom Thief Pokemon Seven|Hiori and Lily]]...
* ''[[Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann]]'':
** Kamina and Simon—blue-shirted and blue-eyed Simon is the comparatively rational one of the two, while red-caped and red-eyed Kamina is...well, ''[[Idiot Hero|Ka]][[Hot-Blooded|mi]][[Determinator|na]].'' Kamina is also the Red to Yoko's blue.
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** The final battle pulls one of these between Team Dai-Gurren and the Anti-Spirals. While Team Dai-Gurren make use of Spiral Energy, which is all about being [[Hot-Blooded]], [[Chewing the Scenery]], and fighting with passion, the Anti-Spirals want to eliminate Spiral Energy, and are thus emotionless, aloof, distant, and uncaring. The colour schemes of their mecha even match, with the good guys' [[Title Drop|Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann]] being red, while the Anti-Spiral pilots the Grand Zamboa, which has a [[Battle Aura]] of blue fire. However, by the end of the battle, [[Not So Different|even the Anti-Spirals have given in to the Spiral Instinct and began hamming it up.]]
* In ''[[Gundam SEED Astray]]'', Lowe Guele (loud, dramatic, impulsive) pilots the Astray Red Frame and Gai Murakumo (cool, intelligent, professional) pilots the Blue Frame.
* In ''[[Prince of Tennis]]'', Kaoru Kaidoh (skittish, kinda naïvenaive, aloof) and Takeshi Momoshiro (cheerful, a bottomless pit, carefree) might not dress in red and blue, but otherwise, they fit the trope to a T. And yes, they play doubles.
** In ''Hyoutei'', we have the flighty and loud redhead Gakuto Mukahi and his doubles partner, the suave Yuushi Oshitari (who has blue hair).
* ''[[One Piece]]'' has two giants, Dory and Brogy, respectively titled "The Red Ogre" and "The Blue Ogre" on their wanted posters, although they both act [[Hot-Blooded|the same to this troper]]
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* In ''[[Real Bout High School]]'', Ryoko has red hair and usually wears her (red) school uniform, while [[Lady of War]]/[[The Ojou]] [[Heir to the Dojo]] Azumi Kiribayashi has blue hair and wears blue. On the other hand, Ryoko's central rivalry is with [[Hot-Blooded]] Shizuma Kusanagi, who has a knack for [[Playing with Fire]] and has got a slight red tint to his ''skin''.
* In ''[[Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha]]'', the passionate, pink-aura-ed Nanoha, with her philosophy of [[Defeat Means Friendship|befriending people]] with "[[Catch Phrase|Maximum Power]]", is a red oni. Meanwhile, [[The Stoic]], blue-aura-ed Chrono, who frequently bemoans Nanoha's tendency to use a lot more power than necessary, is a blue oni. The two were even enemies ([[Foe Yay|and eventually lovers]]) in the [[What Could Have Been|original]] ''Nanoha'' [[The Anime of the Game|mini-scenario]] of ''[[Triangle Heart 3 ~sweet songs forever~]]''.
** The second season changes things up by introducing Vita, a tiny girl clad in red that carries around a massive hammer with a hair-trigger temper. (And Vita's temper is even shorter than the hammer's.) Throughout the second and third seasons, she is the Red Oni and Nanoha, who by this time has become much more level -headed and calculating, is the Blue Oni among the Wolkenritter.
** And reversed in the case of [[Les Yay|Subaru and Teana]]. The former's a blue-aura-ed, blue-haired, [[Hot-Blooded]] [[Genki Girl]] of a red oni. The latter, especially after her [[Rage Against the Mentor]], is a red-aura-ed, red-haired, hyper-competent [[Smart Guy]] of a blue oni.
* ''[[Highlander the Search For Vengeance]]'' features a strong Red vs Blue rivalry between its protagonist and antagonist. [[Roaring Rampage of Revenge|Colin]] is a red with a two thousand year old grudge against the Roman general who slaughtered his people and wife; the blue [[Knight Templar|Marcus]] cares only for bringing "civilization" and order to the world.
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* ''[[Dragon Quest]]: [[Dai no Daibouken|Dai's Great Adventure]]'' has the clashes between super-[[Hot-Blooded]] [[Tsundere|Maam]] and borderline cowardly Pop. They're respectively dressed in red and pink and in green. Maam and [[The Stoic]] Hyunkel form an even bigger contrast, but they get along well while a large amount of screentime is devoted to [[Slap Slap Kiss|the conflict between Pop and his "badass goddess of luck"]]. Also, notice that Maam is a martial arts specialist and Pop a mage. Avan and Hadler are another interesting case, with Avan as the silly, warm-hearted, and spontaneous red oni (he's [[You Gotta Have Blue Hair|gotta have blue hair]], but he's dressed in red]]) and Hadler as the stubborn and fiery but cold-hearted and stoic green-skinned warrior. Pop and Hadler become increasingly like their counterparts - the former through [[The Power of Friendship]] and the latter through the magic of [[Foe Yay]].
* ''[[D.N.Angel]]'' has Daisuke Niwa as red and Satoshi Hiwatari as blue, very obvious in their theme colours. Dark and Krad are rather associated with black and white, though they may also be seen as the grown-up and cynical equivalents of their hosts.
* ''[[Code Geass]]'' has scenes where Lelouch and Suzaku are shaded in red and blue respectively, though it counts as a subversion: Lelouch is the cold, tactical one and Suzaku is brash and reckless...but in the end, both can be hotblooded and irrational under pressure.
** Lelouch's first [[Evil Counterpart]] (and [[Worthy Opponent]]) Mao is also a red Oni to Lelouch's blue in a way: Mao is emotional, impulsive, completely concerned with <s>the people around him</s> C.C., and has no concern for the political climate or anything bigger. Lelouch is ([[Melodrama|relatively speaking]]) cool, intellectual, sophisticated, and has lofty political ideals. It makes for an ironic form of [[Color Coded for Your Convenience]] in that Lelouch wears a ''reddish''-brown jacket and Mao wears a ''blue''-and-white [[Badass Longcoat|great coat]].
** And Lelouch and C.C. are red and blue Oni respectively as well, perhaps even better. Lelouch is, after all, very passionate and C.C. is a detached, sarcastic [[The Stoic|Stoic]].
** In maps, Brittania is blue and the UFN is red.
** In the final arcs of the series, Lelouch is red and Schneizel is blue, even though they are both ruthless and calculating [[Magnificent Bastard]]s.
** The final opening theme parodies this color-coding, having Schneizel and Charles under Red/Blue light, meaning they have a cold and an impulsive side…then Lelouch appears, and his light is a full rainbow. Don't try to color-code Lelouch, folk: he's more complicated than that.
* Priss Asagiri and Sylia Stingray in ''[[Bubblegum Crisis]]''.
* ''[[The Snow Queen]]'' of the anime named after her has a red imp and blue imp as bumbling servants. It's based on the [[Hans Christian Andersen]] fairy tale.
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