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== Anime and Manga ==
* Aban from ''[[Dai no Daibouken]]'' developed [[Dangerous Forbidden Technique|Grand Cross]] as a [[Godzilla Threshold]] skill. He specifically states that it's only intended to be used when everything else has been tried, which warns the viewer this [[Chekhov's Gun|skill]] will only be used at a story climax.
* ''[[Slayers]]'' offers another example with the Giga Slave. In order to keep it from being Lina's answer to every problem, a [[Godzilla Threshold]] aspect was introduced. Lina learns that the spell could cause the world to turn to chaos, and vows to never use it again; naturally, she's forced to do so at the end of Slayers Next.
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* The Door to Nowhere and Nowhen serves this function in ''[[The Redemption of Althalus]]''.
* ''[[Discworld]]''
** In ''[[Discworld/The Colour of Magic|The Colour of Magic]]'', one of the '''eight spells''' (eight is an important number on the Disc) has lodged itself in Rincewind's mind. He doesn't know exactly what it does, but popular wizarding opinion is that it will destroy the Disc. As a semi-sentient entity, it tries to cast itself. Rincewind ''barely'' prevents himself from casting it several times through the course of the first two books (which is one story) ''[[Discworld/The Colour of Magic|The Colour of Magic]]'' and ''[[Discworld/The Light Fantastic|The Light Fantastic]]''. {{spoiler|When he does lose control, it turns out it's '''not''' a spell to destroy the world... but to create others.}}
** In the back-story[[backstory]] of ''[[Discworld/Going Postal (Discworld)|Going Postal]]'', an automatic letter-sorting device with extradimensional components (it accesses a dimension where pi is exactly equal to 3) goes out of control, filling the Ankh-Morpork Post Office with letters. Wizards called in to inspect the device warn that shutting it down is likely to destroy the universe. Fed up with the machine, a veteran mail-carrier starts smacking the device with a crowbar until it shuts down. When the mail-carrier started hitting the device, the wizards ran away. As the doer of the deed testified; unless they had some other universe to run to, they weren't really sure about the danger. The wizards insist that the universe ''really was'' destroyed, but was instantaneously replaced by a complete, identical universe. {{spoiler|Of course, that exact thing has actually happened before in that series. Twice, depending on how you count.}}
*** An unusual example, in that this was a ending-the-universe danger, but never actually crossed the [[Godzilla Threshold]] before it was destroyed.
* ''[[The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant]]'' (at least the second one), after spending the last two series trying to prevent Lord Foul from obtaining Covenant's [[Cosmic Keystone|white gold ring]] in the final confrontation {{spoiler|Covenant just hands him the ring. It turns out to be a massive [[Batman Gambit]], as Covenant had finally come to understand how the white gold worked, and was able to trick Foul into destroying himself with the power.}}
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* The Manhattan Project. Scientists did experiments seeing how close they could get radioactive cores to going critical without ''actually'' making them go critical. They called this [[Tempting Fate|"Tickling The Dragon's Tail"]], and considered it a necessary but insanely dangerous thing to do. One core did accidentally go critical (very briefly) on two separate occasions, resulting in the deaths of two researchers and less severe cases of radiation poisoning for several others. They dubbed this one the [[Names to Run Away From Really Fast|Demon Core]].
** And I'm sure we all can see when they would feel it appropriate to [[Nuke'Em|let the cores go critical]], but such circumstances are very rare and very controversial.
* The Higgs Boson A.K.A The God particle. TheBefore it was discovered in 2013, some people thought that the way to discover it ''could'' turn Earth into a black hole.
** Or cause the vacuum of space to drop to a more "stable" state, [[The End of the World as We Know It|destroying the universe as we know it]].
** [[Conspiracy Theorist|That's according to weirdos and pseudoscientists]].
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[[Category:Speculative Fiction Tropes]]
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