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Genre Savvy/Literature: Difference between revisions

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* In Geoph Essex's ''Lovely Assistant'', {{spoiler|Lyle and Lloyd}} aren't just [[Genre Savvy]], they're ''trope'' savvy, [[Conversational Troping|dropping tropes]] practically by name in some cases and reciting examples from the corresponding entries. The topper comes in the climax, when {{spoiler|Lloyd}} brags to [[The Dragon]]: "[[Crowning Moment of Awesome|Crowning Moment]] of ''kicked your ass''!" They also manage to piece together the [[Big Bad]]'s identity and some key elements of the [[Evil Plan]] through their [[Discussed Trope|encyclopedic knowledge of tropes]], blatantly suggesting that the characters (and the author) are [[One of Us]].
* In [[P. G. Wodehouse]]'s ''Hot Water'', Medway, the lady's maid, speaks of how the book she's reading has a detective in disguise as a maid, causing much consternation among characters to plan to crack a safe. {{spoiler|Actually, she's the criminal, out to crack the safe herself.}}
* Thrasymachus in Plato's [[The Republic]] calls Socrates out on his usual debate style, involving [[Obfuscating Stupidity]] and [[Armor -Piercing QuestionsQuestion]]s, and demands he just get to the point.
* In [[P. G. Wodehouse]]'s ''Jill The Reckless'', Mrs. Barker notes that having problems getting married is just like in the True Hearts Novelette series. Barker has to explain to her that even though they have enough money, [[My Beloved Smother]] will persuade Derek to give it up.
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