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* A similar scenario occurs in the TV series Episode "Polymorph II", though in this case Lister manages to escape before his "wife" can get his clothes off.
* In the ''[[Harry Potter (novel)|Harry Potter]]'' books there are several mentions of love potions. All of them have a girl slipping a boy the potion, and in most cases it's played for laughs. Note that love potions make the drinker temporarily obsessed with whoever gave them the potion, so they can be compared to date rape drugs. Fred and George's shop have an entire display of them with a special owl order service that disguises them as cough potions to get them past the Aurors screening all the mail coming into Hogwarts.
** In ''[[Harry Potter/Harry Potter and Thethe Half-Blood Prince (novel)|Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince]]'' one of Harry's [[Fan Girl|fangirls]] accidentally gives [[Butt Monkey|Ron]] a love potion. Harry and Hermione are worried by the situation, but their main concern is that the potion was expired and Ron's reaction was outside normal parameters; the scene is still treated as comical.
** And then deconstructed when Dumbledore says {{spoiler|Merope Gaunt's use of love potions to elope with Tom Riddle was no different than using the Imperius Curse (an illegal mind-control spell) since Merope kept Tom Riddle drugged for ''months'', forcing him to leave his family and live with her against his will, which is a bit worse than snogging someone who wouldn't have snogged you under normal circumstances}}. It's possible the [[Double Standard]] is supposed to be in-universe, and the Merope thing is to highlight what the reader thought was harmless. And {{spoiler|Voldemort}} actually ''admires'' his mother for {{spoiler|drugging and raping his father and detesting him for naturally getting the fuck out when the potion she used wore off}}. This is mentioned by Dumbledore as another sign of his utter insanity.
* Played straight in Ken Follett's "World Without End". Merthin is raped by Griselda, the daughter of the man of whom he is an apprentice. It turns out {{spoiler|it was all a plot by Elfric so he would not have to give Merthin a free set of tools and a full guild membership, however.}}
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* In ''A Working of Stars'' by Debra Doyle and D. James Macdonald, a {{spoiler|spy, Iulan Vai}} takes advantage of a convalescing Arekhon's semi-consciousness to have sex with him even though his semi-conscious state means he cannot truly consent. Arekhon believes she is his lover, Elaeli. Even more creepy—this act becomes the start of a relationship.
* In the [[Riftwar]] series, while on the Dasati homeworld, {{spoiler|rebel leader Naureen, who's sheltering hero Pug and co, conscripts Pug's son Magnus as her boy toy. Magnus clearly isn't okay with this, but neither Pug nor Magnus really objects, and the whole thing is treated as not a big deal.}} The incident isn't mentioned again.
* Critics of ''[[Stranger in a Strange Land]]'' often cite the double standard of the [[Questionable Consent]] in the plot, viewing the female characters as taking advantage of Mike because he is naïve and does not know enough to say "no", which is tolerated and accepted in the story. Actually, he ''does'' try to say "no" a few times, downplaying this Trope.
== Live-Action TV ==
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* In an early episode of ''[[Star Trek: Deep Space Nine]]'', Odo comes to Sisko, openly distraught, and asks him to stop Lwaxana Troi from sexually harrassing him—her status as an ambassador means he feels he can't say anything himself for fear of insulting her. Sisko finds the whole thing hilarious and suggests that it would do Odo good to take her up on the offer. ''In the same episode'' Sisko tells Dr Bashir about an incident a few years before when he punched a male ambassador in the face for making advances to a female member of his crew.
* In an episode of ''[[Harry's Law]]'' one of Tommy's clients claimed he was raped by a woman. One of the other lawyers believed since he organized it wasn't rape, and Tommy even suggested to drop the case. The man keeps Tommy going by asking if he would be saying the same thing if he was a woman rapped by a man.
* ''[[Firefly (TV series)|Firefly]]'': In "Our Mrs. Reynolds", Saffron goes into Mal's room and starts trying to get him to sleep with her, even though he repeatedly says he won't. It's zigzagged back and forth — Mal does want to sleep with Saffron, but refuses to do so until she convinces him that she's doing it because she wants to, and not because she believes he has the right to do so regardless of her consent. {{spoiler|And when it's revealed that she just did the whole thing for fun and screwed over and tried to kill Mal and his crew, he was disgusted.}}
* An episode of ''[[Flight of the Conchords]]'' has Bret dating a woman who becomes increasingy pushy and aggressive in demanding sex from him, finally outright lying to and manipulating him to get him to capitulate. It's a little shaky on how it's portrayed; Bret is clearly traumaised afterwards and the woman is shown to be deeply unpleasant, but some of Bret's comments about the experience (such as how it only lasted a few minutes and she fell asleep right after) and Jermaine pretending to be him to another woman hoping for the same appear to be playing it partially for laughs.
* Adam and Yvonne in ''[[Being Human]]''. Although Adam is actually a 47 year old vampire so no statutory rape actually occurred, Yvonne, a middle aged woman, entered into a sexual relationship with him believing he was a 14 year old. Yet she is portrayed sympathetically and their relationship as ultimately a good thing.
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