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Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Recap/S2/E06 Halloween: Difference between revisions

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The Scoobies, led by Angel and Xander, manage to take refuge in an empty warehouse; however, they're quickly tracked down by Spike and his minions, who are hot on their heels. Just as Spike is about to kill Buffy, Ethan breaks and reveals that the spell is emanating from the statue, which Giles hurls to the floor. Buffy reverts to her old self, and with his minions reverted back to children Spike beats a hasty retreat. The next day, Giles heads back down to the costume shop to confront Ethan, but the shop has been cleared. He'll be back...
* [[Abandoned Warehouse]]{{context}}
=== Tropes ===
* [[Abandoned Warehouse]]
* [[An Aesop]]: Willow awakens on the porch, no longer a ghost and happy to be alive. She reflexively starts to put the sheet back on, but thinks better of it and ditches it. "How She Dies" by Treble Charger starts up as she strides confidently away.
* [[Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking]]: Snyder says that Buffy's usual plans for the night will be put on hold. "Halloween must be a big night for you. Tossing eggs, keying cars, bobbing for apples, one pathetic cry for help after another."
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* [[Becoming the Costume]]
* [[Bedsheet Ghost]]: Willow's generic ghost costume, complete with "<small>BOO!</small>" lettering on the front.
* [[Beware the Nice Ones]]{{context}}
* [[Bilingual Bonus]]: When Ethan is invoking the power of Janus (in [[Ominous Latin Chanting|Latin]]), this is what he actually says:
{{quote|"Janus, I call forth your spirit. Hear my cause, seize the night for your purpose. Come, appear, and show to us that which is infinite power. The mask is transformed into flesh and blood. Your holy presence curdles the heart. Janus! Take the night!"}}
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{{quote|"I like to think of it less as a friendship and more as a solid foundation for future bliss."}}
** Buffy telling Giles to get a life, suggesting that he go to this place where "you sit in the dark, and there are these moving pictures, right? And the pictures tell a story."
* [[Face Framed in Shadow]]{{context}}
* [[Fainting]]: Willow proclaims that they need to find -- a gown-wearing Buffy appears in the frame behind Xander -- "Buffy!" A couple more demon-kids move to surround them. Xander says they have a situation, and Willow asks Buffy what they should do. [[It Got Worse|Buffy faints dead away]].
* [[Failed a Spot Check]]: Willow explaining that they have to go get Giles, telling Cordy to sit tight. Cordelia sneers, "Who died and made ''her'' the boss?" Behind her, Willow walks straight through a wall. Buffy sees this over Cordy's shoulder, and her eyes go wide.
** Averted with Angel noticing that Buffy's door is open.
* [[False Camera Effects]]{{context}}
* [[Fish Out of Temporal Water]]: An SUV rounds the bend with its headlights on, and Buffy cowers behind Xander. A DEMON!!
{{quote|'''Willow:''' That's not a demon. It's a car.
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* [[Improvised Weapon]]: At the climax of the teaser, Buffy chucks a stake at the vampire mook. He blocks it with a scarecrow's pumpkin head. Buffy eventually yanks a signpost out of the ground, sweeps the vamp's feet with it, and stakes him with the pointy end.
* [[Instant Plunder, Just Add Pirates]]: Larry's pirate costume turns him into (what else?) a swarthy buccaneer.
* [[Intangible Man|Intangible Girl]]{{context}}
* [[It Was Here, I Swear]]: Giles reenters Ethan's store, which has been cleaned out. He finds a card that simply says, "[[We Will Meet Again|BE SEEING YOU]]"
* [[It's a Long Story]]: Back at the house, Angel's baffled as to what's going on. Cordelia gives him the skinny: "They don't know who they are, everyone's turned into a monster, it's a whole big thing. [bright smile] How are you?"
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* [[Offscreen Teleportation]]: Ethan's body vanishes as soon as Giles turns his attention to the statue.
* [[Ominous Multiple Screens]]: Spike reviewing a tape of Buffy's fight at the start of the episode. The images play on a [[Portal (series)|GLaDOS]]-style halo of TV sets mounted on the factory ceiling. (Angel later sends them crashing through the floor in "Surprise".)
* [[Our Ghosts Are Different]]{{context}}
* [[Pimped-Out Dress]]{{context}}
* [[Pistol-Whipping]]: Xander [[Tap on the Head|clocking]] a demon-kid with the butt of his rifle.
* [[Plot Hole]]: When Buffy and Angel move to the kitchen, they find the door open. A vampire has gotten in. This isn't possible as a vampire can't come in uninvited.
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