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Smallville/Characters/Luthor Corp: Difference between revisions

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* [[Abusive Parents]]: Oh boy, is Lex ever the mother-lode of this trope. Lionel's abusive way of raising Lex is a big part of what led to his [[Start of Darkness]]. His mother, being a needy, submissive [[Control Freak]], wasn't much better, although Lex tries to pretend she was.
* [[Affably Evil]] --> [[Faux Affably Evil]]: Lex always appears to be a pleasant young man, but how real that is fades with time. By the end of the show, it's nothing more than a facade.
* [[Alliterative Name]]
* [[Alternate Universe]]: In Clark's [[It's a Wonderful Plot]] episode "Apocalypse", we meet [[President Evil]] Lex who, as usual, is a [[Man in White]] with a [[Red Right Hand]], but adds [[Social Darwinist]] and [[Omnicidal Maniac]] to his resume, via a plan to [[Nuke'Em]] all and re-build the world in his own image.
* [[Antagonistic Offspring]]: To Lionel, following the latter's [[Heel Face Turn]] and his own subsequent [[Face Heel Turn]].
* [[Anti-Hero]] --> [[Anti-Villain]]: Lex started the series as a [[Sliding Scale of Anti-Heroes|Type-IV Anti-Hero]]. His methods were badly flawed, but he was genuinely out to stop his [[Archnemesis Dad|father]] [[Big Bad|Lionel]], and be a better person and a good friend to Clark. By Seasons 4 and 5, he was in [[Anti-Villain]] territory, becoming antagonistic but remaining sympathetic, before finally [[Face Heel Turn|diving into full-on villainy]].
* [[Arch Enemy]]: Well on his way to being Clark's.
* [[Asshole Victim]]: In the later seasons.
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* [[Bad Boss]]: After his [[Face Heel Turn|turn to villainy]].
* [[Bad Future]]: Is [[President Evil]] in many of them.
* [[Bald of Awesome]] --> [[Bald of Evil]]: Courtesy of his [[Face Heel Turn]].
* [[Big Bad]]: [[Big Bad Ensemble|Competes]] with [[Robotic Psychopath|Brainiac]] for this title in Season 7. Considered by some to have held it since Season 6.
** [[Big Bad Wannabe]]: Spends much of Seasons 5 & 7 trying to be [[The Big Bad]], but gets upstaged by Brainiac.
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* {{spoiler|[[Disc One Final Boss]]: Season 8. His return is a much anticipated and feared thing, to the point where one expects him to take over as the [[Big Bad]]... only for him to be blown up and replaced by [[Person of Mass Destruction|Doomsday]].}}
* {{spoiler|[[The Dreaded]]: As of Season 8. He drove Oliver to violate [[Thou Shalt Not Kill]], other characters treat him as though he were a [[Hero-Killer]] (even though he's really not), and the possibility of his return is always spoken of as though it were a prophecy regarding [[The End of the World as We Know It]]. Not bad for a [[Badass Normal]] who hasn't appeared for two-and-a-half seasons.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Dropped a Bridge on Him]]}} --> {{spoiler|[[Not Quite Dead]]}}
* [[Envy]]: Of Clark, whose life -- and later powers -- he desperately wants.
** [[Driven by Envy]]: Outdoing Clark eventually becomes his primary motivation.
* {{spoiler|[[Evil Cripple]]: In Season 8. He's parapalegic, on a respirator and barely able to breathe... and more dangerous than ever, now that he's got the element of surprise on his side.}}
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* [[Large Ham]]
* [[Lonely Rich Kid]]
* [[Mad Dictators Handsome Son]] --> [[Overlord, Jr.]]: He never loses his hatred for his father, but he gets a whole lot more evil himself; rather than seeking to stop his father, he now wants to [[Klingon Promotion|replace him]].
* [[Made of Iron]]: Courtesy of his low-level [[Healing Factor]].
* [[Manipulative Bastard]]
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* [[Affably Evil]]: Definitely. If you weren't in his way or [[Archnemesis Dad|related to him]], Lionel could be a downright pleasant guy, even before his [[Heel Face Turn]].
* [[Alliterative Name]]
* [[Anti-Villain]] --> [[Anti-Hero]]: In the later seasons. He ends up as a [[Sliding Scale of Anti-Heroes|Type IV]] [[Anti-Hero]], right at around the same time that Lex becomes the full-on [[Big Bad]].
* [[Archnemesis Dad]]: To Lex, remaining so even after his [[Heel Face Turn]].
* [[Ascended Extra]]: A recurring villain in Season 1, he received his [[Promotion to Opening Titles]] in Season 2.
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** [[Breakout Villain]]
* [[Broken Ace]]: A villainous example. Lionel's obsession with wealth, power and material success cover up a great deal of self-hatred, an inability to identify with other people, and a [[Abusive Parents|childhood]] he's still running away from.
* [[Canon Foreigner]] --> [[Canon Immigrant]]
* [[The Chessmaster]]
* [[The City Narrows]]/[[Wrong Side of the Tracks]]: Suicide Slum has its moniker for a reason. Lionel grew up there, and despite his best efforts, it has indelibly marked him.
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