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** And pigs. Don't forget the pigs.
* This is part of the reason why ''[[Lyrical Nanoha]]'' fans love the series. The person in charge of it is a self-admitted fan of ''[[Super Robot Wars]]'', so he inserted ''a lot'' of [[Humongous Mecha]] tropes and references into the anime. [[Mix and Match|The resulting fusion]] of [[Magical Girl]]s and [[Humongous Mecha]] is [[Rule of Cool|very cool indeed]].
** Of course, the series has taken a considerable amount of flak from critics recently{{when}} for, you know, [[Genre Shift|not actually being a magical girl show anymore]]. whichWhich is silly, considering that the franchise re-invented itself with every new installmentinstalment.
* [[Naoki Urasawa]] is a noted Germanophile, which is very noticeable giving the settings of his work: Large parts of ''[[Monster (manga)|Monster]]'', ''[[Master Keaton]]'', and ''[[Pluto]]'' are set in Germany.
* [[Antique Bakery|Yoshinaga Fumi's]] works are very well regarded for their nuanced and fully realized characters. Yet for some reason all of these characters, no matter their profession or past, share the ability to speak for paragraphs about all the little details behind the [[Food Porn|delicious, mouthwatering dishes]] that always pop up.
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