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Aren't You Going to Ravish Me?: Difference between revisions

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{{quote|'''Gourry:''' I guess even a troll knows a ''cute girl'' when it sees it. }}
* In the first episode of ''[[Soul Eater]]'', Spirit at first accuses the title character of having designs on his daughter, Maka, but then when Soul rudely denies having any interest in her, Spirit starts acting like a [[Pervert Dad]] and lists his daughter's "qualities".
* In the ''[[Ranma ½|Ranma One Half]]'' manga, during the "Little Hawaii" story, a bunch of male students from Fūrinkan are infected by the "Aloha virus" thanks to the principal's latest ploy. This makes them act like "honeymooner tourists in Hawaii", the dream of any Japanese. Thus they begin assaulting Female!Ranma, Akane and Ukyō to make them their "wives"... but they twice ignore Hinako-sensei since she looks like a little girl. She feels quite insulted by that.
* Mild variant employed in ''[[Maicching Machiko-sensei|Maicchingu Machiko Sensei]]'' (Studio Pierrot, 1981). Resident trouble-maker Kento frequently [[Panty Shot|flips his classmates' skirts]] to embarrass them. [[Fat Girl|Token fat girl]] Hiromi patiently awaits her turn, but when Kento passes her by, she's so furious she pounds his head into the pavement.
* Played with in the [[Hentai|ero-manga]] ''Tentacle Lovers'': a princess from a magical kingdom botches a summoning spell and [[Baleful Polymorph|turns the protagonist into a]] [[Naughty Tentacles|tentacle monster]] that is best described as a one-eyed [[Kirby]] that can extend [[Squick|more tentacles]] from his smaller ones. It turns out he has need of regular [[Mate or Die|contact]] with women, or else he'll die. The princess offers herself willingly, but the trope comes into play when she realizes that [[Good People Have Good Sex|the protagonist isn't quite ravishing her]] ''[[Covert Pervert|hard enough]]''. The trope gets [[Deconstructed]] when the princess uses a command spell to ''force'' our tentacled protagonist to go the whole hog.
* Played with in ''[[Freezing]]''. [[Sugar and Ice Personality|Sattelizer L Bridget]] has a [[Rape as Drama|difficult]] [[Dark and Troubled Past|backstory]]. As a result, she isn't trusting at all. She [[Hates Being Touched]] and [[Does Not Like Men]] (Or Women, for that matter). At one event, she gets really drunk, and [[Nice Guy|Kazuya]], the [[Single-Target Sexuality|one man she does like]], takes her back to her room. At her inebriated request, he unzips the back of her dress and removes her stockings, but he [[Above the Influence|doesn't go farther than that]]. When she wakes up, she's a bit freaked out by what he could have done, but a little bit disappointed that he didn't, even wondering if she's [[Victim Falls For Rapist|not his type]]. {{spoiler|[[Love Confession|Turns out she is]].}}
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