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Compare [[I Am Not Left-Handed]], [[Just Toying with Them]].
== Anime and Manga ==
* In ''[[Spiral]]'', the main showdown with Rio: the first to get both the tape of her confessing to murder and the hostage, Hiyono, wins. In the interest of fairness, mostly because she had the key to defuse a bomb around Ayumu's neck, Hiyono was given a ten minute head start before Kousuke and Rio could attempt to capture her again.
* Zenigata has done this several times throughout the history of ''[[Lupin III]]''.
* Captain Smoker, a powerful marine with the ability to turn into [[Super Smoke|smoke]] and that has been [[Sympathetic Inspector Antagonist|chasing the Straw Hat Crew]] since they were the first pirates to [[My Greatest Failure|escape from him]], gives the Straw Hats one of these after the events of Alabasta Arc after he formed an [[Enemy Mine]] with them.
== Comic Books ==
* In [[Grant Morrison]] and [[Dave McKean]]'s ''[[Arkham Asylum: A Serious House on Serious Earth]]'', a strong contender for the most beautifully illustrated comic book of all time, Batman is given an hour to run and hide by the Joker after the inmates literally take over the asylum. When the Mad Hatter complains that they're all bored, the Joker responds, "Oh, all right then. Let's just ''pretend'' it's been an hour."
== Film ==
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* The entire premise of [[The Naked Prey]], in which a white hunter is given a head start and then hunted down by African tribesmen.
* In the climax of ''[[The Fast and the Furious|Fast Five]]'', {{spoiler|Dom is given a 24 hour mercy lead by Hobbs in exchange for helping to kill the [[Big Bad]]. Said lead is all Dom needs to disappear forever.}}
== Literature ==
* Subverted in Neil Gaiman's ''[[Neverwhere]]''. Assassins Croup and Vandemar agree to give {{spoiler|the Marquis de Carabas}} one hour of head start, but {{spoiler|get bored waiting, teleport straight to him long before the hour is up, and proceed to torture him to death}}. In this case, this is not so much a "mercy" lead, as {{spoiler|the Marquis}} swapped a rare pottery figurine with Croup in exchange for "three answers to three questions, and an hour's head start".
** In the graphic novel, the thugs promise {{spoiler|not to touch him for the next half-hour. They don't. This does not stop them from following him, tearing a ladder he's using off the wall and then standing over his broken body, counting the seconds until they can really start.}}
* [[Discworld]] :
* *Moist von Lipwig of [[Discworld]] does this to Reacher Gilt during the race between the clacks and the postal service in ''[[Going Postal (Discworld)|Going Postal]]'', supposedly to give them the Grand Trunk to turn their message into clacks code. However {{spoiler|Moist was doing it to taunt him, and had no intention of winning the race anyway.}}
** In ''[[Discworld/The Fifth Elephant|The Fifth Elephant]]'' Wolfgang promises {{spoiler|Vimes}} a one hour head start out of werewolf custom. However, he sees nothing wrong with sending his people ahead to ambush him the minute that hour is up.
*** Wolfgang is perverting a family tradition in which individuals could volunteer [[Hunting the Most Dangerous Game|to be hunted]] by his family, with certain courtesies such as the head start. In the original game, some people actually survived and would be given a modest fortune for doing so.
** The guards give Rincewind a count of ten to escape in ''[[Discworld/The Last Continent|The Last Continent]]'', because it's not right to have a final showdown in a kitchen.
* In the second ''[[Artemis Fowl]]'' book, ''The Arctic Incident'', on-the-run criminal dwarf Mulch Diggums is given a two day head start by the authorities in exchange for aiding their efforts against the [[Big Bad]].
* In the [[Tom Clancy]] novel ''Without Remorse'', Kelly convinces Ryan to give him a one hour head start before trying to arrest him in exchange for the information that will allow Ryan to completely shut down what parts of Baltimore's drug network Kelly hadn't managed to kill.
* A heroic example: In the last book of the second ''[[Kushiel's Legacy]]'' trilogy, ''Kushiel's Mercy'', {{spoiler|Astegal}} is promised a good horse and an hour's lead if he can best Imriel in a duel. {{spoiler|He can't.}}
== Live -Action TV ==
== Live Action TV ==
* Subverted in an episode of ''[[House (TV series)|House]]'', where Dr. House offers a doctor who's committed a criminal offense a chance to walk away. The subversion comes in when, after the guy leaves, House tells Foreman to call the cops.
== Video Games ==
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* Played with in ''[[Baldur's Gate]]'', where Bodhi gives you a non-specific amount of time to escape a dungeon at the asylum. [[Take Your Time|Once you get far enough]], she declares the time to be up and attacks you. Though it's in no way clear when she was supposed to come after you, the dialogue implies she's breaking the deal both of you understood you had.
** There does exist a mod that will let Bodhi come after your party after a certain number of rounds have passed. Thus, it's possible that your party can escape the dungeon altogether without ever encountering her, or can wait at the beginning point and spawn camp her when she shows up.
== Western Animation ==
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* During a ''[[The Simpsons (animation)|The Simpsons]]'' [[Halloween Episode]], Mr Burns gathers several characters so he can [[Hunting the Most Dangerous Game|hunt them down]] across his estate [[For the Evulz]].
{{quote|'''Burns''': "Now, because I am too kind, I will give you all a five-minute head start. You may commence running."
'''Comic Book Guy''' "Five minutes of ''running''? [[Tempting Fate|Shoot me now]]!" * BANG* }}
* Parodied in ''[[American Dad]]'', when Stan and his boss give Jeff 30 seconds head start before they hunt him like an animal. Within 5 seconds he steals their car.
* ''[[Danny Phantom]]'': Even though Danny promised Valerie he would surrender himself if she helped him save [[Opposite Gender Clone|Danielle]], she tells him to just go at the end of the episode "before I change my mind."
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* At the series end of ''[[Justice League Unlimited]]'', as the Legion of Doom has helped save the world from Darkseid's forces and the League tells them they're going to be arrested anyway. Atomic Skull protests, and Batman gives them five minutes head start before they go after them.
* Inverted in the pilot of ''[[Futurama]]''. Fry has trapped Leela in a cryogenic chamber and is free to escape, but he adjusts it so that she'll only be frozen for a few minutes.
== Real Life ==
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* The Union Cavalry did this for one Confederate partisan sentenced to be shot.
* This is a tenet of international law, when both parties are in a neutral port. According to Section 13, Article 16 of the Hague Convention of 1907:
{{quote|''When war-ships belonging to both belligerents are present simultaneously in a neutral port or roadstead, a period of not less than twenty-four hours must elapse between the departure of the ship belonging to one belligerent and the departure of the ship belonging to the other.
{{quote|The order of departure is determined by the order of arrival, unless the ship which arrived first is so circumstanced that an extension of its stay is permissible.
not less than twenty-four hours must elapse between the departure of the ship belonging to one belligerent and the
{{quote|A belligerent war-ship may not leave a neutral port or roadstead until twenty-four hours after the departure of a merchant ship flying the flag of its adversary.'' }}
departure of the ship belonging to the other. }}
** Ironically, the most famous application of this rule in history may just be when it was used during [[WWWorld 2War II]] to detain the German raider ''Admiral Graf Spee'' in the officially neutral Uruguayan port of Montevideo until British reinforcements could arrive—byarrive — by secretly arranging for British and French merchant vessels to sail from that port every 24 hours whether their captains had originally planned to do so or not.
{{quote|The order of departure is determined by the order of arrival, unless the ship which arrived first is so circumstanced
that an extension of its stay is permissible. }}
{{quote|A belligerent war-ship may not leave a neutral port or roadstead until twenty-four hours after the departure of a
merchant ship flying the flag of its adversary.'' }}
** Ironically, the most famous application of this rule in history may just be when it was used during [[WW 2]] to detain the German raider ''Admiral Graf Spee'' in the officially neutral Uruguayan port of Montevideo until British reinforcements could arrive—by secretly arranging for British and French merchant vessels to sail from that port every 24 hours whether their captains had originally planned to do so or not.
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