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{{quote|'''The Mask:''' Kill! Kill! Kill! No… [[Karmic Death| Don’t kill me! Not ''me!'']]}}
* From ''[[New Mutants]]'', Wolfsbane had an abusive bigot of a father by the name of [[Sinister Minister| Reverend Craig]], whose sadistic career came to an end when the brainwashing that he inflicted upon her kicked in, and she mistook him for the Angel, whom he had ordered her to kill. She lunges at him in her wolf-form, in a bestial state, tearing him limb from limb. She doesn't remember a thing when she recovers, and her teammates wisely decide to keep it a secret.
* In a ''[[Goofy| Super Goof]]'' story, the Beagle Boys trick the hero into taking a hunger amplifying formula; by the time Super Goof stops eating and gets his act together enough to look for the four crooks, he is so obese, he can barely keep airborne while flying. Nonetheless, he does so until he find them, and the Beagles make the mistake of laughing and telling a few fat jokes; then the hero finally ''cannot'' stay airborne and crashes... right on top of the villains, apprehending them.
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