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Bleach/Tropes S-Z: Difference between revisions

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* [[The Hero Dies]]: Subversion with Ichigo. He has come damnably close to death a number of times, but has been saved by [[Ass Pull|Plotkai]] at literally every turn. A particular example is his battle with {{spoiler|Ulquiorra; after being stabbed by the latter, he should by all means have died, but returns in Hollow form}}.
* [[Literal Split Personality]]: Starrk, sort of. Unlike other Arrancar, when he removed his mask instead of his power being sealed in the form of a sword, it was sealed in the form of his Fraccion, [[Elite Mook|Lilynette]].
* [[The Not-Secret]]: Ikkaku's bankai. Hints that it might possibly be an [[Open Secret]] have yet to be confirmed.
* [[The Only One Allowed to Defeat You]]: A surprising variant: {{spoiler|Gin to Aizen. [[HSQ|Holy crap!]]}}
** A much earlier example exists with Kenpachi to Ichigo, much to Ichigo's dismay.
** Kenpachi and Byakuya have a moment of this during their fight with Yammi. The only way they can swallow their pride enough to work together is to play on the idea that Yammi is getting in the way of them trying to kill each other.
* [[Samurai]]: There's a very strong theme running through this entire manga, especially with the shinigami who exemplify this trope to varying degrees depending on the character. The most obvious example is Komamura, who lives to serve his captain-commander and whose zanpakutou reflects this honour-bound personality.
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* [[Talking Weapon]]: The only one we see in detail is Zangetsu when communicating with Ichigo in Ichigo's inner world. However, it's considered standard that shinigami must learn how to communicate with their zanpakutou and that zanpakutou have thoughts and feelings of their own that they do communicate with their shinigami even though the manga doesn't detail the conversations that occur (only suggesting them and hinting at them). We also see Zabimaru manifest and talk to Renji at one point and Zangetsu once asks if Ichigo can hear Kenpachi's zanpakutou screaming in pain because of how Kenpachi ignores it (Ichigo can). When Lilinette transforms into Stark's weapon, she continues to talk to him, making her an example of this trope as well, at least for a while.
* [[Talk to the Fist]]: {{spoiler|Ichigo does that to Aizen after asking once to move their fight elsewhere.}} And then the fight IS moved elsewhere.
* [[The Tease]]: Yoruichi, who loves to torment [[Chaste Hero|Ichigo]] by appearing naked in front of him.
* [[Technicolor Toxin]]: Let's see...
** Mayuri Kurotsuchi has Ashisogi Jizo, whose poison is purple in color.
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* [[Ten Little Murder Victims]]: In the Bount filler arc in the anime, one of the "games" involves one of the [[Nakama]] being replaced with a shapeshifter. The heroes have to [[Race Against the Clock|figure out who it is before an elapsed time runs out]] or the modsouls will start playing [[Kill'Em All]] with the [[Muggles]].
* [[Testosterone Poisoning]]: Kenpachi...just Kenpachi.
* [[The Hero Dies]]: Subversion with Ichigo. He has come damnably close to death a number of times, but has been saved by [[Ass Pull|Plotkai]] at literally every turn. A particular example is his battle with {{spoiler|Ulquiorra; after being stabbed by the latter, he should by all means have died, but returns in Hollow form}}.
* [[The Not-Secret]]: Ikkaku's bankai. Hints that it might possibly be an [[Open Secret]] have yet to be confirmed.
* [[The Only One Allowed to Defeat You]]: A surprising variant: {{spoiler|Gin to Aizen. [[HSQ|Holy crap!]]}}
** A much earlier example exists with Kenpachi to Ichigo, much to Ichigo's dismay.
** Kenpachi and Byakuya have a moment of this during their fight with Yammi. The only way they can swallow their pride enough to work together is to play on the idea that Yammi is getting in the way of them trying to kill each other.
* [[The Tease]]: Yoruichi, who loves to torment [[Chaste Hero|Ichigo]] by appearing naked in front of him.
* [[The Wonka]]: When Urahara drops his [[Obfuscating Insanity]] and people make it past his [[Bunny Ears Lawyer]] image, it's revealed that he's still [[The Wonka]] underneath it all. The man's approach to just about everything - but especially [[Eccentric Mentor|training]] and [[Crazy Prepared|inventions]] - is [[Crazy Awesome|unique]].
* [[Theme Music Power-Up]]: "Number One" plays whenever Ichigo is about to kick some serious ass. Hilariously subverted when Ichigo charges at Aizen at the end of the Soul Society arc: the music starts up, Ichigo makes his move... Then his sword is blocked by a single finger, the song abruptly stops, and Ichigo nearly gets cut in half. This is lampshaded in the Karakura Super Heroes episode, in which Don Kanonji declares that the role of Karakura Red (the protagonist) will go to the contestant who is worthy to be the Number One. Naturally, the song starts up when the real hero (the cat spirit) starts fighting.
** The newest episode has a ''metal'' remix of the aforementioned Number One. {{spoiler|And this time it's Ichigo who does the asskicking without an interruption. Even better, he returns the favor from before by stopping ''Aizen's'' music.}}
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** In Ichigo's case, it was explained that he had latent abilities and could already see spirits even as a kid. It is also explained that the Hogyoku can only grant a wish that is within the realm of reality, so Ichigo always had the potential to gain his current power. This is more a case of poorly executed [[Arc Welding]] and some [[Retcon|Retconning]].
* [[Woman in White]]: Rukia in the Soul Society arc, Orihime in the Hueco mundo arc, and practically every single female Arrancar.
* [[The Wonka]]: When Urahara drops his [[Obfuscating Insanity]] and people make it past his [[Bunny Ears Lawyer]] image, it's revealed that he's still [[The Wonka]] underneath it all. The man's approach to just about everything - but especially [[Eccentric Mentor|training]] and [[Crazy Prepared|inventions]] - is [[Crazy Awesome|unique]].
* [[Words Do Not Make the Magic]]: Kido spells even with a incantation require skill to use and can sometimes be used without the incantation.
* [[Worf Had the Flu]]: Have a broken as hell shikai and can't think of a way to let the enemy invoke [[The Worf Effect]]? Do like {{spoiler|Shinji}} did and give them a detailed description of its abilities.
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