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== Doctors ==
=== First Doctor ===
* The Doctor ends up saving the day in the first story, "An Unearthly Child", easily outwitting a murderous caveman:
{{quote|'''Kal''': Za killed the old woman with his knife! Here! Here is the knife he killed her with!
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* He also pulls a [[Carpe Jugulum|Granny Weatherwax]] in "The Savages," transferring part of his personality and conscience to one of the bad guys and successfully saving the day. It is then implied that he [[Xanatos Gambit|planned it all from the start.]]
=== Second Doctor ===
* He escapes a sound-locked cell by replicating the tone with a spoon and a glass of water in ''The Power of the Daleks''.
* Convincing Blade and the other Chameleons to turn against the Director in ''The Faceless Ones''.
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** Also from "the War Games": The Doctor bluffing his way into the prison under the pretense of being a "prison inspector".
=== Third Doctor ===
* From ''Spearhead from Space'':
{{quote|'''Channing:''' You're too late.
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* In "The Three Doctors", Two and Three are able to use [[Chekhov's Gun|that recorder]] in a [[Xanatos Gambit]] to get them out of Omega's world.
=== Fourth Doctor ===
* The Fourth Doctor's "Do I have the right?" speech from "Genesis of the Daleks".
* His episode-long cat-and-mouse game with {{spoiler|Goth}} in ''The Deadly Assassin'' is one slow-burn of [[Badass]].
* In "The Brain of Morbius", when he faces Morbius and challenges him to a mind-bending contest. Ok, he nearly dies, but it's still awesome.
** Let's face it, ''any'' time the Fourth Doctor performs the switch from charming, childish and humorous to pure ''hissing'' rage is going to herald (or make) a Moment of Awesome.
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* In "Pyramids of Mars", Four defeats an assasin [[Crazy Awesome|with his scarf.]]
=== Fifth Doctor ===
* Five killing the Cyber Leader by jamming Adric's star into the Leader's breathing vent. Also a [[Tear Jerker]].
* "The King's Demons": The Doctor is about to engage in a duel. He is warned that his opponent is the greatest swordsman in France. His response... "Unfortunately, WE are in England".
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** Point of fact, who can forget the scenes leading up to the regeneration in the final episode of ''The Caves of Androzani''? Carrying Peri across a battlefield surrounded with explosions, nearly dying of asphyxiation in an earlier scene and generally engaging in derring-do - all so he can save the girl he accidentally got into this situation and all while dying from spectrox poisoning. And not only this, but in the final moments of the first scene mentioned, he knows he has no cure for himself - he still delivers Peri to safety and meets death with dignity. And people thought the Fifth Doctor wasn't badass.
=== Sixth Doctor ===
== Sixth Doctor ==
* Stealing a gun and fighting the Cybermen in ''Attack of the Cybermen'' might seem highly out-of-character for the Doctor, but it's still an awesome scene.
* He gets a delicious MOA in "Revelation of the Daleks" when he offers to shake the hand of the defeated Davros (said hand had just been shot off).
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{{quote|In all my travels through time and space I have battled against evil. Against power-mad conspirators. I should have stayed here! The oldest civilization -- decadent, degenerate and rotten to the core! Power mad conspirators? Daleks, Sontarans, Cybermen -- they're still in the nursery compared to us! Ten million years of absolute power. That's what it takes to be really corrupt.}}
=== Seventh Doctor ===
* In part four of "Remembrance of the Daleks", the Doctor rewires a Dalek machine he had thoroughly fried earlier that day.
** All of Seven's intricate [[Chessmaster]] style schemes can qualify, but especially in the episode "Remembrance of the Daleks", where he [[Briar Patching|briar patches]] Davros into blowing up the Dalek home system, with a Time Lord weapon he'd stashed away in his ''[[Xanatos Gambit|first life]]''.
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'''The Doctor:''' ''(To the data screen)'' Subject for catalogue: file under "imagination, comma, lack of." }}
=== Eighth Doctor ===
* The Eighth Doctor only had [[The Movie|ninety minutes on television]], much of which received a lukewarm reaction from much of the audience. There are, however at least two moments which are largely agreed to have perfectly captured the spirit of the older series and managed to cement the Eighth Doctor's awesomeness:
** Firstly, the scene where he escapes from the cops by stealing a gun using a jelly baby... and holding ''himself'' hostage, thus beautifully subverting the behaviour of nearly every action movie protagonist in existence. ("[[Stop or I Shoot Myself|Now, will you stand aside before I shoot myself?]]")
** The other, towards the end. The Master, having murdered Bruce, Chang Li and Grace, brought the Earth to the brink of destruction and very nearly stolen the Doctor's remaining lives. He leaps at the Doctor, but is blinded by the glare from one of the Eye of Harmony's mirrors, and flies into the ''black hole that powers the TARDIS''. And as he hangs on for dear life—Thelife — The Doctor reaches out and says, "Give me your hand."
=== Ninth Doctor ===
* [[Christopher Eccleston]] packed a ''lot'' of awesome into his single season as the Doctor. This speech from "Rose":
{{quote|Do you know like we were saying, about the earth revolving? It's like when you're a kid, the first time they tell you that the world is turning and you just can't quite believe it 'cause everything looks like it's standing still. I can feel it-the turn of the earth. The ground beneath our feet is spinning at a thousand miles an hour. The entire planet is hurtling around the sun at sixty seven thousand miles an hour. And I can ''feel'' it. We're falling through space, you and me, clinging to the skin of this tiny little world. And, if we let go... That's who I am. Now forget me, Rose Tyler. Go home.}}
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*** Nice bookend to how he introduced himself to her. "Nice to meet you, Rose. [holds up explosive with a half-badass, half-nuts (read: 100%-Doctor) grin] '''''Run for your life!'''''"
=== Tenth Doctor ===
* "The Christmas Invasion"... the Doctor, his hand just chopped off in a way that would have made George Lucas proud: "As it happens, I'm within the first fifteen hours of my regeneration, allowing me to do this." (regrows hand) "And you wanna know the best bit? This new hand... it's a ''fightin''' hand!"
** "[[Power Walk|No second chances. I'm that sort of a man.]]"
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** It just doesn't get more awesome than having Doctor Who and James Bond in the same scene.
=== Eleventh Doctor ===
* The 11th Doctor is born as {{spoiler|the TARDIS burns around him, laughing joyfully while it's exploding, and a ''kick-ass guitar riff plays in the background''}}.
{{quote|{{spoiler|And still not ginger! Something else, there's something... important. I'm...I'm...I'm...(explosion knocks him back) '''CRASHING!!!''' (laughs) (explosions) ''GERONIMO!!!''}}}}
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== Companions and Allies ==
=== Abigail Pettigrew ===
* Using her singing voice to {{spoiler|save Rory, Amy and everyone on board that ship with the help of a broken screwdriver}}.
=== Ace ===
* In a discussion as to who was the best companion in ''[[Doctor Who]]'', there were a surprisingly large number of votes for Ace. When someone asked why, everyone gave the same reason: she once beat the crap out of a Dalek with a baseball bat. Because it [[Pre-Ass-Kicking One-Liner|called her "small"]]. In fact, [[Sophie Aldred]] herself mentioned in a dvd-documentary that, after her marriage and her children, the greatest moment of her life was the fact that ''she'' beat the crap out of a ''Dalek'' using a ''baseball bat''.
** It's followed up with a nice [[Big Damn Heroes]] moment. You could see the entire encounter on [[YouTube]], except that the BBC asked that it be pulled.
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{{quote|'''Ace''': Do you want to argue with a can of deodorant that registers nine on the Richter Scale?}}
=== Adelaide Brooke ===
* "The Waters of Mars": When Adelaide realizes {{spoiler|the Doctor won't recognize that he's gone too far,}} she {{spoiler|''kills herself'' to fix the timeline in place. Watching the Doctor's [[What Have I Done|sudden realization]] of what he just did is ''very'' satisfying, after his [[A God Am I|prior speech.]]}}
** You'reMileageMayVary[[Your Mileage May Vary]] on that.
=== Adric ===
* Even Adric gets his MoAs, despised as he is. How about "Warriors' Gate," wherein, as Rorvik and his men are about to blow the Doc and Romana away, he calls to them from the doorway where he's suddenly appeared and covering them ''with the MZ Cannon'' and advises them to drop their weapons? Just awesome cool from the Alzarian nerd.
{{quote|'''Adric:''' I don't know what these levers do, but ''it's pointing in your direction.''}}
=== Amy Pond ===
* "The Beast Below". Amy {{spoiler|one-ups the Doctor in [[Awesomeness By Analysis]], subverts the Doctor's plan to [[Take a Third Option]], manhandles the Queen of England, saves ''everyone'', and restores the Doctor's faith in humanity}}, all in her first time off-planet and while wearing her nightie.
** Her [[Pajama-Clad Hero|Arthur Dent-ish costume]] in this episode is an awesome moment in itself.
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{{quote|'''Amy:''' {{spoiler|River Song didn't get it all from you, ''sweetie.''}}}}
=== Ancient Egyptians ===
* In "The Daleks' Master Plan", Ancient Egyptians stop a [[Badass]] Dalek by blocking its way with rocks.
=== Astrid Peth ===
* "Voyage of the Damned": [[Kylie Minogue]] and a forklift truck.
=== Bannakaffalatta ===
* "Voyage of the Damned": Bannakaffalatta (the little red guy) taking down the Host with an EMP.
{{quote|'''Bannakaffalatta:''' Bannakaffalatta PROUD! Bannakaffalatta CYBORG!}}
=== Barbara Wright ===
* Being the first person to have the "let's slap something on the Dalek's eye" idea in "The Daleks"
* Verbally bitchslapping the Doctor in "The Edge of Destruction"
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* Essentially, the first two seasons could have been renamed The Why Barbara is Awesome Show, and no one would have noticed. She strode through time in sensible shoes, wearing the Bouffant of Doom...
=== Ben and Polly ===
* Ben, Polly and Jamie blasting the Cybermen with various solvents made from ''nail polish remover'' in "The Moonbase".
* Ben breaking free of the Controller Macra's hypnosis and ''blowing him up'' in "The Macra Terror".
=== Bret Vyon ===
* Bret Vyon (a pre-Brigadier Nicholas Courtney) gets one for being the only man in the universe to ever tell the First Doctor to "shut up" and get away with it.
=== Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart ===
* In "The Daemons". Complete, unflappable, pure win when faced with an animated gargoyle: "Chap with the wings there, [[Five Rounds Rapid]]."
** Lampshaded in the [[Virgin New Adventures|New Adventures]] novel ''No Future'', in which the Brig indicates an alien standing next to Paul McCartney: "Chap with 'Wings', five rounds rapid!"
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* While it's a tough call, and the Doctor is ''not happy'', the Brig taking out the Silurian base in "Doctor Who and the Silurians" to protect Earth was quite badass.
=== Canton Everett Delaware III ===
* In ''Day of the Moon'', one of the Silence starts on a speech about how they have always been on Earth and have no need for weapons, while Amy can be heard screaming for help in the background, Delaware simply pulls out his gun and shoots it with the words "Welcome to America", before running to find Amy.
* With no shame and no hesitation, in ''1969'', Canton informs the President of the United States that he wants to marry {{spoiler|a ''black '''man'''.''}} The man has balls of titanium.
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* Not forgetting the fact that with a little help from the Doctor he managed to successfully con ''the entire American government'' (with the possible exception of Nixon) while acting like he was [[The Mole|leading the hunt]] to track down the Doctor's companions.
=== Castellan Spandrell ===
* From "The Deadly Assassin": Castellan Spandrell, the most sensible and wise of the time lords appearing in this story, is completely peaceful, collected and reasonable through the entirety of the serial... that is, until a guard who was under the Master's influence tried to kill the Doctor, at which point Spandrell shot him without skipping a beat.
=== Colonel Mace ===
* In ''The Poison Sky'', Col. Mace leads UNIT in a truly ''awesome'' attack on the Sontarans. But even that pales in comparison to this beauty he gives the Doctor after nothing but constant abuse: '''Thank you Doctor, thank you for your lack of faith but this time ''I'm not listening!'' ''' Considering the amount of criticism the Doctor has given UNIT or indeed any military force down through the years simply for ''doing their jobs'' that was '''hugely''' satisfying.
{{quote|'''Col. Mace:''' The Sontarans might think of us as primitive, as does every passing species with an axe to grind. They make a mockery of our weapons, our soldiers, our ideals, but no more. From this point on it stops. From this point on, the people of Earth fight back. And we show them, we show the warriors of Sontar what the human race can do.}}
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{{quote|"You will face me, sir!"}}
=== Controller ===
* Seemingly the main villain in ''[[Doctor Who/Recap/S9/E01 Day of the Daleks|Day of the Daleks]]'', as the Controller converses with the heroes and becomes more empathicemphatic with them, he finally decides to [[Heel Face Turn|turn on the Daleks]] and [[Heroic Sacrifice|helps the heroes]] go back in time to change history. When finally [[Redemption Equals Death|confronted for his betrayal]], this immortal exchange takes place:
{{quote|'''Gold Dalek''': You are a traitor to the Daleks! You must be exterminated!
'''Controller''': Who knows? I may have helped to exterminate you. }}
** The similarly named character from ''[[Doctor Who/Recap/S27/E12 Bad Wolf|Bad Wolf]]'' emulates this very scene.
=== Craig Owens ===
* In ''Closing Time'' he is able to {{spoiler|resist being turned into a Cyberman, return emotions to the existing Cybermen, and ''blow up their base''}} all because {{spoiler|[[The Power of Love|he heard]] [[Papa Wolf|his baby crying]]}}.
* Craig also used [[The Power of Love]] to short out a TARDIS knock-off that had already fried 18 people who had interfaced with it beforehand in his first appearance in ''The Lodger''.
* It's worth noting that The Doctor remembered Craig fondly enough that he was the last person on his list of people to visit before he got down to the business of {{spoiler|his impending death.}}.
=== DJ ===
* The DJ in "Revelation of the Daleks", when he blasts Daleks with [[Brown Note|his music as an intense sonic beam.]]
** As he himself put it:
{{quote|'''DJ:''' ''This'' is a highly directional, ultrasonic beam of ''[[The Power of Rock|ROCK! AND! ROLL!]]''}}
=== Dr Constantine ===
* A doctor in at least his sixties, being the last person left in Albion Hospital who has not succumbed to the Empty Child virus, staying there to look after his patients, fully knowing there is absolutely nothing he can do for them and {{spoiler|risking almost certain zombification}} which happens shortly after he is introduced.
{{quote|'''Dr Constantine''': Before this war began I was a father and a grandfather. Now I'm neither, but I'm still a doctor.}}
=== Donna Noble ===
* "The Fires Of Pompeii," where Donna convinces the Doctor, after being forced into a horrible [[Sadistic Choice]] ( {{spoiler|Pompeii or the world}}) to go back.
{{quote|'''Donna:''' "Please. Not the whole town...just save someone."}}
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** Also, Scrappy my ass.
=== Duggan ===
* One from "City of Death": ''Duggan punching Scaroth in the face,'' which prevents the latter from stopping his past self from blowing up his ship and giving the spark of life to the amniotic fluid from which all life on Earth will spring. In other words, ''that one punch allowed'' '''''life on Earth to happen at all.''''' Immediately followed by the Doctor's [[Funny Moments (Sugar Wiki)|hilarious]]:
{{quote|'''The Doctor:''' "Duggan...that was probably the most important punch in history!"}}
=== Fewsham ===
* Fewsham's [[Redemption Equals Death|sacrificial redemption]] in "The Seeds of Death".
{{quote|"''Every word has been heard on Earth.''"}}
=== Guido ===
* "[[Punctuated! For! Emphasis!|WE ARE]] [[Heroic Sacrifice|VENETIANS!]]"
=== Gwen Cooper ===
* "The Stolen Earth":
{{quote|'''Ianto:''' ''(after being handed a gun by Gwen)'' Those don't work against {{spoiler|Daleks}}.
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'''Ianto:''' Yes ma'am. }}
=== Harriet Jones ===
* Harriet Jones, {{spoiler|former Prime Minister}}, gets hers in "The Stolen Earth", when {{spoiler|she's about to die.}}
{{quote|'''{{spoiler|Harriet Jones:}}''' {{spoiler|Harriet Jones, former Prime Minister.}}
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*** It's subtle here, but it's an awesome moment crossed with a [[Heartwarming Moment]] with some [[Fridge Brilliance|Fridge Awesome]] in hindsight. Nine would not have gone against Jackie's wishes, as he personally did not want to be responsible for any harm that would come to her daughter, and Harriet realized he did not want the burden of Rose's blood on his hands, so she, in a Donna Noble "Fires Of Pompeii" moment, ordered him to commence his plan on behalf of the British people by virtue of her being the highest ranking legitimate governing authority present, thus pinning all the blame on herself if everything went wrong. Or, in short, ''she proved she was the perfect politician to be Prime Minister by being willing to take responsibility for her actions, regardless of their consequences.''
=== Ian Chesterton ===
* Creating fire in "100,000 BC."
** And from the same serial, stopping the First Doctor from killing the caveman with a rock.
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** Though when you think about it, a male Secondary School teacher in his late 30's/early 40's in 1963 would almost certainly have performed ''some'' kind of active military service.
=== Captain Jack Harkness ===
* "The Doctor Dances". First, stopping a German bomb seconds before it plows into the rest of the cast, then saying his farewells while straddled atop it (popping back once to compliment Rose on her shirt). Later on his ship, on learning the bomb's detonation (and his death) is pretty much unavoidable, he nonchalantly orders himself a martini and reminisces in what appear to be his last moments. Then to top it all off, the camera pulls away from him, past the bomb...''and through the TARDIS doors.'' WIN.
** It also is a subtle [[Establishing Character Moment]]. Jack mentions earlier on he's worried that the part of his life he's missing may be clues he was a horrible person, and he seriously fears that may be the case, so when the Doctor got him to stop that bomb, it also counts as a CMOA for the Doctor in not only giving Jack a chance to make sure an act of unquestioned moral virtue is forever a part of his personal history, but it's a CMOA for Jack later on, as he found his own actions would kill him 100% that he decided not to curse the Doctor for what happened, but instead decided to allow himself to die with a good deed as his last living act, proving that whatever person he was during those missing two years of his life, he's ultimately a heroic person. {{spoiler|And thanks to Rose, his [[Redemption Earns Life]].}}
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** Jack holding onto the edge of the TARDIS as it tries to shake him off. Right through to the end of the universe when the TARDIS is forced to land.
=== Jamie ===
* Jamie's last scene is easily one of his most [[Badass]]. After the Time Lords return him to the battlefield where he met the Doctor, he wakes up to a Redcoat shooting him. His response to this is to charge the Redcoat with sword - and the Redcoat turns around and ''runs for his life''.
=== Jenny ===
* "The Doctor's Daughter":
{{quote|'''Jenny:''' {{spoiler|"Whatcha you going to do? Tell my dad?"}}}}
** Jenny making it through the beams via epic gymnastic skills.
=== Jo Grant ===
* Jo owns the Master in "The Time Monster". He's completely failed to hypnotise the Atlantean king and is being led away by guards. His one consolation is that at least he's killed the Doctor. So when the Doctor and Jo show up, he's literally speechless. And Jo prompts him "How about 'Curses! Foiled again!'?"
* And again in "Frontier in Space", when she responds to the Master's attempted hypnotism first by [[Psychic Static|shouting nursery rhymes at him]] and then by [[Not Afraid of You Anymore|sheer force of will]]. And she's still so ''polite'' about it.
* She gets an earlier one in "Day of the Daleks," when she rescues the Doctor from an Ogron by knocking it out with a wine bottle.
=== Joan Redfern ===
* When the Doctor is all "come with me" she calls him on the way death and destruction follows in his wake. "If you hadn't come here, would anyone have died?" Instead of being oh so dazzled by his awesomeness, she spoke up for the people who get left behind (like Harriet Jones tried to before). It's fine that he was trying to be kind to the Family of Blood and all, but by saving them (rather than just giving them a quick death and being done with it) how many more people ended up dead?
=== John Smith ===
* "The Family of Blood": John Smith, the Doctor's alternate personality, is brave enough to sacrifice himself for the greater good of a cause he knows next to nothing about (although he probably realized it was the only way to stop the psychotic aliens).
** {{spoiler|John Smith raises a rifle, looks down the sights... Then realizes he can't do it. The Doctor is THAT opposed to using guns that he won't use them when he can't even remember who he is!}}
=== Kevin ===
* OK, first off, he is a [http://tardis.wikia.com/wiki/Kevin_%28robot%29 ROBOT. TYRANNOSAURUS. COMPANION.] And if that wasn't enough by itself, ''then'' he strapped on a pair of prosthetic arms and [[Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?|punched out Cthulhu]]. [http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110930190040/tardis/images/4/4c/Issue_9a.jpg For reals]. God''damn'' do I [[Crazy Awesome|love this show.]]
=== K9 ===
* K9 Mark III's [[Heroic Sacrifice]]: "You bad dog!" "Affirmative."
** Even more awesome because K9, as always, sounds so damn ''smug.''
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** "We are in a car".
=== Leela ===
* In "The Talons of Weng-Chiang", Leela taking on Magnus Greel.
* "The Invisible Enemy":
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** And in "The Invasion Of Time", just after being told a Sontaran's weakness, throwing a knife the full length of a decent sized room straight into a 5mm "probic vent".
=== Liz Ten ===
* Liz X, [[Guns Akimbo]], takes out the Smilers in "The Beast Below", with the immortal quip "I'm the bloody queen, mate. Basically? I rule." The Doctor is quite impressed, as he should be. One of the best [[Establishing Character Moment]]s in the new series.
=== Lucy Saxon ===
* Lucy Saxon in "The End of Time". Yes, [[Heroic Sacrifice|that moment]]: {{spoiler|"TILL DEATH DO US PART, HARRY!"}}
=== Madge Arwell ===
* A woman from 1941 manages to get the better of three trained people from the future, all with weapons, using just fake tears and a pistol. She then pilots a [[Humongous Mecha]] through the forest in search of her children. The fact that she eventually crashes it does nothing to lessen the awesomeness.
** Heck, her awesomeness doesn't end there. She braves an acid rain storm and emerges unscathed, is chosen to be the vessel for the trees, pilots the ship, saving the Doctor, her children, ''and an entire species!'' And then she {{spoiler|resuces her husband.}} Essentially, the 2011 Christmas Special could've been renamed The Why Madge Is Awesome Show and no one would have noticed. She even manages to make its official title, The Doctor, the Widow, and the Wardrobe, a bit of a [[Non Indicative Title]].
=== Marco Polo ===
* At the end of [[Doctor Who/Recap/S1/E04 Marco Polo|his eponymous serial]], he finally wises up and swordfights [[Smug Snake]] Tegana.
=== Martha Jones ===
* In "The Family of Blood", when told black women will never be doctors, and she proceeds to list every bone in the human hand. Surely an MOA for [[Freema Agyeman]] simply for being able to do that, let alone Martha totally owning the stuffy matron.
* Martha's Moment of Awesome has to be when, after two episodes of effortless pwning absolutely everyone (including the Doctor and the immortal Captain Jack), the Master has her imprisoned, kneeling at his feet... and she ''laughs'' at him.
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** In The Doctor's Daughter, she is completely unfazed by the radioactive surface of the planet, and convinces her Hath friend to accompany her across.
=== Mickey Smith ===
* Mickey Smith spends most of his time as second-fiddle, but he's had a couple of MoAs. Did you realize that he blew up Downing Street with a submarine missile from his flat? When the Master talks about Downing Street being rebuilt? That's because it took the British Government two seasons to get over Mickey.
** Mickey's entire character development arc over series 1 and 2 was nothing but one long CMoA.
=== Minnie ===
* Minnie the Menace groping the Doctor in "The End of Time".
=== Nancy ===
* In "The Doctor Dances", verbally bitch-slapping the guy whose house she broke into. "Oh look, there's the sweat on your brow."
* "I. Am. Your. Mummy."
=== Nyssa ===
* Her attempt to [[Doctor Who/Recap/S20/E01 Arc of Infinity|save the Doctor from execution]] on Gallifrey. She stuns two guards and even holds the Lord President at gunpoint.
{{small-caps|The Next Doctor ({{spoiler|aka Jackson Lake}})}}
* {{spoiler|Suffering from mental trauma from finding out he's ''not'' the Doctor, that the Cybermen killed his wife ''(and did something else he can't remember)'', he straps on a bandoleer of fancy thumbdrives (called 'infostamps') and charges into battle, using them to destroy the Cybermen and rescue the Doctor}}. Sweet Jesus, for someone who {{spoiler|wasn't the Doctor, Lake really is a massively awesome [[Badass Normal]].}}
* {{spoiler|Jackson Lake}} leading the crowd in cheering the 10th Doctor after he saves the day.
=== Peri Brown ===
* While her [[The Load|portrayal]] in [[Character Derailment|later episodes]] prevented her from being endlessly adored by the fans, Peri looked ''very'' promising as a companion after verbally owning ''the Master'' of all people in this memorable exchange:
{{quote|'''The Master''': You will obey me. I am the Master!
'''Peri''': So what? I'm Perpugilliam Brown, and I can shout as loud as you can! }}
=== Pex ===
* Pex finally proves his bravery with a [[Heroic Sacrifice]] in "Paradise Towers".
=== Phipps ===
* Surviving crewman Phipps roasting an Ice Warrior in "The Seeds of Death".
=== Princess Joanna ===
* In "The Crusade", when Princess Joanna learns of her brother King Richard I's plan to marry her off to Saphadin without her knowing beforehand, she basically bites his head off. Remember, this is a medieval king she's bawling out in front of the men. Sister or no, that took guts.
=== [[Queen Victoria]] ===
* Queen Victoria got one in "Tooth and Claw" when she pulled a pistol out of her handbag and shot the leader of the monks.
{{quote|'''Monk:''' Oh, I don't think so, woman.
'''Queen Victoria:''' The correct form of address is "Your Majesty"! ''*BANG*'' }}
=== Reinette ===
* Reinette telling the entire Royal Court of Versailles to get a hold of themselves, while facing down unstoppable killer clockwork robots:
{{quote|'''Reinette''': "Would everyone just please calm down. Such a commotion, such distressing noise! Kindly remember that this is Versailles. This is the royal court, and we are French. I have made a decision. And my decision is no. I have seen your world, and I do not desire to set foot there again."
'''Clockwork Droid''': "We do not require your feet." }}
=== River Song ===
* "The Time of Angels": River Song opened the hatch door and blew herself into space just in time to be saved by the Doctor. Yes.
{{quote|'''River''': As I said on the dance floor... you might want to find something to hang onto.}}
Line 661 ⟶ 657:
* "The Wedding of River Song": River {{spoiler|''disintegrates reality'' to send out a beacon to ''all points of time and space simultaneously'' with the message, "The Doctor is dying. Please, please help." She is answered by a ''million million'' voices, saying, "Yes, of course we will!" She then proceeds to tell the Doctor in question that she did so just so she could tell him that "...you are loved by so much, and so many - and by ''no one'' more than me." To sum up: River Song ''disintegrates reality'' to tell the Doctor how much she loves him, saving his life in the process, and then proceeds to marry him.}} She seems to take a cue from her mother there: neither of them are willing to be parted from the men they love.
=== Romana ===
* Romana has her Moment of Awesome at the climax of "The Armageddon Factor", where she stops the Doctor from becoming a monstrous universal dictator ''by shouting at him''.
** Then there's the "despicable worm" scene and a good part of "The Horns of Nimon."
Line 669 ⟶ 665:
* Hell, her '''''first scene.'''''
=== Rory Williams ===
* Rory is now [[Memetic Badass]].[https://web.archive.org/web/20170923103444/http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lmwcddnXcO1qhq27ao1_500.gif]
* "The Big Bang": {{spoiler|Auton-}}Rory deploying {{spoiler|his [[Arm Cannon]]}} on a Dalek.
Line 676 ⟶ 672:
(BANG) }}
** His earlier exchange with The Doctor was also awesome.
{{quote|Doctor: Why do you have to be so... human?
Rory: Because right now I'm not. }}
** Rory got a LOT of awesome in this episode, including {{spoiler|single-handedly DRAGGING the Pandorica out of a building that was just bombed by Germans}}, {{spoiler|punching out the Doctor and getting COMPLIMENTED for it (since it proved his humanity)}}, and, one more thing, {{spoiler|protecting the Pandorica all alone for just under two THOUSAND YEARS.}} Forget Amy, Rory is the best companion of this series.
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** Rory's made more [[Badass]] with this [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aWb9L5hDdIk&feature=channel_video_title glitch].
=== Rose Tyler ===
* "The Parting of the Ways"
** When she [[Physical God|becomes the Bad Wolf]]. "You are tiny. I can see the whole of time and space. Every single atom of your existence. And I divide them."
Line 718 ⟶ 714:
* "The Satan Pit". [[Two Words: Obvious Trope|Three words]]: "Go to Hell." To ''the devil.'' While throwing him into ''a black hole.''
=== Rosita ===
* "The Next Doctor": The scene after they first encounter Miss Hartigan. The two Doctors turn to run. Rosita ''decks her in the face.'' The Doctor's impressed, but can't admit it:
{{quote|'''Can I just say... that was completely inappropriate!'''}}
=== Rossiter ===
* The Doctor points out a small but significant detail to the Master: {{spoiler|"That guard is one inch too tall." *Rossiter cold-cocks the Master with his rifle*}}
=== Sally Sparrow ===
* Sally Sparrow had several in "Blink", such as this conversation:
{{quote|'''Sally Sparrow''': I love old places. They make me sad.
Line 739 ⟶ 735:
'''Sally''': ...I'm clever, and I'm listening, and don't patronize me because people have died and I'm not happy. ''Tell me''. }}
=== Sarah Jane Smith ===
* In "Robot", Sarah Jane delivers a killer ice burn to the Scientific Reform Society.
{{quote|"I'm sure I can find room for you ... between the flying saucer people and the Flat Earthers."}}
Line 745 ⟶ 741:
** Another one just for the fact that {{spoiler|Davros}} still remembers Sarah Jane after thousands of years from his point of view. Maybe that counts for RTD as well for remembering that Sarah Jane was in {{spoiler|"Genesis of the Daleks"}} and managing to cram in that nod to it.
=== Steven Taylor ===
* At the end of the twelve-part serial ''The Daleks' Master Plan'', the Doctor and Steven are left standing on a barren plain that was a jungle planet only moments before. As they stand there, overlooking all the damage caused by the Time Destructor, the Doctor starts to go into a philosophic ramble about it, but Steven angrily interrupts him by listing the names of the people who were killed. This promptly shuts the Doctor up, and they walk back to the TARDIS together in somber silence. Steven may not be the most well-remembered of companions, but he certainly deserves mention for that.
=== Susan ===
* In "An Unearthly Child", Susan leaps onto a caveman's back and starts pummeling it's head when her grandfather has been captured by the tribe. Badass.
* In "The Daleks", Susan finds her way back to the TARDIS alone, at night, in a storm, through a creepy petrified forest that she has been told is full of deadly mutants, in order to fetch anti-radiation medicine for the others who are dying of radiation poisoning and are being held captive by the eponymous pepperpots of doom.
=== TARDIS ===
* "{{spoiler|That's my TARDIS burning up.}} That's what's been keeping the Earth warm." Even {{spoiler|in death, the TARDIS still keeps the Earth safe for her Doctor as long as it can}}.
* The TARDIS burning away every part of The House {{spoiler|inside herself.}}
Line 763 ⟶ 759:
* How about in 'The Parting of the Ways' where she takes it one step further, literally bonding her heart with Rose Tyler to make the [[Arc Words|Bad Wolf]], and they work together to destroy every Dalek and restore Captain Jack Harkness to life?
=== The Teselecta ===
* {{spoiler|Taking the bullet for the Doctor}} in "The Wedding of River Song".[[Tricked-Out Time|Well]] [[Xanatos Gambit|played]].
=== Tom Milligan ===
* "Last of the Time Lords", Tom Milligan's {{spoiler|attempt at a [[Heroic Sacrifice]] with his pistol, even though he knew that both the Toclafane and the Master were [[Nigh Invulnerable|invulnerable]] to bullets, to try and save Martha, a woman that he's known less than a day...in a word, awesome.}}
=== UNIT ===
* The entire last 15 minutes of "The Poison Sky" for the whole of UNIT, after 40+ years of playing the [[Redshirt Army]] they finally get {{spoiler|to kick some Sontaran arse}}.
** Or {{spoiler|the Valiant on the start of the attack run}}? Even the Doctor is impressed.
Line 775 ⟶ 771:
* UNIT not playing the [[Redshirt Army]] to {{spoiler|stingrays with metal shells}} in "Planet of the Dead".
=== Madame Vastra ===
* While it's not shown onscreen, this Silurian ally of the Doctor's ''hunted down, killed, and ate'' '''''Jack the Ripper.''''' BAD. FREAKIN'. ASS. She and her lover/maidservant Jenny are so popular there are demands for their own spinoff- they're practically the Jago and Litefoot of the new series!
=== Vislor Turlough ===
* In ''[[Doctor Who/Recap/S20/E05 Enlightenment|Enlightenment]]'' he rejects the Black Guardian's deal for the enlightenment diamond in exchange for the Doctor and then pushes the diamond off the table, into the Black Guardian, who then ''BURSTS INTO FLAMES.'' An epic moment for the otherwise shy and cowardly Turlough.
* His final episode, "[[Doctor Who/Recap/S21/E05 Planet of Fire|Planet of Fire]]": Turlough, knowing that contacting his people for help evacuating Sarn would doom him to, at best, exile, at worse, execution, contacts them anyway. His exile was rescinded, but still.
=== Wilfred Mott ===
* In "Voyage of the Damned", Wilf coming out of his stall to shake his fist at the sky. This is the man who, when the entirety of London ran in fear of the invasions of years past, stayed in his stall to mock any aliens who might try it this year.
** Did we mention this is ''his first appearance ever?'' When the Doctor takes a passenger from the starship Titanic ([[Starship Titanic|not that one]]) to Earth and finds London deserted at Christmas, there's a lone old man running a newsstand who tells him that everyone else cleared out because [[Genre Savvy|nasty things happen to London every Christmas]]. But ''he'' wasn't letting any invaders scare him away, no! And he only gets more awesome from there.
Line 788 ⟶ 784:
* In "The End of Time", further cementing his [[Badass Grandpa]] status by piloting an anti-missile turret and saving the entire ship.
=== [[William Shakespeare]] ===
* In "The Shakespeare Code", {{spoiler|the Bard completely OWNS the Carrionites, with words.}}
=== Zoe Heriot ===
* Zoe ''beating the crap out of a comic-book superhero'' in "The Mind Robber".
* Zoë makes the International Electromatics computer work itself to "death" in "The Invasion".
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