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Mars Attacks: Simpsons: Difference between revisions

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*[[Actually Pretty Funny]]: Homer and Bart find themselves laughing at times when it comes to the Gnard Martians.
**In Chapter 6, falling victim to a prank call, Burns, and his goons notices Smithers asking for a "Martha Fokker". After a minute, Lowblow just blasts out laughing, which Burns admits to the humor.
**In Chapter 12, Homer and his co-workers laughs at the Mi Biggus Dickus line.
*[[Alien Invasion]]
*[[Ambiguous Gender]]: It is okay to call the Gnards and Paec Martians "them" because they are all Martians, even though many of the Gnards have male names and three of the named Paec Martians have female names. Kang and Kodos have been confirmed to be a male and female, respectfully.
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**[[Even Evil Has Standards]]: Downplay, he explained, about the Brazilian radiation incident.
* {{Spoiler| [[Brain In a Jar]]/ [[Losing Your Head]]/ [[Decapitation Presentation]]}}: Melanie's condition… at least, the Gnards are mindful about her body. Veles shows off to Dolos.
* [[Brain Bleach]]: The reaction Tracy, Arte, and Laurie has when they saw some video of what was happening to Melanie. Even Bugs, Porky, and Speedy had avert their eyes.
*[[Curse Cut Short]]: When Kang learned about what happened to Melanie, Kodos explains about it. Kang's swear is cut and heard as a thunderclap on Springfield.
*[[Department of Child Disservices]]: Laurie asked Lovejoy if CPS was ever called on Homer, after seeing him choking Bart. Lovejoy just tells, "if we're lucky".
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** [[Necessarily Evil]]
**[[Aliens Are Bastards]]
*[[Genre Savvy]]: Burns has a deck of cards with ''[[Mars Attacks!]]''.
*[[His Name Really Is "Barkeep"]]: There's an actually Gnard named Seymour Butz.
*[[Homage]]: Opening part has Bart writing, We're Parodying Again.
**When she learned about being one of the subjects for experimentation, [[Spice Girls|Melanie]] responses with "D-Oh".
**When people found out that Springfield Penitentiary had been taken over, they were shocked. Arte, Laurie, and Tracy realizes they might be closer to where Melanie was taken to. Yet, alleveryonel shouts, 'd'oh', when Snake tells about the police blocking the area off.
*[[Innocent Aliens]]: Paec Martians… they're willing to deal with the Gnards.
*[[Humans Through Alien Eyes]]: Veles asks Hades about Melanie's heart.
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**[[Mass "Oh Crap"]]: Pretty much the reaction to Loki mooning.
*[[Oh, No, Not Again]]: Pretty much the reactions the people of Springfield have when learning about being invaded.
*[[Oh Crap]]: Quimby reacts when Rich Texan, Bart, and Milhouse are kidnapped.
*[[Prank Call]]: At least, one chapter has a prank call to a random location, either at Moe's Tavern, City Hall, or a mansion.
**[[Pay Phone]]: A common usage for these.
*[[Royals Who Actually Do Something]]: There are in-story reports about the Royal family joining the clean effort.
*[[Theme Naming]]: Most of the named Gnards have names relating to war, death, and trickster deities.
**[[Meaningful Name]]: TheLoki, the Gnard Martians,' Lokitrickster, is athe knownmost prankster,serious whileof Ariesthe istwo theirwhen moreit seriouscomes to onecombat.
**[[Ironic Name]]: Hades, on the other hand, keeps Melanie alive... or at least, parts of her.
*[[This Means War]]: Burns makes this statement when he got on togets a prank call.
*[[Violent Glaswegian]]: Willie, the groundskeeper, and his friends join the fights against the Martians on the school grounds.
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