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Mars Attacks: Simpsons

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Mars Attacks: Simpsons is a fan fiction combining The Simpsons, Mars Attacks!, Saturday Night Live, and some Looney Tunes, created by Beta_Log_86.

The Gnard Martians are at it again, but this time… Springfield is in their sights for their activities. However, Kang and Kodos weren't going to let that happen, and the Paec Martians agree. To top it off, a pop singer is kidnapped as part of the lasted series of experimentation. There is a lot at stake, and one family could decide the fate of … or at least a town.

It can be found on Archive of Our Own.

As a Mega Crossover fanfic, Mars Attacks: Simpsons incorporates elements from the following works:
Tropes used in Mars Attacks: Simpsons include:
  • Actually Pretty Funny: Homer and Bart find themselves laughing at times when it comes to the Gnard Martians.
    • In Chapter 6, falling victim to a prank call, Burns, and his goons notices Smithers asking for a "Martha Fokker". After a minute, Lowblow just blasts out laughing, which Burns admits to the humor.
    • In Chapter 12, Homer and his co-workers laughs at the Mi Biggus Dickus line.
  • Alien Invasion
  • Ambiguous Gender: It is okay to call the Gnards and Paec Martians "them" because they are all Martians, even though many of the Gnards have male names and three of the named Paec Martians have female names. Kang and Kodos have been confirmed to be a male and female, respectfully.
  • Anal Probing: Implied that Sideshow Bob gets this, and he complains about it.
  • Anti-Villain: Mr. Burns is among the town folks to take a stand to deal with the incoming invasion. Burns still display is true nature but is willing to put aside.
    • Pragmatic Villainy: Burns also felt the radioactive waste that led to the Kyshtym should've been used as a fuel source, like automobiles.
    • Even Evil Has Standards: Downplay, he explained, about the Brazilian radiation incident.
  • Brain In a Jar/ Losing Your Head/ Decapitation Presentation: Melanie's condition… at least, the Gnards are mindful about her body. Veles shows off to Dolos.
  • Brain Bleach: The reaction Tracy, Arte, and Laurie has when they saw some video of what was happening to Melanie. Even Bugs, Porky, and Speedy had avert their eyes.
  • Curse Cut Short: When Kang learned about what happened to Melanie, Kodos explains about it. Kang's swear is cut and heard as a thunderclap on Springfield.
  • Department of Child Disservices: Laurie asked Lovejoy if CPS was ever called on Homer, after seeing him choking Bart. Lovejoy just tells, "if we're lucky".
  • Do Wrong Right: When told about the Second Amendment, Quimby explains it applies to militia, but allows any other weapon to be in use.
    • Both Frankie and Calypso felt the Gnards should've often Melanie some painkillers.
  • Donut Mess with a Cop: In Chapter 8, Lou catches and chases after the Gnard Martians for prank calling the police station. Wiggum tells Lou to get the police some donuts, as he forgot it was riot season.
  • Enemy Mine: Burns is willing to join the rest of Springfield to deal with the invasion.
    • Even the Springfield Mafia joins to fight the Gnards, even suggesting a "trade".
  • Everyone Has Standards: Arte asks Lovejoy about being a pastor, to which Lovejoy when it comes to Ned, he has his limits.
  • For the Evulz: Downplayed, the Gnard Martians are still at it with their human experiments, but one of them gives Melanie an explanation... it was just business.
  • Fully-Clothed Nudity: Bart, Milhouse, Jimmy, Daffy, and Sam all found Melanie's body in a vat, her body still in her underwear. Jimmy gets some cloth, so Sam wouldn't embarrass Melanie while Daffy covers the eyes of Bart and Milhouse.
  • Genre Savvy: Burns has a deck of cards with Mars Attacks!
  • His Name Really Is "Barkeep": There's an actually Gnard named Seymour Butz.
  • Homage: Opening part has Bart writing, We're Parodying Again.
    • When she learned about being one of the subjects for experimentation, Melanie responses with "D-Oh".
    • When people found out that Springfield Penitentiary had been taken over, they were shocked. Arte, Laurie, and Tracy realizes they might be closer to where Melanie was taken to. Yet,everyonel shouts, 'd'oh', when Snake tells about the police blocking the area off.
  • Innocent Aliens: Paec Martians… they're willing to deal with the Gnards.
  • Humans Through Alien Eyes: Veles asks Hades about Melanie's heart.
  • Klingons Love Shakespeare: Kang, Kodos, and Krang warn the Gnards to leave Melanie alone, or they'll be sorry. Of course, Gnards didn't listen. The Springfield Mafia even has a plan for "an exchange" for Melanie.
  • Major Injury Underreaction: Melanie is being subjected to a vivisection, but no painkillers were given to her. She just wonders about the mobile services. Sideshow Bob is subjected to Anal Probing with a taser, yet he just yells at the Gnards for refusing his requests not to.
  • Mooning: Loki does this, much to Aries's dismay.
  • Not So Above It All: Smithers cheers on during the fight scene in Chapter 13.
  • Oh, No, Not Again: Pretty much the reactions the people of Springfield have when learning about being invaded.
  • Oh Crap: Quimby reacts when Rich Texan, Bart, and Milhouse are kidnapped.
    • The shouts of D-OH.
  • Prank Call: At least, one chapter has a prank call to a random location, either at Moe's Tavern, City Hall, or a mansion.
  • Royals Who Actually Do Something: There are in-story reports about the Royal family joining the clean effort.
  • Theme Naming: Most of the named Gnards have names relating to war, death, and trickster deities.
    • Meaningful Name: Loki, the Gnard Martians' trickster, is the most serious of the two when it comes to combat.
    • Ironic Name: Hades, on the other hand, keeps Melanie alive... or at least, parts of her.
  • This Means War: Burns makes this statement when he gets a prank call.
  • Violent Glaswegian: Willie, the groundskeeper, and his friends join the fights against the Martians on the school grounds.
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