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United States Angels Corps: Difference between revisions

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* [[Shoot the Shaggy Dog]] - We're talking about a comic with a plot revolving around the main characters utterly failing, what did you expect?
* [[Shout-Out]] - Aside from already having [[Canon Immigrant]]s, we actually have a few shout-outs to other works from Dave.
** Alex's "Everyday" clothes, for example, makes her look like a revisited Ellice Matthews, with changes going from [[Big Bra to Fill|a smaller size of breasts]] to a silver bikini instead of a top. Adding the hair style change, we have a [[Fullmetal Alchemist (manga)|Winry]] lookalike Bikini Girl.
*** To a lesser extent, Samantha is a mix of Sally Richards with one of his other less known characters, [https://web.archive.org/web/20130725014213/http://orz.gurochan.net/req/src/1258439754490.jpg Lily Elliot] (Also [[NSFW]] for nudity). Note the body and other minor details such as gloves, socks and shoes.
** [[Word of God|"(Coral's) Costume colour scheme]] [[Expy|shamelessly ripped off from]] [[BlazBlue|Blazblue's Noel Vermillion]]. [[Just for Pun|Whatchu gun do bout it?!]]"
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