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All Quiet on the Western Front: Difference between revisions

And I think that's all I the cleanup that can do without having actually read the novel or watched any of the movies.
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(And I think that's all I the cleanup that can do without having actually read the novel or watched any of the movies.)
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* [[Get a Hold of Yourself, Man!]]: A newbie in the trenches is getting hysterical to the point of trying to leave the bomb shelter. Everybody else in the shelter beats him up until he doesn't try to leave any more. Paul tells us that it's not pleasant, but it's the only thing that helps.
* [[Getting Crap Past the Radar]]: Tjaden is occasionally described as "delivering the most famous quote from ''[[Götz von Berlichingen (historical figure)|Götz von Berlichingen]]''." Quoting Goethe seems harmless enough, right? Wrong, since the quote in question is: {{spoiler|"Er aber, sags ihm, er kann mich im Arsche lecken". This is German for "But he, tell him that, he can lick me inside my arse!"}}
* [[GrayGrey and Gray Morality]] : Full stop.{{context}}
* [[Heroic BSOD]] : Paul has a very memorable one {{spoiler|after stabbing the French soldier trapped with him in a crater to death and then listening to him slowly die during the entire sleepless night. [[Must Make Amends|After he examines the dead soldier's personal belongings, he repentantly promises to secretly support his family once the war ends]]. [[Tear Jerker|Then he realizes he can't, because they'd eventually find out who's the mysterious donor and realize he's the one who killed their relative]].}}
* [[Humiliation Conga]]: Himmelstoss gets this early on in the book as revenge for his harsh boot camp rituals.
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* [[Insert Cameo]]: In the 1930 film, {{spoiler|Paul's death scene shows his hand reaching for a butterfly; then a shot is heard, and the hand goes limp in death.}} The hand in the scene belonged to director Lewis Milestone.
* [[Not Even Bothering with the Accent]]: In the film, the German characters are played by American actors, who speak with American accents. This, however, is intentional [[Translation Convention]], in order to show American movie-goers [[Not So Different|just how much like us the German protagonists really are]].
* [[PopculturalPop Cultural Osmosis]]: The famous "butterfly" scene from the film is parodied by people who may well have never heard of the film, let alone the book.
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