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(BOT: Replaced link(s) to "The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy" with link(s) to "The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy")
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Compare the [[Crisis Crossover]] (a step up in terms of interconnectedness) and the [[Red Skies Crossover]] (a nice big step down.)
== [[Comic Books]] ==
* ''[[Star Wars]]: Vector'' is a '''Cross Through''' of four ''Star Wars'' comic book series that take place during different time periods, featuring an [[Artifact of Doom]] of an ancient Sith Lord that carries a plague of [[The Virus|Rakghouls]]. The plot starts in ''[[Knights of the Old Republic]]'' (the year 3,963 [[Year Zero|Before the Battle of Yavin]] [[A New Hope|[the original film]]]), then cycles through ''Dark Times'' (19-18 BBY), ''Rebellion'' (1-2 ABY), and ends in ''[[Star Wars Legacy]]'' (137 ABY).
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* [[DC Comics]] 90s crossovers like ''Underworld Unleashed'' and ''Day of Judgement'' were [[Crisis Crossover]]s, but some of the secondary books were more Cross Throughs, with characters fighting over-powered villains/ghosts and demons without ever getting involved in the main story, or even learning what was actually going on.
* ''Night of the Owls'', a Bat-family storyline launching just after the [[New 52]]. The idea is that a cadre of rich, influential people have been ruling Gotham ever since its creation. Batman draws their attention by stopping an assassination, finding them, beating their assassin, and escaping from their clutches. In response, they raise an army of quasi-immortal, near super-powered assassins to strike at Batman and ''everyone'' associated with him. Every single Bat-family book faces off against a different assassin during the event.
== [[Fan Works]] ==
* ''[[Drunkard's Walk]]'' crosses over with over a dozen different series, but only one at a time.
== [[Film]] ==
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