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* In the [[Cordwainer Smith]] story "A Planet Named Shayol", criminals are exiled to a prison planet inhabited by an alien parasite that keeps the prisoners alive but causes their bodies to grow extra parts - which the planet's single guard harvests when he visits the prisoners, and sends off-world to be used in organ transplants.
* It's found in spades in the works of [[Sheri S. Tepper]]. In ''Shadow's End'', in exchange for humans being permitted to live on the planet Dinadh, {{spoiler|when a woman experiences her first pregnancy she is then gang-raped by a native race called the Kachis. Several Kachis grow in her womb, eating the human foetus for sustenance. When the woman goes into labour, if there isn?t a special container to restrain the Kachis when they are born, they will proceed to attack the woman.}} In ''Sideshow'' a conjoined-twin brother/sister are attacked by the main villains and {{spoiler|are converted in dinka-jins, artificially enhanced bodies (imagine a human body converted in mechanical parts that can detach themselves from the main core and move about independently).}} In ''Gibbon's Decline and Fall'' the main villain {{spoiler|envisions a world where women exist in mindless suspended animation, the only part of their body utilised is the womb in order to create more men for his "perfect reality".}}
* In ''[[Harry Potter]] and the Deathly Hallows (novel)|Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows]]'', the [[Orifice Evacuation|fate]] [[Face Stealer|of Bathilda Bagshot]] is pretty darned creepy and [[Body Horror]]-esque.
** And then there's the professor with Voldemort's face protruding from the back of his head!
** The Polyjuice Potion. (shudders)...
** "Splinching" is what happens when a person attempts to apparate and accidentally leaves part of themselves behind. It's [[Played for Laughs]] at first...until ''Deathly Hallows'', when Ron leaves behind a good-sized chunk of his arm, and nearly bleeds to death.
** Nearly -Headless Nick. Forty-five axe blows to the neck and ''his head still stays attached by a half-inch of skin!''
** In ''[[Harry Potter and Thethe Chamber of Secrets (novel)|Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets]]'', Harry breaks his arm. Lockhart tries to help, but instead of mending the bones, he ''removes them!'' Yeah, that's right, he ''removes all the bones from his arm,'' leaving Harry with little more than a tentacle with fingers at the end. And then Harry has to regrow the bones in his arms by taking Skele-Gro; Harry compared the healing process to having a million splinters lodged in his arm.
** ''[[Harry Potter and Thethe Prisoner of Azkaban (novel)|Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban]]'' has {{spoiler|Professor Lupin's transformation into a werewolf. Also, the stories of his transformations as a child coupled with the bloodstains and destruction in the Shrieking Shack are pretty horror-inducing, especially as he has to go through a similar process every single month...}}
* In ''[[Deltora Quest]]'', Claw and a few characters from the [[Mordor|Shadowlands]]
** {{spoiler|The Diamond Guardian's vicious and scary pets are biologically attached to him.}}
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