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== [[Anime]] and [[Manga ]] ==
* The Claw from ''[[Gun X Sword]]'' is a really unsettling example. Despite the fact he has a history of killing people, he comes across as a really nice old guy, and even after you actually watch him kill someone onscreen, it's still hard to see the man as a villain. Even his ultimate plan is arguably noble in intent, but it isn't until his [[Villainous Breakdown]] towards the very end do you even get the feeling he might actually be a [[Complete Monster]], and even then, it's so brief that it's still hard to believe.
* [[Suzumiya Haruhi|Haruhi Suzumiya]], though evil might be a bit of a stretch.. All she wants to do is make the world a less boring place. Unfortunately, for the rest of us, [[Comedic Sociopathy|she doesn't seem to comprehend that not everyone shares her]] [[Nightmare Fetishist|sense of fun]], {{spoiler|and perhaps more importantly, doesn't realize that [[Reality Warper|her mere subconscious thoughts have a serious impact on the world around her]]}}.
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* Ulquiorra Cifer (one of Sosuke Aizen's Espada) doesn't understand human emotion (nor does he show emotion). Sosuke Aizen in contrast, comprehends human morality but chose to abandon his morals long ago.
== [[ Comic Books ]] ==
* Lenore from ''[[Lenore the Cute Little Dead Girl]]'' accidentally kills people and animals on a regular basis, but seems a bit too clueless to grasp what she's actually doing.
** She realizes once what she had done throughout the comic, and is thoroughly shocked, while playing with a cute living girl. She ends up accidentally killing her by being too overwhelmed to pay attention to what she was doing.
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* ''[[Bloodshot]]'' in the new [[Valiant Comics]] version began as a brainwashed puppet who was given false memories and made to believe that his black ops missions were justified.
== [[Fan Works ]] ==
* A common trend in ''[[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic]]'' [[Dark Fic]].
** ''[[Cupcakes]]'': Pinkie Pie just wants to throw Dash a party! Specifically, a demented-serial-killer-murders-you party! Isn't it fun being maimed, killed, and eaten?
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* ''[http://hetalia-kink.livejournal.com/21125.html?thread=86901637#t86901637 No Regrets]'' portrays the ''[[Axis Powers Hetalia]]'' nation cast as [[Humanoid Abomination]]s who use their human populations as pawns in wars for the fun of it. Perhaps the best illustration is when Spain takes [[Enfant Terrible|chibi-Romano]] on a tour of the dungeons of the [[Spanish Inquisition]], and they casually kill a prisoner just because [[I'm a Humanitarian|they want lunch]] - they don't even particularly ''like'' human flesh, it was just the nearest thing they had on hand. Throughout it all, they retain their canonical [[Cute Is Evil|adorableness]].
== [[Film -- Animation ] ==
* King Haggard in ''[[The Last Unicorn (animation)|The Last Unicorn]]''.
{{quote|'''King Haggard''': ...They are ''MINE''! They belong to ''ME''! The Red Bull gathered them one-by-one and I bade him drive each one into the sea! ...I like to watch them. They fill me with joy. The first time I felt it, I thought I was going to die. I said to the Red Bull, 'I must have them! I must have all of them, all there are! For nothing makes me happy but their shining, and their grace.' So, the Red Bull caught them. Each time I see the unicorns -- MY unicorns -- it is like that morning in the woods, and I feel young, in spite of myself!}}
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* In ''[[The Nightmare Before Christmas]]'', Jack Skellington ''really'' didn't mean to cause chaos in the Real World by [[Subbing for Santa]]. It just that Jack's idea of fun and humans' idea of fun [[Values Dissonance|are somewhat different from one another]].
* ''[[The Hunchback of Notre Dame (Disney film)|The Hunchback of Notre Dame]]'': Judge Claude Frollo. He is [[The Fundamentalist]] who kills Gypsies and advocates genocide on them, tries to drown deformed babies, as well as lusting after a Gypsy girl named Esmerelda, and declaring that he will burn down all of Paris to find her. He burned down half of Paris, for the record. Through it all, he thought of himself as a [[Knight Templar]] who was never wrong, and convinced himself that it's [[Never My Fault]] about anything. There were a couple points when he might have realized that what he was doing was wrong, but each point became an [[Ignored Epiphany]] in the end. That's insane for you.
== Film -- Live Action ==
* Nurse Ratched, the dictatorial head nurse from ''[[One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest]]'', is likely genuinely trying to help her patients and improve society. ''Or'' it has to do with her being corrupted by power and/or simply being a sadist. Possibly also an example of an [[Unreliable Narrator]], which was much more clear in the book.
* Many of the apes in ''[[Planet of the Apes]]'' didn't realize that the astronauts were sentient.
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* The eponymous monsters in ''[[The Thing]]'' and ''[[The Blob]]'' (original versions ''and'' remakes). There's no proof either monster is malicious or intelligent ("mindless" might describe them) and it's likely both are just predators with no motive other than a drive to feed themselves.
== [[Literature ]] ==
* Perhaps the most famous example, Lenny from ''[[Of Mice and Men]]'' kills mice {{spoiler|and, later, someone's wife}}, by [[And Call Him George|smothering them with affection]]; he doesn't really know what he's doing, because [[Ace Lightning Syndrome|he doesn't realize how strong he is]], and, though he was making progress over the course of the book, {{spoiler|it still causes tragedy at the end of the story}}.
* In ''[[The Divine Comedy]],'' it is this quality which separates those who can be redeemed (and therefore go on to Purgatory) and those who are damned (and thus consigned to Hell). As one angel notes, [[My God, What Have I Done?|even a single tear of remorse]] is enough to allow someone to redeem themselves, no matter how twisted they are...but there are a lot of souls in Hell anyway.
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** Well, {{spoiler|Ender}}, too. After all, {{spoiler|He didn't know all those simulations were real.}}
*** {{spoiler|Especially since he only blew up the Bugger homeworld because he believed that the higher-ups would ''never'' put him in charge of actual ships if they thought he would ''actually'' go to such extremes.}}
* The assassin Jonathan Teatime from the ''[[Discworld]]'' novel ''[[Discworld/Hogfather|Hogfather]]'' does not seem to entirely understand that his actions (and he himself) are evil. As Susan Sto-Helit says when confronting him, "You were the little boy who didn't know the difference between throwing a stone at a cat and setting a cat on fire." Teatime is only an apprentice assassin. Not because he can't perform well, but because he is known within the Assasssin's Guild for ''lack of elegance'' on his assignments, which, in his case, means not only killing the target but nailing the target's head to the wall and killing his family, servants, and household pets on the way out for fun.
* The [[Our Demons Are Different|hadals]] from Jeff Long's ''The Descent'' may be like this, though not much insight is offered into their mental life. They are portrayed, to some extent, as almost sympathetically dumb and not terribly malicious, and yet they are fond of inflicting gruesome, senseless violence for no reason. It seems to be a product of their living environment, the deep, world-encompassing caves that cause peculiar Lamarcian mutations to their inhabitants; humans who colonize these areas quickly either die or assume aspects of the Hadal way of life, including casual cannibalism and sadism towards outsiders. The Hadals have been known to initiate surface humans to their society as a gesture of goodwill, or to replenish their numbers - this involves months of gruesome mutilation and rape.
* [[The Fair Folk|The Gentleman with the Thistle-down Hair]] in ''[[Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell]]'' is very much like this, stealing away people into Faerie in the belief that they'd be happier there, scheming to kill the magicians under the belief of their wickedness while speaking happily of massacring children, and making the life of his good friend Stephen Black a torment. {{spoiler|As Stephen kills him, he admits that the Gentleman only [[Poisonous Friend|meant to help him]]}}. In this case the strife is largely attributable to [[Blue and Orange Morality]].
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* Barry, the vicar-turned-demigod in ''[[Mogworld]]'', genuinely believes that God wants him to "purify" the world by destroying entire towns, brutally murdering and torturing people, and enslaving all of humanity. It doesn't help that God (well...A god) actually did tell him to do this and gave him the power to accomplish it.
== [[Live-Action TV ]] ==
* Maryann Forrester of ''[[True Blood]]''. She uses her supernatural powers to control people's minds and bring a [[Zombie Apocalypse]] upon Bon Temps, and she ritualistically rends her victims and eats their hearts; she doesn't see what the problem is, and she does it not to be evil, but because she sees it as doing an honor to her god.
* Wraith Worshippers from ''[[Stargate Atlantis]]''.
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* In ''[[Star Trek: The Next Generation]]'', Picard suggests this might be true of the Crystal Entity, that it does not discern its actions as wrong any more than a whale can discern preying on a school of krill as wrong. Unfortunately, any chance of peaceful communication with it is ruined by the vengeful mother of one of its victims, and it is destroyed before he can confirm or debunk his theory.
== [[Tabletop Games ]] ==
* In ''[[Warhammer 40,000]]'', some followers/[[The Heartless|demons]] of Nurgle are [[Affably Evil|very happy]] and just want to [[And Call Him George|hug others]] and make them a part of the family of grandfather Nurgle. They don't get why being [[Body Horror|rotting zombies with gaping weeping sores]] (among other things) isn't desirable to others. Nurgle is, quite literally, likened to a jovial grandfather. He's easily the nicest of the Chaos gods.
** Then there's the arguable case of the Thousand Sons, who received so many [[Body Horror|'gifts']] from their patron god Tzeentch that they were beginning to turn from gene-boosted human sorcerers to gibbering monstrosities. Arguable because whilst the [[Eldritch Abomination|denizens of the Warp]] often appear genuinely clueless about the limitations of the mortal physique, assuming that [[Manipulative Bastard|Tzeentch]] acts out of ignorance is [[The Chessmaster|seldom a wise move]].
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** It happened as a part of "thematic" dumbing down, which also resulted in the opposite, association-by-guilt: sometimes spells were assigned to Necromancy despite not fitting its definition (magical manipulation of life/unlife force) just "because they are e-e-evil".
== [[Video Games ]] ==
* In ''[[Immortal Defense]]'', you're introduced to a group of quirky and lovable Points that represent your emotions, which you use to fight enemies. And they go on being quirky and lovable while you use them to {{spoiler|commit genocide, betray a people who worshipped you, and kill millions of relatively innocent aliens while defending -}} BIG FREAKING SPOILER: {{spoiler|- a rock in space that you've deluded yourself is your dead homeworld come back to life.}}
* ''[[Super Smash Bros.]]'' Mr. Game and Watch, according to the [[All There in the Manual|trophy files]], has no concept of morality or good or evil, hence him doing what the bad guys wanted for a while.
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* Graf Michael Sepperin of ''[[Rosenkreuzstilette]]'' had no idea that his idea of fighting against the Empire and sacrificing innocents was wrong, even if it was just to build a new world for Magi and protect Iris. Tia knew she was right to take it upon herself to stop her colleagues. It's too bad that she did not know that {{spoiler|[[Determinator|her determination]] to stop the coup against the Empire [[Right for the Wrong Reasons|was all part of Iris' plan to cause everything that happened to the point of Sepperin's defeat for her own amusement and to usurp God himself instead of Tia's initial belief that the Count was behind it all]]}}.
== [[Web Comics ]] ==
== Web Comics ==
* Possibly Kharla'ggen from ''[[Drowtales]]'', since it's been hinted that she just doesn't have the mental capacity to understand what she's doing, and just wants to play [[And I Must Scream|with her dolls]].
** And eat demons and consume their auras, the only thing that she proactively takes interest in as the theoretical ruler of her clan. Demons and dolls, those are the only real things to Kharla, or so it seems.
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* It's hard to say for certain that Kornada in ''[[Freefall]]'' is this, by "virtue" of his world revolving around himself - completely. At no point has he ever acknowledged or even appeared to consider how much harm his actions have caused. He simply wants more money, and he'll do whatever it takes to get that money, whether it's firing someone so he can retroactively blame them for sabotage if things go wrong, or leaving someone to drown rather than taking the time to save her, or destroying the minds of millions of robots as part of a plan to steal their funds. (It's not that he's good, either - he's never done anything to help someone that hasn't benefited him - but the concept of good and evil seems above his capacity to comprehend. The only distinctions he makes are fair and unfair, and it's only unfair if someone else has something he doesn't.)
== [[Western Animation ]] ==
* This trope was applied when ''[[The Simpsons]]'' Montgomery Burns lost his fortune and Lisa convinced him to be "environmentally friendly". He honestly tried to do the right thing, but....
** What's wrong with Li'l Lisa's Slurry? It's made of 100% recycled sea animal!
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* Stitch from ''[[Lilo and Stitch]]'' doesn't know that his destructive actions end up hurting people. When David points it out to him what he has done, Stitch changes his ways.
== [[Real Life ]] ==
* Many Nazis were just regular people who wanted to support their country and show patriotism. In fact, the population that didn't know the true aspect of what was going on was so prevalent that entire resistance movements, such as Die Weisse Rose, were created not to directly fight against the government, but to inform German citizens as to what was ''really'' going on. That said, the vast majority certainly saw the harassment, discrimination, and violence against non-Aryan people, suggesting that not a few didn't ''want'' to know what the full extent of what was going on.
** As for the perpetrators themselves, many of them unflinchingly realized torture and mass murder because they thought the wholesale extermination of "Untermenschen" ''was a moral imperative.''
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