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** As well as John Wraith. Deadpool did [[Powers as Programs|borrow it from him]], after all. {{spoiler|Which didn't help much when Victor figured out that he teleported in a predictable pattern, and got him to teleport into roughly the same area as Victor's claws, with predictable results.}}
* The Lord Marshal uses a variation of this technique during the final duel in ''[[The Chronicles of Riddick]]''. He splits in two, one being in the original spot, the other being wherever he wants to go, and then chooses on one or the other. In this case, he dies because he's caught by surprise mid-teleport and would be killed in either of the two locations.
* The [[Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (film)|fifth]], [[Harry Potter/Harry Potter and Thethe Half-Blood Prince (film)|sixth]], and [[Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 1|seventh]] [[Harry Potter (film)|''Harry Potter'' films]] have each featured fight sequences like this. In each case, it's the Death Eaters who do it, with their [[Dark Is Evil|trademark black smoke]].
* Used to great effect by Azazel in ''[[X-Men: First Class|X Men First Class]]''. {{spoiler|He's particularly fond of teleporting with someone several hundred feet into the air and then letting go... It also doesn't hurt that it runs in the family since Azazel is Nightcrawler's biological father}}
* Jason Voorhees does this to Eva in ''[[Friday the 13th (film)|Friday the 13 th]] Part VIII: Jason Takes Manhattan'', appearing in and out of her sight, making her unable to escape and in the end appears before her and strangles her.
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* Fletcher from ''[[Skulduggery Pleasant]]'' (said to be the last living Teleporter) has this as his favoured tactic once he's able to teleport more than a few feet. Typically, he'll teleport in increasingly effective weapons to strike an opponent with, before just teleporting away with them when they're sufficiently battered. Ironically, this arguably makes him the most effective combatant in the series despite being the least capable fighter, the weakest, and probably the most cowardly (which all also mean that a sufficiently prepared and powerful opponent doesn't have much trouble with him).
* The characters in ''[[Harry Potter]]'' don't tend to Apparate in the midst of battle quite as often as do the other examples on this page. However, [[Those Two Guys|Fred and George]] take advantage of the spell as soon as they're legally able to. Contrasting them with an older brother, their mother says "Bill didn’t feel the need to Apparate every few feet!" (amusingly, two books previously they complained when their next oldest brother, Percy, also apperated down the stairs and the like just to show he could).
* In ''[[The Grimnoir Chronicles]]'', Faye is the most powerful Traveler that anyone has seen, and she has a knock-down, drag out teleport fight with an Imperium ninja.
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