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Miraculous Ladybug/YMMV: Difference between revisions

Added Fanon Discontinuity and Why Would Anyone Take Him Back?
(Added some tropes)
(Added Fanon Discontinuity and Why Would Anyone Take Him Back?)
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**We've seen canon!Felix, what would canon!Bridgette be like? Assuming you don't think she and Marinette or Socqueline are the same character.
**What would Princess Justice and Verity Queen look and act like?
*[[Fanon Discontinuity]]:
**Season 3 through 5 haven't been received well by fans for a multitude of reasons ([[Locked Out of the Loop|Adrien/Chat being reduced more and more]], Chloe losing her [[Character Development]] and becoming worse as the seasons went on, Felix and especially [[Abusive Parents|Gabriel]] becoming [[Karma Houdini|Karma Houdinis]], '''everything''' about [[Replacement Scrappy|Zoe]], etc). Many wish the show would've ended at season or at least that the later seasons would've been severely rewritten.
**As far as Chloe's fans know, the [[Face Heel Turn]] she made as well as the other awful actions she did in the later seasons '''never happened'''.
**Similarly, as far as they know (though it isn't just Chloe fans who think this) Zoe [[Ret-Gone|doesn't exist]]. And even if she does, she almost never gets the Bee miraculous or any miraculous for that matter.
**The statue scene from 'Puppeteer 2' is disliked for how creepy it is by detractors and fans alike because Marinette sniffs and is generally creepy. 'Determination' made this worse by revealing it's when Adrien fell in love with her.
**The whole episode of 'Derision' due to how demonized Kim is as well as the [[Ass Pull|horrible explanation]] for Marinette's stalkerish tendencies. Essentially it's because of a horrible prank by Kim that traumatized Marinette, however we never see her get PTSD from this event in earlier seasons plus she is able to act normal (well, more normal than herself when she's with Adrien) when she's with Adrien.
**The ''<nowiki/>'if you know each other's identities, you'll lose your miraculous''' rule due to how much the show flip-flops on it as well as it's genuinely seen as an [[Ass Pull]] to slow Marinette and Adrien from knowing their identities.
*[[Fanon]]: Ladybug's akumatized form, she was initially called Miss Fortune, though it has changed to Princess Justice per her and her mother, Sabine, almost getting akumatized. Though both have been used together, Miss Fortune for Ladybug and Princess Justice for Marinette. There's does seen to be canon (or at least third) name in the form of Shadybug, but as of now, it's mostly [[Fanon Discontinuity|ignored]].
**You'll see more fics depicting Felix as Adrien's older brother than cousin.
**Alec is Manon's father. The evidence is he's the only other TV personality on the show, that, like [[Ambiguously Brown|Manon]], is dark-skinned and he and Nadja do seem to be on good terms.
** A few fans headcanon the reason Marinette (or whoever has the ladybug miraculous in fanfiction) had the book is because she was using the Ladybug Miraculous to get back home from school faster or she was using it for personal reasons. The evidence being we don't see Chat Noir with her, the book is the real deal and not a polka dotted lucky charm, and Marinette when watching the video doesn't mention an akuma.
*[[Never Live It Down]]: Chloé undergoing [[Flanderization]] in the season 3 finale is this to her stans.
**For his detractors, anytime Adrien is too oblivious to Marinette's feelings and [[Entitled to Have You|Chat Noir]] makes Ladybug uncomfortable/annoyed.
**For her detractors, anytime [[Stalker with a Crush|Marinette]] is being creepy towards Adrien or Ladybug is rude to Chat Noir.
**The whole class during any Lila episode will get a glut of revenge fics thrown at them.
*[[No Yay]]: Unless you use his [[Jerk with a Heart of Gold|Jerk With A Heart of Gold]] portrayal or tons of [[Fanon Discontinuity]], Felix/Marinette is seen as this.
** To some, the Love Square is seen as this whether because Chat is flirting often goes unrequited or Marinette's crush on Adrien becomes creepy at some points. 'Chat Blanc' and the love square [[Unrequited Love Switcheroo|recently reversing]] has convinced some to stay and gained back some shippers. Though for some, this just reminded people of the [[Arc Fatigue]] and made some people done with the ship for good.
*[[Replacement Scrappy]]: Zoé for Chloé fans, though non-fans of her also think of Zoé as this. The fact she gets this in the same episode she's introduced, complete with [[Character Shilling]], doesn't put her in the best light for some fans.
**This became even worse for Zoé when {{Spoiler|Plagg chose her to become a temporary Cat miraculous holder.}} While Tikki {{Spoiler|choosing Alya}} makes sense since she's Marinette's best friend {{Spoiler|and knows that she's Ladybug}}, outside of her getting [[Character Shilling]] from him, he has no reason to do this. People feel he should've pick a different character like [[They Wasted a Perfectly Good Character|Nino]].
*[[Ron the Death Eater]]: Adrien/Chat has gotten this from people getting annoyed of Chat acting like he was entitled to Ladybug's feelings and Adrien wanting to take the high ground in a lot of situations.
** Marinette/Ladybug has gotten this for being creepy towards Adrien, mean/condescending towards her rivals (Chloé and Kagami) and mean to Chat Noir.
**Majority or all of Ms. Bustier's class for believing Lila's lies over Marinette has made fic writers write up a bunch of revenge fics.
** Zoe is an interesting case. Thanks to [[Replacement Scrappy|her Replacement Scrappy]] status, she's often relegated to not being a bee miraculous or a miraculous at all. Some even just turn her into [[Bitch in Sheep's Clothing]] that only acts nice to make herself look better than Chloe (and to ironically, give her an actual personality). Then there are fics where she [[Ret-Gone|flat out]] [[Fanon Discontinuity|doesn't exist.]]
*[[Sacred Cow]]: Mylene/Ivan.
** Nathaniel/Marc.
*[[Ship Mates]]: The Love Square goes hand in hand with [[Token Minority Couple|Nino/Alya]].
** Luka/Adrien with Marinette/Kagami or Kagami/Chloé.
** Felix/Kagami with Chloe/Luka.
*[[Ships That Pass in the Night]]: Due to both being self-relying villains, people have paired up Felix and Lila up.
** Despite not meeting, there's also Felix/Socqueline, due to the latter's resemblance to [[Fan Nickname|'Bridgette']] (Marinette in the original PV).
*[[They Wasted a Perfectly Good Plot]]:
** In 'The Evillustrator', when the titular villain sees Chat Noir attempting to save Marinette, he accuses Marinette of being like Chloe. Special notice of him saying they both 'lead him on'. We never see this occurring beforehand and as far as the audience knew Nathaniel hated Chloe just for being a bully like everyone.
*[[Unintentionally Unsympathetic]]:
**Minor but anytime Alya gets temporarily taken out by the villain but it's because she was trying to get footage of the battle for her blog.
** Marinette in 'The Bubbler' for some. At the end, she doesn't get the satisfaction of having Adrien know it was her scarf since Nathalie gave it to Adrien as a gift from Gabriel. However, due to her using her Lucky Charm [[Skewed Priorities|to break up Adrien and Chloe and taken advantage of Nathalie being taken to give Amelie her gift]], some take it as karma.
**Mr. Ramier in any of his main episodes. He gets told off for feeding the pigeons. However, Roger is right that not only is it illegal to feed the pigeons in Paris, but feeding them makes them their waste everywhere. However, he gets upset whenever he gets told off for never following the rules/law. This is made worse by the fact it's revealed in later episodes, he's one of the most frequent villains Ladybug and Chat Noir have to fight.
** Jalil in 'The Pharaoh', we're made to feel sorry for him that his father doesn't share his thoughts about the Pharaoh. However, not only is he misusing precious artifacts that could cost [[Strawman Has a Point|his father]] his job but he's aware before he gets akumatized that the ritual needs a sacrifice to work, meaning he was all for sacrificing a human for bringing back the dead.
*[[What an Idiot!|What An Idiot]]: Honestly anytime Alya puts herself in danger for the sake of her blog.
**In 'The Pharaoh', Marinette could have avoided the whole need to lie to Alya if she didn't drop her textbook as Ladybug (why she did that in the first place is never explained).
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***Alya also believes Chloe is Ladybug despite seeing Chloe being saved by Ladybug in the 'Origins' episodes and them being seen at the same time of several battles. This is lampshaded as Nino asks several times if she has proof, Marinette mentions she doesn't check her facts and Chat flat out calls her out on it.
***Lady Wifi has both Ladybug and Chat in her clutches and pulls at her mask instead of her earrings, however that's not the idiotic part. The idiotic part is that Hawk Moth never corrects her and instead tells her to let Ladybug use her lady charm which does seem to work but is thwarted. If Hawk Moth had just told Lady Wifi her miraculous was her earrings, they might've actually won.
*[[Why Would Anyone Take Him Back?]] Ondine regarding Kim in 'Derision'. You can argue since he's remorseful at the end, he deserves a second chance but with all his actions in that episode being so bad, fans were wondering why she didn't dump him.**A huge chunk of the audience had this reactions towards Adrien when it's revealed he knew Lila was lying but was trying to take the high road regarding the situation. This has lessened since he has cut off Lila but this opinion still persists.
**On the flipside, Chat Noir has also gotten this reaction regarding how Ladybug treats him and later how he gets [[Locked Out of the Loop|locked out the loop]] due to her becoming a guardian. Some fans cannot believe it took five seasons for Chat to not have a crush on her anymore.
[[Category:Pages Original to All The Tropes]]
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