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* Orson leaving Bree in ''[[Desperate Housewives]]'' season 6 finale. I have always been a huge fan of the couple, yet I would have had no problem with them breaking up... if only it had been done in a decent way. First of all, it was a [[Ass Pull|half-assed stunt]] to [[Put on a Bus]] the [[Ensemble Darkhorse]] that made season 3 probably the best season ever and managed to go through a gratuitous [[Character Derailment]] remaining at least sympathetic. Secondly, the marriage, despite all the problems it had faced, had resolved in a valid [[Character Development]] for both and a moving [[Crowning Moment of Heartwarming]] in episode 6x14; but in few episodes, the writers had managed to spoil everything. Thirdly, Bree's behavior was utterly weak and illogical, given what Sam had to blackmail her. Seriously, what the hell? For me, [[Desperate Housewives]] ended with episode 6x15, before that stupid Sam-subplot started.
** What really irked me on Desperate Housewives was the last few episodes of this recent season. It's like the writers just got tired of having a subplot with Lynette in every episode, and so they set about just [[Character Derailment|destroying]] her character and Tom's character. We had to have so many episodes where the basic gist was "Tom is doing something, Lynette doesn't like it, Lynette does something against Tom's wishes, [[Sarcasm Mode|hilarity]] ensues, Tom lectures Lynette to be his own man and to respect his choices, and then the ending narration has shots of them tying back to the central theme of honesty or some bullshit". She had issues with him spending time on a new job, she hated being sidelined to extra activities at a business conference, she didn't like his ideas for decorating his office, and she didn't like that he picked their vacation without asking her. It got tiring and made me dislike her so much more. And now they are getting divorced! The one couple that through seven seasons of this show showed that they could stay together through unemployment, hostage situations, unknown love children, cancer, tornadoes, failed businesses, miscarriage, children getting arrested, kidnapping by murderers, and other problems would just suddenly be unable to reconcile and give up their marriage just annoys the hell out of me.
* The whole "I'm insulting your profession, but not you personally" bullshit in the Shindig episode of ''[[Firefly (TV series)|Firefly]]''. It's not like insulting the profession of someone who has great respect for that profession can be taken as a personal affront. It's not like insulting that profession can offend someone personally and it clearly did. And yet you're somehow considered to be better than the [[Designated Villain]] of the episode and will be entirely forgiven because you're Mal Reynolds, everyone's Han Solo self-insert fantasy with less than half the charm. It's a Dethroning Moment because it establishes in this situation that Mal will get away with and be completely absolved of absolutely anything anti-heroic he does, simply because he's the hero. Despite being such a douche, we're supposed to believe that Inara will bail him out for something he got himself into, that his blatant cheating will be accepted by the spectators in a duel that is supposed to have (albeit warped) honor, and that he can just walk away with his "space slut" on his arm that he treated like ass. You can argue that he was absolved because he "fought for her honor," but once we establish that his insults and Atherton's insults are [[Not So Different]], was it really anything more than territorial chest-thumping to establish superiority?
** Wordy word. How can Mal claim to respect Inara "the person" whilst simultaneously disrespecting her choices, her career, her freedom, and her privacy? How can Inara "the person" be separated from the things that make her that person?
** More word. Especially since it remains so unclear what Mal's beef with Inara's profession even is. He just keeps yelling "Whooooooore!!!" at her every chance he gets, but the man's a thief and a murderer - what the hell sort of position is he in to throw stones? Also, he seemed to get along just fine with a (non-Companion) prostitute in ''Heart of Gold'', which suggests that either a) he's fine with prostitutes, as long they know their place and don't try to deny that they're "whooooooooores!!!", or b) he's fine with any prostitute who he can hire, but he takes Inara's refusal to "service" the ''Serenity'' crew even as she keeps taking on outside clients as [[Sleeps with Everyone but You|an insult,]] and that makes him act out. The former would make him an entitled douchebag; the latter would make him a childish asshole. Neither particularly makes me want to watch a show about him.
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