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The Magnificent: Difference between revisions

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'''Barf:''' Yogurt the Magnificent!
'''Yogurt:''' Please, please, don't make a fuss. I'm just plain Yogurt. }}
* Vigo the Carpathian, the [[Big Bad]] of ''[[Ghostbusters II]]''. Also known as [[The Caligula| "Vigo the Cruel",]], [[Zero Percent0% Approval RateRating| "Vigo the Despised",]], [[The Dreaded| "Vigo the Torturer",]], and [[Our Liches Are Different| "Vigo the Unholy."]]
== Literature ==
* In [[C. S. Lewis|CS Lewis]]'s ''[[Narnia|The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe]]'', the Pevensies each get a title during their reign as kings and queens: "Peter The Magnificent", "Susan the Gentle", "Edmund the Just", and "Lucy the Valiant."
** Before becoming king, Peter was earlier given the title "Sir Peter Wolfsbane", in honour of his successful battle against one of the White Witch's wolves.
** In the film, their royal epithets were bestowed by Aslan at their coronation which, while not ''illogical''—he knows quite a bit about the Pevensies—cheapens them, rather. However, since the film pretty much skips over their entire reign, it was the only way to include the epithets at all.
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