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Jigsaw Versus the Punisher: Difference between revisions

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* [[Rasputinian Death]]: {{spoiler|Killer}} gets his nose broken, has his head smashed on a hotplate, catches fire, has his head smashed with a refrigerator door, has half his fingers cut off and the other half broken, has his kneecap, elbow, arm and spine broken, has a leg shot off with a .50 sniper rifle and is punched in the face until his [[Your Head Asplode|head explodes]], all in a single battle.
* [[Sadistic Choice]]: Ronald was given the choice to either have his head chopped off with a chainsaw or to eat his own hand. He chose the former.
** Frank Castle is also given the choice between cutting off his own hands or being [[There Is No Kill Like Overkill|shot point-blank with a shotgun, burned to death and being shot with anti-tank missiles]]. He takes [[TakingTake a Third Option|takes a third option]], which involves him headbutting his hands until they are broken so he can slip out of his restraints.
** In the end, {{spoiler|Jigsaw gives officer John the choice between killing the president or letting Washington get nuked. [[Take a Third Option|Instead, the police let the Punisher loose]]}}.
* [[So Bad It's Good]]
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