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The California Contingency: Difference between revisions

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[[File:170637_1639904491041_1639671367_1465607_3348585_o_2461.jpg|frame|Don't worry, they're nonlethal.]]
{{quote|''“Wait a second.” I said, eyeing my rescuers. “Zack, are you a Time Lord?”''
''He shrugged. ''}}
''[[The California Contingency]]'' is an in-progress [[Self-Insert Fic]] detailing the story of two humans and their friend who might be a Time Lord on a quest to save the future. It's set in the [[Whoniverse]], though no unoriginal characters occupy the main roles, and it drops the space-horror aspect of many of the canon stories for a straight-up adventure that occasionally verges on an [[Action Comedy]]. Can be found [https://web.archive.org/web/20130814220117/http://thecaliforniacontingency.webs.com/ here.]
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While this particular work appears to be unavailable, these works are available:
{{Doctor Who Franchise}}
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