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* Referred to as the "Golden One" in ''[[Krod Mandoon and The Flaming Sword of Fire]]'' because it's [[Genre Savvy|"slightly less cliche"]] than the Chosen One.
* The titular hero in ''[[Legend of the Seeker]]''.
* ''[[Firefly (TV series)|Firefly]]'' desconstructs this with [[The Woobie|River Tam]]. Her exceptional intellect and implied latent [[Psychic Powers|psychic ability]] got her "chosen" - to go straight to [[School for Scheming|the Academy]]. She came out the other end a [[Mind Rape|traumatized]] [[Axe Crazy|mental wreck]] who [[There Are No Therapists|can't be treated]] and suffers from both schizophrenia and [[Power Incontinence|uncontrolled mind powers.]]
* ''[[A Bit of Fry and Laurie]]'' parodies this in the first sketch of season 3, which features a father telling his son that he's the Chosen One just to get him out of the house.
* ''[[The Collector (TV series)|The Collector]]'': {{spoiler|Morgan was God's chosen instrument to discover the cure for Plague, centuries ahead of reality. The Devil successfully distracted him from this role}}.
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