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Step Three: Profit: Difference between revisions

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Phase 2: ?
Phase 3: Curse of Evil Tim (Profit?) }}
**:* Said scam comes with a dose of [[Fridge Brilliance]] when you realize that Ed sometimes repeats thing he sees in comic books..... {{spoiler|and then turns into [[Nightmare Fuel]] when said scam summons a large flock of ravens.}}
*:* Many of Eddy's plans could probably be summed up as this, especially ones where he actually seems to go out of his own way to sabotage, such as randomly putting a bowling pin in a cream puff they were selling (to make it bigger maybe?)
* The [[Corrupt Corporate Executive]] villains on ''[[Captain Planet]]'', when they're not just doing it [[For the Evulz]]. Maybe they're trying to sell pollution...?
{{quote|Phase 1: Pollute the Planet, kill off endangered species, destroy natural habitats.
Phase 2: ?
Phase 3: Profit }}
*:* [[Word of God]] is that this was intentional. The whole point was a [[Green Aesop]], but they just couldn't bring themselves to use realistic people with realistic motivations as villains. Too many kids with parents in those fields watching, you see.
*:* And the [[Very Special Episode]] about HIV/AIDS takes it [[Up to Eleven]]:
{{quote|Phase 1: Spread misinformation about AIDS.
Phase 2: ?
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'''Narrator:''' Such as?
'''Geezer:''' Uh ... I'll think of ''something!'' }}
*:* Eventually, The Geezer does come up with a use for Old Faceful: He opens a car wash.
* One episode of ''[[Tale Spin]]'' had Rebecca [[Compressed Vice|coming up with a number of get-rich-quick schemes of this variety]]. The missing step two seems to be "get brutally slaughtered by hostile natives".
* The villain of ''[[Pound Puppies]] and The Legend of Big Paw'' takes this to an extreme:
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* [[Lampshaded]] in ''[[Phineas and Ferb]]'''s first episode:
{{quote|"I, [[Morally-Ambiguous Doctorate|Doctor]] [[Mad Scientist|Heinz]] [[Punch Clock Villain|Doofenshmirtz]], have covered the entire eastern seaboard in tin foil. And when I put my giant magnet, next to my genius Magnetism Magnifier, I will pull the eastern, in westerly direction, there by reversing the rotation of the earth. You may ask yourself, 'why would he do this? What could he possibly have to gain?' Well, let me just answer that question, I haven't really worked on all the bugs yet. I mean, tin foil alone costs a lot..."}}
*:* At another point, Doctor Doofensmirtz has the ''genius'' plan of stopping all the cars in the Tri-State Area, and only he alone, who has invested in a tow-truck business will become rich! And then he realises that it will be really hard to get his tow-truck through the roads, since they'll all be jammed...
{{quote|'''Doof''': Eh, I'll cross that bridge when I come to it. }}
*:* Yet another example, from "Mom Attractor":
{{quote|Phase 1: '''Doof''': [[Makes Sense in Context|I know it sounds complicated]], but [[Blatant Lies|I've thought this one through]]. [[Makes Sense in Context|Babies cry, everyone's unhappy]]...
Phase 2: ???
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Phase 2: ???
Phase 3: Profit. (Still gets bought out by Microsoft, though.) }}
*:* The internet dot com bubble basically ran on this exact plan, pets.com being the poster child of an ill-defined business plan relying on the mystical powers of the internet to make money when conventional business savvy dictated to look elsewhere.
* This is lampshaded in one of the "U.S. Acres" segments of ''[[Garfield and Friends]]'', where Orson's older brother Gort breaks into the farm and gets into the tomato storage. Orson gets Roy to help, and Roy quickly brings up the obvious: What are they going to ''do'' once they confront him, seeing as Gort is the [[Dumb Muscle| type who can effortlessly flatten them]] with his big toe.
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