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Clap Your Hands If You Believe/Quotes: Difference between revisions

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(moved the quote about the Sphinx from "Pyramids" from All The Tropes:Quotes Looking for An Article to here)
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{{quote|''"Please let magic be real, please let magic be real, please let magic be real. I believe that magic is real right now. I believe so hard in its reality that it is becoming slightly less fake before our very eyes. I believe its fakeness was just a lie coughed up from a dark magician's spurious asshole. I believe in fairies. I believe dragons aren't bullshit. I believe heartily in the giggles of all the cherubs in heaven and the metric tonnes of special stardust they consume each day to fuel their laughter. I believe with the conviction of a million frothing zealots in the combined pranks of a billion leprechauns strong, and in the tiny erections they get from playing them. But most of all, I believe in YOU, [[Hook|Rufio]].
[[Subverted Trope|Aw fuck who am I kidding magic is fake as shit]]."''|'''[[Andrew Hussie]]''' (the fictional one), ''[[Homestuck]]''}}
|'''[[Andrew Hussie]]''' (the fictional one), ''[[Homestuck]]''}}
{{quote|''The Sphinx is an unreal creature. It exists solely because it has been imagined.''|[[Terry Pratchett]]|''[[Discworld/Pyramids|Pyramids]]''}}
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