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"[[It Was a Dark and Stormy Night]]" is the best known example and, by now, a subtrope by itself.
== [[Comic Books]] ==
* Early in ''[[The Long Halloween]]'', Selina Kyle remarks, "It's hot. Years from now, when it gets hot at night, people will say 'Its hot, but not as hot as the night Johnny Viti got married.'"
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== [[Literature]] ==
* In ''[[Nineteen Eighty-Four|1984]]'': "It was a bright, cold day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen".
* ''[[The Jungle Book (novel)|The Jungle Book]]'':
** "Mowgli's Brothers", and thus the book itself, begins, "It was seven o'clock of a very warm evening in the Seeonee hills when Father Wolf woke up from his day's rest..." (One does wonder why Kipling mentions the specific time, since wolves presumably don't have clocks.)
** "Her Majesty's Servants", begins: "It had been raining heavily for one whole month--raining on a camp of thirty thousand men, thousands of camels, elephants, horses, bullocks, and mules all gathered together at a place called Rawalpindi."
* "The sky above the port was the color of television, tuned to a dead channel" from William Gibson's ''[[Neuromancer]]''.
** Which when written meant grey with sparks of white (invoking a thunderstorm), but with the advent of digital tuners could mean either black or an unnatural blue.
* ''There was a desert wind blowing that night. It was one of those hot dry Santa Anas that come down through the mountain passes and curl your hair and make your nerves jump and your skin itch. On nights like that every booze party ends in a fight. Meek little wives feel the edge of the carving knife and study their husbands' necks. Anything can happen. You can even get a full glass of beer at a cocktail lounge.'' — "Red Wind" by [[Raymond Chandler]]
* In ''[[To Kill a Mockingbird]]'', a few paragraphs in you have, "Somehow, it was hotter then: a black dog suffered on a summer's day; bony mules hitched to Hoover carts flicked flies in the sweltering shade of the live oaks on the square."
* [[J. K. Rowling]] seems to be pretty fond of this, instead of just telling you that x months have passed, you get a lovely description of Scottish weather patterns.
* ''[[Discworld/Wyrd Sisters|Wyrd Sisters]]'' parodies this. The narration begins with and keeps mentioning a storm, but in fact the storm is treated as a sentient background character (this ''is'' Discworld, after all).
* ''Surfing Samurai Robots'', about an [[Aliens Steal Cable|extraterrestrial]] [[Ascended Fanboy]] of [[Philip Marlowe]], includes "It was a beautiful night. The air was cooler than it had been during the day, but it was the soft coolness of a silk scarf that had been wrapped around a cold champagne bottle."
== [[Live -Action TV]] ==
* ''[[Dragnet]]'' almost always mentioned the current weather in Los Angeles at the very beginning of the episode.
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