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Defusing the Tykebomb: Difference between revisions

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(BOT: Changing the link(s) to the category page for "Yandere" to point directly to the trope page for "Yandere" instead.)
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Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't; what matters for trope purposes is the intent.
== [[Anime]] &and [[Manga]] ==
* This pretty much is ''[[Monster]]'' summarized in three words.
* The whole comedic point of ''[[Beelzebub]]''. Poor [[Idiot Hero|Oga]] has his work (and life) cut out for him [[Anti-Anti-Christ|to prevent his adopted demon spawn]] from ''erasing humans off the face of the earth''.
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== [[Literature]] ==
* [[Discworld]]'s ''[[Discworld/Sourcery|Sourcery]]'': Rincewind does this to Coin, and the Librarian keeps it good.
* [[Lois McMaster Bujold]]'s Miles Vorkosigan starts this job with his clone-brother Mark in ''[[Vorkosigan Saga|Brothers in Arms]]''. His parents, especially his mother Cordelia, pick up the job in ''Mirror Dance''.
** Technically more of a [[Thicker Than Water]], as in Betan society cloning is a perfectly valid form of reproduction, and as such Mark is a [[Long-Lost Relative]].
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* Prof. Marius, the [[Tall, Dark and Snarky]] teacher of Edgewood Academy, from ''[[The Princess 99]]'' manages to defuse the tykebomb in question here {{spoiler|Axel}} before they destroy the entire school.
== [[Live -Action TV]] ==
* In ''[[Angel]]'' the titular character tries to do this for Connor, with some success. However, Connor quickly develops other reasons for them not to get along, and in any case never fully gets over his prejudice against Angel.
** At least, not until the season 4 finale {{spoiler|when Angel retcons everyone's memories to give Connor a life with a normal, loving family.}} Even in season 5, {{spoiler|when his original memories are restored, the experience has given him a much greater sense of stability and grounding, so by the end of the series he's patched things up with his real father.}}
* ''[[24]]'' surprisingly let this work, rather than [[Black and Gray Morality|forcing Jack to kill a child soldier.]]
* Odo attempts this with a newborn Jem'Hadar on ''[[Star Trek: Deep Space Nine]]''. His attempts to raise the fast-growing child to be more empathetic and less violent fail because the Founders are just that good at manipulating them on the genetic level.
== [[Real Life]] ==
* As child soldiers exsist, so does job of trying to defuse them.
== [[Video Games]] ==
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{{quote|'''{{spoiler|Omega Supreme}}:''' I am {{spoiler|Omega Supreme}}. I am yours to command. I am your pupil. Your dependent. Your obedient servant.
'''Ratchet:''' I am Ratchet. I am... your friend. }}
== [[Real Life]] ==
* As child soldiers exsist, so does job of trying to defuse them.
[[Category:Psychological Combat]]
[[Category:Friendship Tropes]]
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