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* [[Eldritch Abomination| Galeem]], the [[Big Bad]] of ''[[Super Smash Bros|Super Smash Bros Ultimate]]''. Despite being the Lord of Light and the [[Arch Enemy]] of his dark counterpart Dharkon, he's just as much an [[Omnicidal Maniac]] and murderous abomination. While they'd never admit it, Galeem and Dharkon are [[Not So Different]] overall.
* In ''[[Monster Girl Quest]]'', {{spoiler| the first NPC you speak to is Illias, a beautiful angelic goddess who claims to be Luka's divine patron in his quest to defeat the Monster Lord. In truth, much like Alice (the Monster Lord) fits the [[Dark Is Not Evil]] Trope, Illias' motives are not as benevolent as she claims, as she is the true [[Big Bad]] of the game.}}
* The true [[Big Bad]] of ''[[Hollow Knight]]'' is {{spoiler|the Radiance, whom you can only fight if you have the Void Soul equipped when you defeat [[Disc One Final Boss|the previous Hollow Knight]] (who is a vessel for the Radiance). Supposedly, the Radiance was an amoral creator deity until the Pale King (her [[Dark Is Not Evil]] counterpart) swayed her worshippers to his side by offering them sapience and free will. She could almost be seen as something of a [[Tragic Monster]] had she not released the Infection, giving her former subjects a choice between dying from a horrible disease and forfeiting the Pale King's gifts and returning to a life of being mindless drones.}}
[[Category:Light Is Not Good]]
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