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* [[Valley Girl]]
* [[Yuko Kobayashi]]
== The Musk Dynasty ==
=== Herb ===
Ruler of the mysterious Musk Dynasty in deepest China, Prince Herb had never seen a woman since he was weaned from his mother. When told he would soon be expected to take a bride, he captured a monkey and went to Jusenkyo to find out what women looked like. An unfortunate accident involving the Nyanniichuan and the [[Exactly What It Says on the Tin|Ladle of Locking]] ensured, and so (s)he comes to Nerima in search of the Kettle of Opening, which will undo his problem.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by Herb include:}}
* [[Aristocrats Are Evil]]: Thinks nothing of insulting or treating those he thinks are beneath him like trash, or ruthlessly punishing those who object to his haughtiness or the misconduct of his servants.
* [[Attractive Bent Gender]]
* [[Badass Cape]]
* [[Berserk Button]]: Showing him breasts may make him embarrassed, but it also makes him bloody ''furious'' because he remembers how they caused him to get cursed; in fact, he himself likens "breasts" to his draconian "gekirin": the "reverse scale" on a dragon's hide that, when touched, [[Exactly What It Says on the Tin|makes it go berserk with murderous rage]]. On top of that, he's also developed a particular dislike for monkeys, and he'll attack them even without provocation. Therefore, Ranma is ''doubly'' offensive to him because female Ranma happens to look exactly like the very same monkey-girl who dunked him in the spring. This was actually lucky, as his aim was much less accurate while Ranma kept him angered.
* [[Bishonen]]: Somewhat, but doesn't really look particularly feminine beyond the white and pink hair.
* [[Final Boss]]: Of the third [[Super Famicom]] fighting game.
* [[Flying Brick]]: Although Happosai has been seen hovering inside his battle aura, Herb is the only person in the whole series who was depicted actually ''flying'' under his own power (often, without even manifesting said aura).
* [[Gender Bender]]: The only other one in the series after Ranma.
* [[Hoist by His Own Petard]]: Ranma only managed to beat Herb by coming up with a reversed version of the Hiryu Shoten Ha that both took advantage of Herb's ability to make it suck up Ranma instead of Herb and sucked in all of the ki energy that Herb had been throwing around. The result was a downward-aimed blast of energy that caught Herb and smashed him against the ground with such force that the mountain couldn't take any more punishment.
* [[Ki Attacks]]: Although Ryōga, and especially Happosai, are evidently even more powerful ki-generators as such, Herb is able to use freely mould his blasts to somewhat change direction midflight, turn into blades or swords, can regulate its temperature and project cold ki at will, and knows assorted other tricks such as the Hiryu Shoten Ha.
* [[Lego Genetics]]: A maternal ancestor was a dragon that had been turned into a human and [[Mode Lock|Mode Locked]] that way, making him part dragon.
* [[Mode Lock]]: It's looking for a way to undo this that brings him to Nerima in the first place.
* [[Multicolored Hair]]: Most of it is white, held up in a ponytail, but with a patch of navy blue at the center of his forelocks and a light pink hue at the end of the ponytail.
* [[Person of Mass Destruction]]: Capable of making chasms in a mountain by blasting it enough.
* [[Proud Warrior Race Guy]]: The Musk Dynasty was made to be the masters of Beast-Style Kung Fu, so this is a natural effect.
* [[Rapid-Fire Fisticuffs]]: Clearly outmatched Ranma in this area, at least when Herb was in female form.
* [[Worthy Opponent]]: When told that Ranma saved his life, he says that his outmatched opponent may have been a man to be reckoned with after all.
=== Lime and Mint ===
Herb's two most loyal lieutenants, but rather dimwitted in their own right. They have no idea of what has befallen their ruler.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by Lime and Mint include:}}
* [[Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass]]: Sure, they may look silly and bumbling, but they ''are'' Herb's elite personal guards. When they drop the silliness and turn serious, they become freaking ''scary''.
* [[Flechette Storm]]: Mint's favorite opening move is to rain down dozens of daggers upon his foe, [[Knife Outline|pinning him to the wall]].
* [[Lego Genetics]]: Lime inherited [[Super Strength]] from a tiger-turned-human girl that was a female ancestor of his, while Mint got his [[Super Speed]] from a wolf in the same situation.
* [[The Leisure Suit Larry]]: A G-rated version, basically, if only due to ignorance. They're fascinated by the idea of "women" and want to go on dates, touch hands, see their breasts, and otherwise do all of the "neat stuff" that you can apparently do with women.
* [[Mighty Glacier]]: Lime, but only relatively speaking, as he is extremely swift himself. Ryōga specifically noted that, for all his strength, Lime is slower than Ranma, making ''Ryōga'' the [[Lightning Bruiser]] during the encounter.
* [[Proud Warrior Race Guy]]: The Musk Dynasty was made to be the masters of Beast-Style Kung Fu, so this is a natural effect.
* [[Sacrificed Basic Skill for Awesome Training]]: They have absolutely no idea how to do anything besides fight and follow orders... and in the latter case, they still tend to screw things up due to ignorance if it involves anything more complicated than breaking or stealing stuff. Even going shopping is complicated for them... although mostly due to fawning over the very plain-looking cashier...
* [[Sensitive Guy and Manly Man]]: In a way, with Lime playing the burly, silent type while Mint is more straightforward and excitable.
* [[Skilled but Naive]]: They've never been to the outside world, let alone seen real-life women. These fearsome warriors will shrink back into wide-eyed, timid children at the sight of something new.
* [[Super Speed]]: Mint is the swiftest martial artist in the series.
* [[Super Strength]]: Lime is the strongest person in the entire series, capable of almost knocking Ryōga unconscious with a single punch (and then nearly strangling him to death), although with the advantage of some surprise. That aside, he can catch gigantic boulders falling from the air with just one hand, with as much effort as a normal person would use to catch a ping-pong ball. And by pushing his limits he was able to keep a ravine in a collapsing mountain from closing.
* [[There Was a Door]]: Walls? Where Lime walks, there ''are'' no walls. Or solid steel vault doors for that matter.
* [[Those Two Guys]]
* [[True Companions]]: Fiercely loyal to their lord Herb, and care very much for each other.
* [[Weaksauce Weakness]]: With Lime's unrestrained superhuman strength and endurance, or Mint's lightning-fast speed and swords mastery, they'd be practically unbeatable... if they weren't ''so'' easily [[Distracted by the Sexy]]. Or even [[Look Behind You!|the hint of sexy]], followed by a surprise boulder to the head of course. Although Ryōga managed to stand up to Lime fair and square until Mousse gave an extreme opening by throwing Mint at him. He was also the only one of the three who won his fight upfront, but was almost killed before that.
== Rouge ==
Line 142 ⟶ 97:
* [[Split Personality]]: In her human form, acts like a sweet, polite, superstitious and very feminine girl. As Ashura, is much more aggressive, masculine and violent. [[Alternate Character Interpretation|Of course, she could just use the Ashura form as an excuse to vent her own negative feelings]]...
* [[Weaksauce Weakness]]: She can only remain in Ashura form for a little while, as her tremendous backache forces her to retreat to recover even when she has the upper hand of a battle.
== The Jusendo Tribe ==
=== Kiima ===
Saffron's long-suffering spymaster, and general handywoman, possibly including being the captain of his guard, Kiima is sent to retrieve the map from the Jusenkyo Guide so that Saffron may undergo his maturation ceremony. Indirectly, she causes the whole mess with the Nerima Wrecking Crew.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by Kiima include:}}
* [[Evil Knockoff]]: Of {{spoiler|Akane, via Jusenkyo spring}}, to earn Team Ranma's trust.
* [[Proud Warrior Race Guy|Proud Warrior Race Girl]]: Takes her duties ''very'' seriously, no matter the lengths she has to go to.
* [[Razor Wind]]: She's quite skilled at sending out razor-sharp arcs of wind shears with her wings.
* [[Seductive Spy]]: She is mostly a spy per profession, but seems to do a little bit of anything that is required of her, as it is a small society. She can talk to and control large flocks of birds to find information or carry out instructions, uses "Imprinting Eggs" for instant brainwashing, or Jusenkyo waters to pose as a human version of herself, or other female human disguises for spying on or seducing targets.
* [[Speaks Fluent Animal]]: Can speak to birds and use them as spies.
* [[Stripperiffic]]: Her official uniform is basically a sleeveless leotard and boots.
* [[Vain Sorceress]]: Quite vain, [[Berserk Button|turns upset if anybody calls her middle-aged]], and enjoys shapeshifting into younger women.
* [[White-Haired Pretty Girl]]: To match her "dove" motif.
* [[Xanatos Speed Chess]]: Quite adept at coming up with clever, and surprisingly successful plans in the middle of a mission.
=== Saffron ===
This humanoid [[Phoenix]] is the immortal ruler of the Jusendo Bird People. However, although haughty, arrogant, obnoxious and petty, he nevertheless has sufficient concern for his rural citizens to have provided heat and light for centuries.
On the other hand, he has a storage room full of citizens encased in imprinting eggs, so dissidents apparently get brainwashed, but he will at least not stoop to execute his own subjects for misunderstandings, since he let Koruma and Masala go after they beat him up for being obnoxious.
He also has no concern or patience for anyone not of his tribe, and can be underhanded, sadistic, ruthless and even manipulative, if they get in his way.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by Saffron include:}}
* [[Aristocrats Are Evil]]
* [[Big Bad]]: Not technically. The series doesn't have a true [[Big Bad]], and he's simply the last villian introduced. Fanon tends to give him this treatment though.
* [[Glass Cannon]]: On a relative scale. Although still superhuman by ordinary standards, especially due to his regenerative skills, he can't quite withstand the blunt force punishment that the [[Made of Iron]] Ranma characters usually dish out (and receive), and direct hits will daze him simply because he's not built up resistance to getting hit.
* [[A God Am I]]: Averted in [[Canon]]. [[Fanon]] on the other hand...
* [[Healing Factor]]: Taken [[Up to Eleven]]. Any wound inflicted on him, in any way, is healed within seconds (or sooner) through the power of his own flame. When being frozen solid ''and shattered'' forced a massive regeneration, but still failed to kill him, you know you're in the big leagues of [[Good Thing You Can Heal]].
* [[I Have Your Wife]]: Comes up with the idea of kidnapping Akane to use against Ranma.
* [[Immortality Immorality]]
* [[Kamehame Hadoken]]: ''Tenka Shunmetsu Kokyuu Dan'', roughly, "Entire Empire Instant Annihilation Shot". A gigantic, but focused heat ray with the power to go through several mountain spires, vaporize them, and ''keep going''. And he can toss one right after another, with zero recovery or penalty. Your only warning (other than Saffron calling out its name) is a sphere of flame swelling around Saffron's body, giving you no time to dodge...
* [[Ki Attacks]]: Averted: his powers generate raw flame and light, not ki.
* [[No Conservation of Energy]]: In a series where [[Ki Attacks]], [[Super Strength]] and [[Super Speed]] are already commonplace, Saffron still manages to stand out with the sheer amounts of energy his body can generate out of nowhere.
* [[One-Winged Angel]]: His maturation from "powerless kid" to "mountain-vaporizing [[Physical God]]".
* [[Orcus on His Throne]]: There really isn't much else for the adult, mature Phoenix King to ''do'' other than to sit tight and provide ambient light and heat to his subjects, even when he could easily raze the world if he wanted to.
* [[Person of Mass Destruction]]: His power is great enough to let him discharge heat rays that reduce mountaintops to ash, one after another.
* [[The Phoenix]]: Exactly what he is.
* [[Physical God]]: What [[Fanon]] recurrently inaccurately assumes that he is: nobody, not even Saffron himself, refers to him as being a god in canon. He is immortal and powerful enough to vaporise a small mountain though.
* [[Playing with Fire]]: Has several fire-based attacks.
* [[Spoiled Brat]]: Particularly when in his childish form, likely because he is recurringly spoiled by his doting guardians in multiple incarnations.
* [[Superpower Meltdown]]: Part of his maturation process grants him a conscious [[Power Limiter]] to give him controlled use of his extraordinary [[Incredibly Lame Pun|firepower]]. Interrupting his transformation did not decrease said power at all... but he hatched lacking that ever crucial [[Power Limiter]]. He's only too happy to use his flame as dangerously and destructively as possible.
== The Seven Lucky Gods ==
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