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Killing the Goose That Lays the Golden Eggs: Difference between revisions

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== [[Real Life]] ==
* Verizon's castration of [[tumblr]] in 2018: a ham-handed and tone-deaf effort to "sanitize" what was then the Net's largest microblogging site in order to [[Think of the Advertisers!|attract more advertising revenue]] and monetize its communities for fandoms and social movements. It resulted instead in [[Media:Tumblr-pornban-impact.jpg|users abandoning the site by the millions]] and its valuation plunging from over a billion US dollars to just a few million in a matter of weeks. Verizon was ultimately forced to sell the site only eight months later at a fraction of a penny on the dollar compared to what it paid to acquire it.
* Narrowly averted by [[OnlyFans]], which started going down the same road as tumblr in 2021 but apparently was able to learn from tumblr's example -- within two weeks of announcing its intent to restrict "adult" content OnlyFans abruptly reversed course, stopping a similar user base flight which had begun with the initial announcement.
* This is the basic modus operandi of the classic corporate raider, who does it to ''other'' people's Golden Geese for their personal benefit: Find a company that is marginal, making a small but reliable profit, buy it, then dismember it and sell off its pieces and assets for an immediate profit, killing the company in the process. Frequently justified with the claim that if the company didn't have the money to defend itself from a hostile takeover, it didn't ''deserve'' to keep operating.
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[[Category:Pages Original to All The Tropes]]
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