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{{quote|42. Not allowed to attempt to appeal to mankind's baser instincts in recruitment posters.}}
* Psychologist-slash-YouTuber Zulie Rane wrote [https://onezero.medium.com/youtubes-spammy-sex-bots-make-a-ton-of-money-2743bf6e8c19 an article] highlighting the ulterior motive behind the rash of pornographic spambots flooding the comments sections of otherwise-innocent videos. Despite YouTube stating in their terms of service that pornographic content is, at least for the most part, forbidden, apparently they seem to turn a blind eye to the waves and waves of horny spambots either using sex to drive views on otherwise unrelated videos, or stealthily linking to similarly adult-oriented sites, e.g. accounts with a profile picture of some porn model's bare butt and a banner on their profile that shows a half-naked woman with half of her breasts exposed and the call to action "WANT TO F*CK WIT' ME? CHECK OUT THE LINK BELOW", who would then leave cryptic comments blindly praising the video regardless of its content, in hopes that an [[Schmuck Bait|unwitting porn addict]] would be enticed to click it and visit the site in question (spoiler alert: the sites such accounts link to are either romance scams or contain malware).
*''[[OnlyFans]]'' is the current epitome of this trope. Originally created as a "pay for a service" site (and "service" doesn't just mean [[Fanservice]]), during 2018 the site ''exploded'', with Instagram models, pornstars and even actual celebrities posting anything ranging from nudes and erotica to outright porn, with some offering the option of having sex with fans who were willing to pay huge amounts of money. The site became controversial for these "pay for the sex" services tiptoeing around prostitution laws and, given that OnlyFans does take a cut out of the profit the e-celeb makes, many consider it to be an e-pimp. In 2021, after three full years of porn and pay-for-the-sex services dominating the site, OnlyFans announced they were planning to re-rail themselves back into a general service website, with porn being banned. Unfortunately, it turned out that 99% of their users are in fact sex consumers, and, fearing a [[tumblr]]-style collapse of both viewership and profit the site did a U-turn two weeks later, and as of early 2024 the site's reputation will forever be etched into human history as "that one site where you pay women to be sexy".
* Vivamax, an online film streaming service by Filipino media conglomerate Viva Communications (through its subsidiary Viva Films) also quickly gained a reputation for being a purveyor of softcore pornography, especially considering the shaky legality of adult film production in the Philippines where hardcore porn sites are occasionally blocked by ISPs on the grounds of (allegedly) hosting child porn. While Viva chief operating officer Vincent del Rosario dismissed such allegations and claimed that their adult content makes up only ten percent of their streaming library, they couldn't shake off the fact that posters for their juicier softcore offerings show up on Vivamax's [https://www.vivamax.net/ landing page] (warning: somewhat NSFW) front and centre.
== [[Western Animation]] ==
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